Author Index


  • Abarvazn, Omid Study on the effect of planting date and plant density on grain yield, yield components, forage quality, oil amount of different safflower cultivars in the Gonbad-e Kavus region [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 117-130]
  • Abbasali Andarkhor, Seyyed The Effect of Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on the Yield of Non-dehiscent Sesame in Sari and Moghan [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 171-188]
  • Abbasdokht, hamid Effect of mycorrhiza and phosphorus on phytochemical and antioxidant properties of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) in intercropping system [(Articles in Press)]
  • Abbasdokht, Hamid Effects of biochar and salicylic acid on some characteristics of (Borago officinalis L.) in water deficit condition [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 93-113]
  • Abbasdokht, Hamid Quantitative evaluation of some biochemical traits participation to drought resistance in quinoa [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 65-84]
  • Abbas Dokht, H. The effects of hydropriming, planting depth and nitrogen split application on grain yield and it’s components of 370 double cross hybrid corn in arid zone [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 149-172]
  • Abbasi, Abazr Effect of salicylic acid and abscisic acid on yield and yield components of common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) under water deficit [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 115-129]
  • Abbasi, Amin Effect of chemical and biological fertilizers on phytohormone changes and absorption of nutrients in different irrigation periods in sorghum [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 85-99]
  • Abbasi, Zahra Evaluation of flowering characteristics, bulb yield and quality in commercial cultivars of short-day onion (Allium sepa L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Abbasifar, Ahmadreza Inoculation of Gleditsia caspica seeds with arbuscular mycorrhiza to increase drought tolerance of saplings [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 101-114]
  • Abbaspoor, Majid Chemical Weed Control in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.) [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 149-162]
  • Abbaspoor, Majid Herbicide Screening for Weed Control in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 89-104]
  • Abbaspour shahmaras, Omme Leila Interaction of Fe and Si On Some of Biochemical Characteristics of Chickepea (Pisum Sativum Cv. Wando) In Greenhouse Conditions [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 103-119]
  • Abbas zadeh, Bohlul Enhancement of phenoilc compounds of olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf with soil application of chemical and organic fertilizers [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 179-198]
  • Abdi, O. Analysis of yield status and it its relation with leaf area in wheat fields based on interpolation methods (A case study in army fields, Golestan province) [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 47-69]
  • Abdi, S. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Abdolhosseini, Mohammad Simulation of Yield and Water Productivity in New Bread Wheat Cultivars Using DSSAT-Nwheat Model [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 103-124]
  • Abdollahi, Ali Investigation of the effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on morphological, physiological, and antioxidative enzymes of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 23-45]
  • Abdollahi, Farzin Evaluation of yield and constituent compounds of fresh and dried Lavandula angustifolia L. essential oil in different harvesting times [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 153-170]
  • Abdollahi, Hamid Multivariate analyses of phenotypic traits in some specious of Pear (Pyrus spp. ) [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 177-194]
  • Abdollahi, Mohammad Reza Effect of growth regulators on micropropagation and bulblet formatiom in local clones of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Hamedan by meristem culture. [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 59-69]
  • Abdollahi Mandolkani, Babak Assessment of diversity in Gami Almasi apple rootstock (Malus × domestica cv. Gami Almasi) progenies by morphological attributes [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 165-179]
  • Abdollahi Mandoulakani, Babak Study of some morphological, physiological traits and antioxidant enzymes activity in Sonchus arvensis L. under salt stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 65-84]
  • Abdolzadeh, Ahmad Effect of silicon and nano silicon application on wheat (C3) and sorghum (C4) under salinity stress [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 173-190]
  • Abedi Gheshlaghi, Ebrahim Study on phenological growth stages of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) Hayward in the west of Guilan [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 97-116]
  • Abedi Gheshlaghi, Ebrahim Investigation of flower phenology , xenia, and metaxenia in some of commercial hazelnut cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 155-171]
  • Abedi Gheshlaghi, Ebrahim The effect of foliar application time of urea and some microelements on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of kiwifruit cv. Hayward [(Articles in Press)]
  • Abedini Aboksari, Hassan Effect of combined foliar application of calcium and potassium on the shelf life and quality of Thomson Navel orange [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 63-82]
  • Abedy, Bahram Induction of Morph-Physiological and Biochemical Alternation of Salvia Officinalis L. by Manipulating Light Spectrum [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Abhari, Abbas Effect of salicylic acid on physiological N efficiency and water use efficiency of barley in cut irrigation condition [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 187-200]
  • Abshahi, Maliheh Study on the season of cutting, substrate and coconut juice on the rooting of Maymars juniper cuttings [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 15-28]
  • Adab, Hamed Spatial yield prediction of winter rapeseed based on non-parametric methods (Application in spatial agricultural planning) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 199-217]
  • Adouli, Babak Investigation on genetic diversity of some unknown genotypes of citrus in Iran according to morphological and molecular characteristics based on ISSR and PCR-RFLP markers [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 73-85]
  • Aelaei, Mitra Morphological evaluation of Asparagus azerbaijanensis accessions and effect of drought stress on Iranian asparagus seedlings growth [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 209-224]
  • Aelaei, Mitra The effect of phenylalanine and salicylic acid facilitators on the production of secondary metabolites in the capillary roots of Silybum marianum L. under in vitro conditions [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 17-34]
  • Aelaei, Mitra The effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus velezensis bacteria on tolerance to salinity stress in orange marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 189-211]
  • Afrasiab, P Effects of soil suction and salinity of water on yield and yield components of cotton [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 295-311]
  • Afshari, Farzad Assessment of diversity of bread wheat genotypes based on yield and yield-related traits under yellow rust disease stress condition (Puccinia striiformis) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 61-84]
