Author = Asieh Siahmarguee
Evaluating yield loss of winter wheat in competition with wild rye: a case study of Shahkoh region, Golestan province

Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2023, Pages 161-176


Mohamadi Hadi; Farshid Ghaderifar; Asieh Siahmarguee; Ebrahim zeinali; Javid Gherekhloo

Ecology of seed germination and emergence of common morning-glory (Ipomoea purpurea L.): Invasive weed in Golestan province

Volume 29, Issue 2, August 2022, Pages 221-240


Asieh Siahmarguee; Mohammad Taheri; Farshid Ghaderi-far; Benjamin Torabi

The feasibility of some invasive weeds presence in Golestan province

Volume 25, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 141-153


Hossein Kazemi; Bahnam Kamkar

Investigation of the possibility of increasing efficiency of Pinoxaden and Clodinafop by different application methods of these herbicides

Volume 22, Issue 3, January 2016, Pages 243-260

zeinab Avarseji; Mohammad Hasan Rashed Mohassel; Ahmad Nezami; Asiyeh Siyahmarguei