  • Afzalifar, Amin Assessment of diversity of bread wheat genotypes based on yield and yield-related traits under yellow rust disease stress condition (Puccinia striiformis) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 61-84]
  • Agaee, Ahmad Interaction of Fe and Si On Some of Biochemical Characteristics of Chickepea (Pisum Sativum Cv. Wando) In Greenhouse Conditions [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 103-119]
  • Aghaei, Kaivan Effect of chemical, organic and biological fertilizers on growth and physiological characteristics of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Guilan province [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 55-68]
  • Aghaiy, Parviz Evaluation of transplanting effect on growth and yield in some broccoli (Brassica Oleracea L.) cultivars as second crop after rice havesting under Guilan climatic condition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 213-227]
  • Aghajani, Mohammad A forecasting model for potato late blight in Gorgan [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 99-116]
  • Aghamolai, Akram Reaction to septoria leaf blotch in a number of elite genotypes of bread wheat [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 329-335]
  • Aghdam, Morteza Soleimani Enhancement of postharvest chilling tolerance in anthurium cut flowers by salicylic acid treatment via enhancing GABA shunt activity [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 229-243]
  • Aghdasi, Mahnaz Optimization of direct and callus mediated regeneration of Jatropha curcus through in vitro organogenesis [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 117-134]
  • Aghighi, Sonia The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation combined with plant growth-promoting bacteria on the growth and photosynthesis indices of two cultivars of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Agooshi, M. Effect of Zeolite application on the yield and quality of soybean under water and non-water stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 173-187]
  • Ahadzadeh, Mahsa Investigation on the effects of intensity and quality of LED lights on in-vitro regeneration & growth of yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 1-20]
  • Ahmad, Abdulzadeh Effect of sucrose and glutamine foliar spray on seed yield and nutritional value in three broad bean cultivars [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 151-169]
  • Ahmadi, A. Pathogenicity variation of Pythium ultimum on safflower under lab, greenhouse and field conditions [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 157-172]
  • Ahmadi, Fatemeh Evaluation of some physiological and morphological characteristics of three genotypes of the ornamental pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) under salt stress [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 167-186]
  • Ahmadi, K. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Ahmadi, Madeh Evaluation of the effect of endophyte and melatonin on the improvement of stevia root growth as affected by salinity under hydroponic conditions [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 21-38]
  • Ahmadi, Masoud Evaluation of sugar beet S1 pollinator lines using drought tolerance indices [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-84]
  • Ahmadi, Masoud Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in spring and autumn cultivation under conditions of rhizomania infection [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 115-126]
  • Ahmadi, Masoud Investigating the genetic diversity of sugar beet half-sib families under natural infection conditions to cyst nematode and rhizomania diseases [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 177-195]
  • Ahmadi, Mehrzad Evaluation of yield stability of promising winter rapeseed lines in cold and semi-cold climate of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 67-84]
  • Ahmadi, Mehrzad Evaluation of genetic diversity of different pigeon pea genotypes in the National Plant Gene Bank of Iran using morphological traits [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 115-137]
  • Ahmadi, Mehrzad Investigation of the genetic diversity of the gene bank green bean collection [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 67-88]
  • Ahmadi Lahijani, Mohammad Javad Freezing tolerance of grass species under controlled conditions [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 89-106]
  • Ahmadpour Dehkordi, Susan Effect of different seed priming on germination traits in Black cumin (Nigella sativa) under salinity stress [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 1-26]
  • Aien, Ahmad Effect of Tillage Systems, Crop Residue Management, and Planting Pattern on Some Physiological Traits, Seed Yield, and Oil Content of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ajami, Taher Evaluation of 2,4-D leaching potential via soybeans and cucumbers bioassay at different levels of manure [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 141-160]
  • Ajani, Ahmad Differential display of heat stress tolerance of olive cultivars ‘Zard’ and ‘Direh’ based on physiological and biochemical indexes as well as PPO and PAL genes expression pattern [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 65-79]
  • Akbari, Arezoo The effect of low temperature on fruit yield, quality and antioxidant properties of physalis under foliar spray of amino acids and selenium [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 43-65]
  • Akbar Loni, A. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Assessment of growth indices of soybean, vegetative sweet basil and borage in intercropping different ratios [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 1-26]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Effect of fertilizer sources on physiological and biochemical traits of rosemary (Rosmarinusofficinalis L.) in competition with weeds [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 67-84]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Investigating the effect of sulphur and silicon on some morphological and phytochemical properties of garlic [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 263-281]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Effect of Explant Types and Growth Regulators on Callus induction and Secondary Metabolites of Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 59-72]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Effect of methanol and ethanol foliar application on some growth characteristics and some of secondary metabolites thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 213-229]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Investigation biochemical characteristics and yield of savory (Satureja hortensis L.) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- greacum L.) in intercropping conditions with simultainous weed competition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 1-23]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Investigation of nano-iron and nano-zinc application on some qualitative and quantitative traits of Lallemantia royleana Benth [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 197-216]
  • Akbarpour, Vahid Evaluation of the combined use of auxin and nutrients for root stimulation in stem cuttings of Ligustrum lucidum [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Akhgari, Hasan Effect of combined foliar application of calcium and potassium on the shelf life and quality of Thomson Navel orange [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 63-82]
  • Akhgari, Hasan Evaluation of physiological growth indices and radiation use efficiency in different peanut genotypes in Guilan province [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 209-224]
  • Akhlaghi, Mahdi Evaluation of Antifungal Effect of Thyme and Peppermint Essential Oils and Their Major Monoterpenes in Controlling Verticillium Fungus on Pistachios [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 183-199]
  • Akhund Radkani, Hengameh Investigation of Resistance Selected Varieties and Relationship with Increase Grain Yield by Fusarium head blight in Wheat Cultivars from Northern Iran [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 17-32]
  • Alaeddin, M.Z. Piriformospora indica mutualistic effect on Cynara scolymus (L.) under water and saline stress [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 37-57]
  • Alahdadi, Iraj Changes of seed quality and germination of some black cumin ecotypes (Nigella sativa L.) during development and maturity [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 227-240]
  • Alami-Milani, Morteza Effect of salicylic acid and abscisic acid on yield and yield components of common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) under water deficit [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 115-129]
  • Alasti, Omid An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Alemardan, Ali Quantification of changes in morphophysiological and biochemical criteria of Satureja rechingeri Jamzad under salinity stress using nonlinear models [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 39-59]
  • Alemzadeh Ansari, Naser The effect of magnesium aminochelate and seaweed (Sargassum angustifolium) on improving growth and quality characteristics of cucumber in magnesium-deficient nutrient solution [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 149-170]
  • Alimagham, Majid An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Alimagham, ُSeyedmajid Estimation of post-harvest losses/wastes for agricultural products in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Alinejad Elahshah, Ara Flowering and fruit yield of ‘Aromas’ strawberry as affected by zinc and boron in hydroponic cultivation [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 43-63]
  • Aliniaeifard, Sasan The effect of light spectrum and thidiazuron plant regulator on embryogenesis and photosyntesis system of phalaenopsis orchid [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 197-206]
  • Aliniaeifard, Sasan Moderate salinity stress and its effect on water conservation capacity of in vitro plants of Persian walnut during desiccation [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 85-99]
  • Aliniaeifard, Sasan Evaluation of the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the amount of hydrogen peroxide in obtained using hybrid seedlings rootstock from intraspecific and interspecific crosses (P. vera × P. integerrima) under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 33-59]
  • Aliniaeifard, Sasan Introducing inexpensive in vitro solid culture medium for producing high quality Phalaenopsis orchid plantlets [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 101-117]
  • Aliniaeifard, Sasan Effects of adding far-red light to the photosynthetic active spectrum on growth and morphological characteristics of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under controlled conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 149-164]
  • Aliniaeifard, Sasan Induction of Morph-Physiological and Biochemical Alternation of Salvia Officinalis L. by Manipulating Light Spectrum [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Alipour, Hadi Assessment of diversity of bread wheat genotypes based on yield and yield-related traits under yellow rust disease stress condition (Puccinia striiformis) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 61-84]
  • Alipour, Hadi Evaluation of the effect of endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica symbiosis on improving of growth characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea cv. Tomahawk) under drough stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 141-164]
  • Alirezalu, Abolfazl Investigation of genetic diversity among Verbascum species in West Azerbaijan province by morphological and phytochemical markers [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 123-142]
  • Alirezalu, Abolfazl The effect of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) foliar application on some biochemical characteristics and expression pattern of PAL and CHS genes in Qızıl Uzum grape (Vitis vinifera L.) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 125-148]
  • Alizad, Leila Effect of chemical, organic and biological fertilizers on growth and physiological characteristics of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Guilan province [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 55-68]
  • Alizade, Mahdi Study of morphological characteristics of different Berberis. spp genotypes in northeast of Iran [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 75-91]
  • Alizadeh, Bahram Yield Stability Assessment of Winter Oilseed Rape Lines in Cold Regions of Iran Using AMMI Model [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 85-96]
  • Alizadeh, Mahdi The effect of harvest time and storage period on some qualitative characteristics of fruit and check correlation this charcteristics with calcium and potassium content of fruit texture in Abbot and Hayward kiwifruit cultivars. [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-12]
  • Alizadeh, Mahdi Evaluation of joint application of auxin and some chemical compounds to induce root in olive cuttings [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 41-54]
  • Alizadeh, Mahdi Evaluation of Physicochemical Traits of Thorny and Thornless Blackberries at Ripening and During Storage [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 21-39]
  • Alizadeh, Mahdi Evaluation of the response of two Strawberry cultivars to biological fertilizers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Alizadeh, Mehdi Evaluation of the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the amount of hydrogen peroxide in obtained using hybrid seedlings rootstock from intraspecific and interspecific crosses (P. vera × P. integerrima) under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 33-59]
  • Alizadeh, Neda Evaluation of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) intercropping advantage under row-replacement and additive series [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 183-204]
  • Alizadeh, Yaser Effects of seed priming and foliar application of salicylic acid on some of physiological characteristic and yield on mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) under drought stress condition [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 127-141]
  • Alizadeh, Zeynab Effect of irrigation water bicarbonate on leaf chlorosis, photosynthetic pigments and iron uptake of kiwifruit seedlings. [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-18]
  • Alkhan, Mojtaba Investigation of Resistance Selected Varieties and Relationship with Increase Grain Yield by Fusarium head blight in Wheat Cultivars from Northern Iran [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 17-32]
  • Allahveran Oosalo, Afsaneh The effect of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) foliar application on some biochemical characteristics and expression pattern of PAL and CHS genes in Qızıl Uzum grape (Vitis vinifera L.) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 125-148]
  • Amani, Masoumeh Effect of planting density on properties of peppermint. [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 137-141]
  • Amani, Mina Investigating the effect of combining different weed control methods on vegetative growth and harvest index of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 69-88]
  • Amanifar, Setareh In vitro characterization of the salt tolerance conferred by some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to liquorice [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 183-203]
  • Amerian, Masoomeh Effects of different levels selenium and nitrogen on some growth and biochemical characteristics of onion (Allium cepa L.) plant [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 119-135]
  • Amin Ghafori, A. Comparison of environmental impacts for dryland and irrigated barley agroecosystems by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 243-264]
  • Amini, Sheno Effect of Ectomycorrhizal fungi symbiosis and mycorrhiza helper bacteria (Bacillus cereus) on nutrient uptake and growth of Black pine (Pinus nigra) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 249-264]
  • Amini, Soniya Investigation of genetic diversity among Verbascum species in West Azerbaijan province by morphological and phytochemical markers [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 123-142]
  • Aminian, Sheyda Effects of different ratios of nitrogen on regeneration and secondary metabolite production of Lilium ledebourii [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 201-219]
  • Aminian dehkordi, Roghayeh The effect of covariate of alternate bearing in adaptation studies in olive (Olea europaea L.) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 229-247]
  • Aminifar, Reyhaneh Effects of Girdling treatment and Forchlorfenuron spray on quality and storage life of Hayward kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. ‘Hayward‘) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 89-102]
  • Aminifard, Mohamad Hossein Effect of drought and salinity stress on flower quality, biochemical changes and ions concentration of Narcissus tazetta cv. ‘Shahla’ [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-221]
  • Aminifard, Mohammed Hossein Effect of gibberellin cacid hormone and mother corm weight on vegetative and reproductive growth of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 153-165]
  • Amini hajiabad, Alireza The effect of rhizosphere bacteria isolated from halophyte plants on some growth characteristics of Triticum aestivum L. (var. Narin). [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 165-182]
  • Amini nasab, Reza Micropropagation of Red Bell Pepper hybrid cultivar (Capsicum annuum L.) through in vitro axillary buds proliferation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Aminpanah, Hashem Efficacy of some new herbicides for barnyardgrass controlling (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv) in different rice genotypes [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 169-184]
  • Amirbakhtiar, Nazanin Evaluation of yield stability of promising winter rapeseed lines in cold and semi-cold climate of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 67-84]
  • Amiri, Ali Effect of Different Intercropping Patterns of Common millet and Cowpea on Yield and Yield Components [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 205-230]
  • Amiri, Mohammad Behzad Factor analysis of water use efficiency and some quantitative characteristics and yield in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) affected by application of nitrogen and ecological inputs in conditions of drought stress [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 19-39]
  • Amiri, Mohammad Esmaeil Association mapping for pomological traits in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) using ISSR markers [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 143-155]
  • Amiri, Mohammad Esmaeil Effects of rootstock type on morphological and biochemical markers related to salinity tolerance in almond cultivar Shahrood-12 [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 79-95]
  • Amiri, Seyedreza Modeling chickpea yield of rain-fed in dormant seeding using general circulation models in west and north western of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 187-208]
  • Amiri, Seyedreza An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Amiri, Seyedreza Estimation of post-harvest losses/wastes for agricultural products in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Amirnezhad, Hamid Investigation of plant biodiversity in an agricultural landscape (Case study: Dasht-e- Naz, Sari) [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-24]
  • Ansari, Afsaneh Effect of nitrogen source on growth parameters, chlorophyll content and some elemental concentration of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in soilless culture conditions [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 185-198]
  • Ansari, Mohammad Hossein Effect of combined foliar application of calcium and potassium on the shelf life and quality of Thomson Navel orange [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 63-82]
  • Ansari, Rasoul Effect of combined foliar application of calcium and potassium on the shelf life and quality of Thomson Navel orange [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 63-82]
  • Ansari, Roshanak Evaluation of changes in photosynthetic parameters, mucilage content and yield components of Viola ignobilis Rupr. in response to bio-stimulants application and light intensity [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 17-41]
  • Arab, Mostafa Effect of medium, explants and BA on somatic embryogenesis induction in tow Iranian native orchids [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 119-132]
  • Arab, Safiye Studying the relationship between seed yield and soybean physiological traits under the influence of brown seaweed extract and accelerated aging [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 79-101]
  • Arab ameri, Rahele An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Aran, Mahdi Production of Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. on agricultural wastes and evaluation of total polysaccharide and yield [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 139-162]
  • Aran, Mehdi Investigating the optimization of different substrate on some quantitative and qualitative atributies of golden oyster mushroom (Pleurotus citrinopileatus) [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 173-193]
  • Arefbeyki, M. The effects of hydropriming, planting depth and nitrogen split application on grain yield and it’s components of 370 double cross hybrid corn in arid zone [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 149-172]
  • Arghavani, Masoud The effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus velezensis bacteria on tolerance to salinity stress in orange marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 189-211]
  • Arji, Issa The effect of growth regulators on micropropagatin of GF677 rootstock under liquid mediumconditions [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 43-57]
  • Armin, M. Effect of planting date and plant density on yield, yield components and active components of bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis L.) [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 17-35]
  • Armin, Mohammad Spatial yield prediction of winter rapeseed based on non-parametric methods (Application in spatial agricultural planning) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 199-217]
  • Arminian, Ali Evaluating the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of some strawberry genotypes using PLS-PM approach [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 243-262]
  • Aroiee, Hossein Effects of Indol-3-butyric acid and Agrobacterium rhizogenes on the rooting of hardwood cuttings of EM9 and MM106 apple rootstocks [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 165-184]
  • Arowin, Mohammad Javad The effect of foliar spraying of salicylic acid and silica on improving the quality of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera) mazafati digit [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 77-97]
  • Arshad, Yousef Screening of Bread Wheat Genotypes for Identifying Tolerance Genetic Resources to Salinity [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 1-23]
  • Arshan, Kolsoum Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on morpho-physiological characteristics of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under salinity stress [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 85-102]
  • Aruei, Hossein Investigation the response of some photosynthetic attributes of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) to different active coal concentrations with several solvents [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 23-49]
  • Aruei, Hossein Effect of inoculation of Rhizobium leguminosarum in combination with different levels of Peseudomonas fluorescens on some quantity traits of Vicia faba [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 223-241]
  • Aruei, Hossein Evaluation of Some Morphological Traits and Amount of Vinblastine, Vincristine and Ajmalicine Alkaloids in Different Organs of Prewinkle Cultivars (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. DON) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 53-66]
  • Aruei, Hossein Induction of Morph-Physiological and Biochemical Alternation of Salvia Officinalis L. by Manipulating Light Spectrum [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Arzanesh, Mohammad Hossein Effect of black summer truffle fungus (Tuber aestivum) on the activity of antioxidant enzymes of oak (Quercus castaneifolia) and paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) under water stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Arzani, Ahmad Evaluation of some bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of leaf methanolic extract and flower essential oil content from different cultivars of Chrysanthemum morifolium [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 133-143]
  • Asadi, Ghorbanali Assessment of growth indices of soybean, vegetative sweet basil and borage in intercropping different ratios [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 1-26]
  • Asadi, Ghorbanali The effect of cropping pattern and manure rates on competitive indices and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 199-213]
  • Asadi, Ghorbanali Onion (Allium cepa L.) seed yield improvement by intercropping with ajwain (Carum copticum Heirn) and chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 41-60]
  • Asadi, Mohammad Esmaeil Comparison of carbon sequestration potential of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) in two conventional and conservation cropping systems (Case study: Gorgan city) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 235-253]
  • Asadi, R Effects of soil suction and salinity of water on yield and yield components of cotton [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 295-311]
  • Asadi Kangarshahi, Ali The Impact of Elicitors on Growth and Photosynthetic Traits of Sour Orange Rootstock Under Waterlogging Stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Asadi Sanam, Samaneh Enhancement of phenoilc compounds of olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf with soil application of chemical and organic fertilizers [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 179-198]
  • Asadi-Sanam, samaneh Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on some biochemical characteristics of barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Sahra) under salinity stress [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 171-189]
  • Asadolahi, Omid Multivariate analyses of phenotypic traits in some specious of Pear (Pyrus spp. ) [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 177-194]
  • Asgarian, Zahra Sadat Effect of 24- Epibrassinolide foliar application on the “Camarosa” strawberry plant growth and fruit yield under salinity stress condition in soilless culture [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 169-183]
  • Asgarpour, Rayhaneh Evaluation of different management methods for dodder control (Cuscuta monogyna) on common privet (Ligustrum vulgar) in Mashhad landscape [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 313-327]
  • Asghari, Ali Physiological and morphological responses of two barley varieties and their progenies to toxic effects of Lead [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 205-227]
  • Asghari, Behvar Evaluation of of yield, essential oil and productivity indices in different planting combinations in the intercropping of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and lentil (Lens culinaris) [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 83-99]
  • Asghari, Hamidreza Effects of biochar and salicylic acid on some characteristics of (Borago officinalis L.) in water deficit condition [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 93-113]
  • Asgharipour, Mohammad Reza Effects of organic, biological and chemical fertilizers on quantitative traits of seedless barberry [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 87-100]
  • Asgharipour, Mohammad Reza Effect of Tillage Systems, Crop Residue Management, and Planting Pattern on Some Physiological Traits, Seed Yield, and Oil Content of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Asghari Zakaria, Rasoul The induction of polyploidy by using of colchicine and its identification through cytological traits in Lilium dandie [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-44]
  • Ashnavar, Mahboubeh Investigation of nano-iron and nano-zinc application on some qualitative and quantitative traits of Lallemantia royleana Benth [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 197-216]
  • Ashnavar, Mahboubeh Comparison of the effect of nitrogen Nano-fertilizer and urea fertilizer on some properties of yew (Taxus baccata L.) [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 109-125]
  • Ashourpour, Masoumeh Studying of chloroplast diversity in some apple genotypes from North-West of Iran in comparison of some Alborz genotypes, commercial cultivars and rootstocks [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1-15]
  • Ashrafei Kolteh, Gol Mohammad Genome-wide analysis, annotation and expression profile analysis of VDAC gene family in Rosa chinensis [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 111-132]
  • Askari Seyahooei, Majeed Isolation and morphological and molecular identification of important endophyte fungi of Pistacia mutica in Hormozgan province and their effect on increasing salt stress tolerance of California Wonder 3 pepper seedlings [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 41-64]
  • Askary, Shima The effect of nitrogen nutrition and ethephon spray on flowering and some photosynthetic characteristics cucumber Victor [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 129-142]
  • Aslani, Payam Evaluation of agronomic traits and yield of wheat promising genotypes in Zanjan region [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 1-16]
  • Atabati, Azadeh Spatial yield prediction of winter rapeseed based on non-parametric methods (Application in spatial agricultural planning) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 199-217]
  • Atashi, Sadegh Effects of 6-Benzyladenine on total nonstructural carbohydrates and water-soluble carbohydrates of tall fescue leaves subjected to drought stress [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 215-231]
  • Avarseji, zeinab Investigation of the possibility of increasing efficiency of Pinoxaden and Clodinafop by different application methods of these herbicides [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 243-260]
  • Avarseji, zeinab Evaluation of 2,4-D leaching potential via soybeans and cucumbers bioassay at different levels of manure [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 141-160]
  • Avarseji, زینب Monitoring the effects of bentazon, betanal progress and nicosulfuron herbicides on Kautsky curve changes [(Articles in Press)]
  • Avazabaian, Aliakabr Investigation on dynamic of pollen flow and its relation with fruit set in pistachio (pistachia vera) trees [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 57-77]
  • Aynehband, Amir Evaluation of biological fertilizers and micronutrient elements effects on yield and some agronomic traits in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 205-210]
  • Aynehband, Amir Evaluation of Agro-chemical characters of wheat agro ecosystem as affected double cropping systems and bio- chemical fertilizer management [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 71-84]
  • Aynehband, Amir Agro-Ecological evaluation of influence of Sesame crop residue management method and integrated chemical and biological fertilizer on Wheat grain yield [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 59-78]
  • Aynehband, Amir Investigation of the effect of combined application of pre-planted and post-emergence herbicides on yield and yield components of wheat [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-140]
  • Ayoobi, Akhtar DNA barcoding of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. in Iran using chloroplast genes (rbcL and matK) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 115-130]
  • Azadi, Modarres In vitro characterization of the salt tolerance conferred by some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to liquorice [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 183-203]
  • Azadi, P. Production of Delphinidin Anthocyanin in the Flower Petals of Gerbera by Agroinfiltration of Flower Color Gene Constructs [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 145-164]
  • Azadi, Pejman The effect of drought stress on morphophysiological characteristics of Verbascum thapsus during plant growth stages [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 227-243]
  • Azadi, Reza Evaluation of genetic diversity of some tea genotypes attributed to Darjeeling in Iran using ISSR markers [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 47-63]
  • Azarmi, Rasool The effect of foliar spraying with selenium on some morphological and physiological indicators of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) under cadmium stress in hydroponic culture [(Articles in Press)]
  • Azarmi, Rasoul Effect of salicylic acid on some morphological properties, growth and yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under shading conditions [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 191-204]
  • Azarmi, Rasoul Use of symbiotic fungi to reduce the phytotoxic effect of chromium in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 57-75]
  • Azarmi, Rasoul The effect of foliar spraying with putrescine on some morphological and physiological parameters of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under drought stress conditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Azizi, Khosro Effect of drought stress on yield and yield components and radiation use efficiency of three types of red, white and pinto beans [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Azizi, M. Effects of seed pretreatment with salicylic acid on germination of four fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) landraces under salinity stress [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
  • Azizi, Majid Cloning and sequencing of p- insulin gene isolated from Momordica charantia and in silico analysis of three dimension of protein structure [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 279-288]
  • Azizi, Majid Evaluation of Some Morphological Traits and Amount of Vinblastine, Vincristine and Ajmalicine Alkaloids in Different Organs of Prewinkle Cultivars (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. DON) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 53-66]
  • Azizian, Amir Evaluating the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of some strawberry genotypes using PLS-PM approach [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 243-262]
  • Azizi Arani, Majid Investigation the response of some photosynthetic attributes of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) to different active coal concentrations with several solvents [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 23-49]
  • Azizzadeh namin, Saeid Effect of biochar on flower yield and growth and physiological characteristics of Althaea officinalis L. under drought stress [(Articles in Press)]


  • Babaei, Sirwan Investigation the Effect of Reduced Doses of Glyphosate and Sulfosulfuron on Broomrape (Phelipanche aegyptiaca Pers.) Control in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 263-277]
  • Babaei, Sirwan Study of the effects of dusts on the morphological and physiological traits of some crops [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 205-220]
  • Babaeian Jelodar, Nadali Inheritance and Heterosis some of Traits related to Nutritional Value and Physical Quality of Rice Grain [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 143-163]
  • Babaeizadeh, V. Piriformospora indica mutualistic effect on Cynara scolymus (L.) under water and saline stress [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 37-57]
  • Babakhani, Babak Effect of Salicylic Acid on some Morphological and Biochemical Traits of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under salt stress [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 163-182]
  • Babakhanzadeh, Esmail Effects of biochar and salicylic acid on some characteristics of (Borago officinalis L.) in water deficit condition [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 93-113]
  • Badakhshan, Hedieh The effect of growth regulators on micropropagatin of GF677 rootstock under liquid mediumconditions [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 43-57]
  • Baghaee-Ravari, S. Study the effects of some Trichoderma spp. on tomato growth parameters using three inoculation methods [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 23-29]
  • Bagheri, Nadali Inheritance and Heterosis some of Traits related to Nutritional Value and Physical Quality of Rice Grain [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 143-163]
  • Bagheri, Negar Evaluation of the response of two Strawberry cultivars to biological fertilizers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bagheri, Vahed The feeding rose flower (Rosa hybrid L. cv. Grian Bdprex) with Ammonium Fertilizers by Cultan method compared with nitrate fed plants [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-39]
  • Bagheri,, Mahmoud Effect of clover cover crop on weed management, growth, and yield of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bagherifar, Parvin Effect of black summer truffle fungus (Tuber aestivum) on the activity of antioxidant enzymes of oak (Quercus castaneifolia) and paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) under water stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bagheri Shirvan, Milad Assessment of growth indices of soybean, vegetative sweet basil and borage in intercropping different ratios [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 1-26]
  • Bagherzadeh, ali Effect of different amounts of organic humic acid On the quantity and quality of tomato varieties(Lycopersium esculantium [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 189-198]
  • Bahadori, Fatemeh Investigation of Delay Cropping on assimilate remobilization, Yield Components and Yield of Two Safflower Cultivars under Cutting off Irrigation [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 85-104]
  • Bahari, Abbas Study of some abiotic elicitors effects on morphological and phytochemical traits of Karelā [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 183-202]
  • Bahmanyar, M.A. Effect of Zeolite application on the yield and quality of soybean under water and non-water stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 173-187]
  • Bahmanyar, Mohammad Ali Investigation the response of some photosynthetic attributes of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) to different active coal concentrations with several solvents [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 23-49]
  • Bahmanyar, Mohammad Ali Investigation of nano-iron and nano-zinc application on some qualitative and quantitative traits of Lallemantia royleana Benth [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 197-216]
  • Bahmanyar, Mohammad Ali The effect of the type of calcium fertilizer sources on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of "Hayward" kiwi fruit at harvest time [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bahramnejad, Bahman Cloning, sequencing and expression analysis of C4H gene in Ferula pseudalliacea [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 35-48]
  • Bahrani, Pegah Effects of Drought Stress Levels on Some Morphological and Physiological Traits to Select The Most Tolerant ones as a Rootstock [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-56]
  • Bakhshandeh, Abdulmahdi Effect of sowing dates and plant densities on flower yield and some important agronomical characteristics of European borage [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 73-86]
  • Bakhshandeh, Samaneh Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential by barley crop in saline soils (Case study: Gomishan county, Golestan province) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 147-163]
  • Bakhshandeh, Samaneh Estimation of carbon sequestration potential in soybean farms using remote sensing plant indices (Case study of Gorgan county, Golestan province) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-37]
  • Bakhshipour, Fatemeh Effects of biochar and native and non-native Mycorrhizal Fungi on growth, biomass and some morphological and physiological characteristics of two Parsley cultivars under greenhouse [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-21]
  • Balasemi, Nahid Effect of deficit irrigation on visual quality, physiological responses, and water use efficiency of Ranunculus asiaticus L. [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 165-186]
  • Baloochi, H. R. Optimization of Callus Induction and Somatic Embryogenesis in Two Genotypes of Medicinal Chavil Plant (Ferulago angulata L.) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 41-62]
  • Balouchi, Hamidreza Effect of different seed priming on germination traits in Black cumin (Nigella sativa) under salinity stress [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 1-26]
  • Bannayan aval, Mohammad Effect of drought stress on yield and yield components and radiation use efficiency of three types of red, white and pinto beans [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Baradaran Firouzabadi, Mehdi Studying the relationship between seed yield and soybean physiological traits under the influence of brown seaweed extract and accelerated aging [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 79-101]
  • Barani, Hossein Effects of different levels of treatments GA3,, Prechlling and Priming on seed germination of Kochia prostrata [L.] schrad in relation to seed harvest date and shrubs’ age. [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 55-75]
  • Barani, Hossein Investigating changes in gibberellin and abscisic acid in the leaves and twigs of different age groups Kochia prostrata (L) schrad and its effect on germination and seed dormancy characteristics under prechilling treatment [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 23-38]
  • Barari, H. Biological control of the wheat root rot caused by Fusarium graminearum by using fungal antagonists in Mazandaran province [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 227-242]
  • Barary, Mehrshad Investigation the yield, competitive indices and economical advantage of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea Moench.) and sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) intercropping pattern in different climate conditions of Mazandaran province [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Barati, Vahid Uptake and nitrogen remobilization of barley under deficit irrigation in presence of plant residue and Azospirillum bacteria [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 45-64]
  • Barati, Vahid Investigation of Weed Control on Assimilate Remobilization, Yield and Yield Components in Mix Cropping of Wheat Cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-18]
  • Barazandeh, Fereydoon Effect of thermo-priming on germination, agronomic characteristics and seed oil of safflower (Crthamus tinctorius) cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 107-122]
  • Barghi, Ali Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, salicylic acid and brassinosteroid on Physiological properties of Black Mustard in cadmium stress condition [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 153-168]
  • Barin, Mohsen Evaluation of the effect of endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica symbiosis on improving of growth characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea cv. Tomahawk) under drough stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 141-164]
  • Barzegar, Taher Morphological evaluation of Asparagus azerbaijanensis accessions and effect of drought stress on Iranian asparagus seedlings growth [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 209-224]
  • Barzegar, Taher Investigation the effect of two red seaweed species on growth, physiological indices and fruit yield of Ecballium elaterium under the influence of extraction method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 69-88]
  • Barzegar, Taher The effect of low temperature on fruit yield, quality and antioxidant properties of physalis under foliar spray of amino acids and selenium [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 43-65]
  • Bayarash, Mina The effect of salinity stress on growth and photosynthetic parameters of hybrid and Iranian spinach cultivars [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Bayat, Hassan Effect of drought and salinity stress on flower quality, biochemical changes and ions concentration of Narcissus tazetta cv. ‘Shahla’ [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-221]
  • Bayganeh, Mohammadreza Investigation the Effect of Reduced Doses of Glyphosate and Sulfosulfuron on Broomrape (Phelipanche aegyptiaca Pers.) Control in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 263-277]
  • Bazazi, Hadi Evaluation the effects of salinity stress and vermicompost on morphophysiological traits of Euphorbia tirucalli L. [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 183-203]
  • Behdani, Mohammed Ali Effect of gibberellin cacid hormone and mother corm weight on vegetative and reproductive growth of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 153-165]
  • Beheshti Ale Agha, Ali The role of crop management on amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) farms [(Articles in Press)]
  • Beheshti Ale Agha, Ali The effect of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on physiological characteristics and root mass of Paulownia fortunei seedlings under drought stress conditions [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 147-164]
  • Behmanesh, N. The effect of crop rotation with corn on nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) seed bank and seedling spatial distribution [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 211-226]
  • Behnamian, Mahdi Optimization of micropropagation for commercial medicinal plant of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) through in vitro culture of shoot tip explant [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 27-40]
  • Behnamian, Mehdi Effect of biochar on flower yield and growth and physiological characteristics of Althaea officinalis L. under drought stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Behpoori, Ali The study of row mixed cropping in Durum wheat (Triticum durum) genotypes underwater deficiency Conditions [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 179-196]
  • Behpouri, Ali Effect of silicone spraying on assimilate remobilization and yield of two bread and durum wheat under late season water stress [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 55-71]
  • Behpouri, Ali Investigation of Delay Cropping on assimilate remobilization, Yield Components and Yield of Two Safflower Cultivars under Cutting off Irrigation [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 85-104]
  • Behpouri, Ali Investigation of Weed Control on Assimilate Remobilization, Yield and Yield Components in Mix Cropping of Wheat Cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-18]
  • Bekherad, H. Effect of seed priming on germination, morphological and physiological characteristics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under alkalinity stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 25-46]
  • Benakashani, Fatemeh Callus induction and organogenesis from various explants of plant Capparis spinosa L. under In vitro conditions [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 75-88]
  • Benakashani, Fatemeh Changes of seed quality and germination of some black cumin ecotypes (Nigella sativa L.) during development and maturity [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 227-240]
  • Biabani, Abbas Study on the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation and seed priming on Root and Aerial part Characteristics of Lentil [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 27-53]
  • Biabani, Abbas Monitoring the effects of bentazon, betanal progress and nicosulfuron herbicides on Kautsky curve changes [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bicharanlou, Bahareh Assessment of growth indices of soybean, vegetative sweet basil and borage in intercropping different ratios [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 1-26]
  • Bicharanlou, Bahareh Onion (Allium cepa L.) seed yield improvement by intercropping with ajwain (Carum copticum Heirn) and chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 41-60]
  • Biglouei, Mohammad Hassan Evaluation of Different Genotypes of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) regarding Active Compounds and Nutritional Elements under Irrigation Conditions with maximum allowed water depletion [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bijanzadeh, Eehsan The study of row mixed cropping in Durum wheat (Triticum durum) genotypes underwater deficiency Conditions [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 179-196]
  • Bijanzadeh, Ehsan Effect of silicone spraying on assimilate remobilization and yield of two bread and durum wheat under late season water stress [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 55-71]
  • Bijanzadeh, Ehsan Uptake and nitrogen remobilization of barley under deficit irrigation in presence of plant residue and Azospirillum bacteria [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 45-64]
  • Bijanzadeh, Ehsan Investigation of Delay Cropping on assimilate remobilization, Yield Components and Yield of Two Safflower Cultivars under Cutting off Irrigation [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 85-104]
  • Bijanzadeh, Ehsan Investigation of Weed Control on Assimilate Remobilization, Yield and Yield Components in Mix Cropping of Wheat Cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-18]
  • Bolandi, A. Effects of row and plant spacing, and minituber weight on potato yield [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 137-155]


  • Chaghazardi, Hamid Reza The role of crop management on amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) farms [(Articles in Press)]
  • Chalavi, Vida Effect of Explant Types and Growth Regulators on Callus induction and Secondary Metabolites of Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 59-72]
  • Chamani, Esmaeil Investigate the effects of the Benzyladenin and Hydrogen Peroxide on Vase Life of the Anthurium andraenum [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 153-166]
  • Chamani, Esmaeil The induction of polyploidy by using of colchicine and its identification through cytological traits in Lilium dandie [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-44]
  • Chamani, Esmaeil Investigation on the effects of intensity and quality of LED lights on in-vitro regeneration & growth of yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 1-20]
  • Cha,mani, Esmaeil Genetic diversity of native Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) accessions based on morphological traits [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-125]
  • Chegini, M.A. Study of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) monogerm hybrids seed quality changes during fruit development and maturation [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 78-103]


  • Dabbagh, Maryam Study of the effect of potassium permanganate on the biochemical characteristics of onion (Allium cepa) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 135-149]
  • Dadashi, Mohammadraza Study on the effect of planting date and plant density on grain yield, yield components, forage quality, oil amount of different safflower cultivars in the Gonbad-e Kavus region [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 117-130]
  • Dadras, AhmadReza Effect of deficit irrigation on visual quality, physiological responses, and water use efficiency of Ranunculus asiaticus L. [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 165-186]
  • Dadresi, Amir An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Dahmardeh, Mahedi Effect of biological and chemical phosphorus fertilizers in combination with planting management on morphological and physiological traits, seed yield, and mucilage yield of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 137-157]
  • Dahmardeh, Mehdi Effect of Tillage Systems, Crop Residue Management, and Planting Pattern on Some Physiological Traits, Seed Yield, and Oil Content of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Danesh Shahraki, Abdolrazagh Effect of bacterial inoculation on grain and soil nutrient elements of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) under different irrigation levels [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 191-207]
  • Darabi, Abdulsattar Study the Bulbing Date and Morphological Characters of Landrace Populations and Onion Commercial Cultivars in Khuzestan region [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Darabi, Abdulsattar Study The Effect of Planting Date on Agro-meteorological Indices at Phenological Stages and Yield of Behbahan bred Onion [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 1-17]
  • Darabi, Abdulsattar Evaluation The Effect of Planting Date on Recovery Terend and Some Growth Indices of Potato Cultivars as Influenced by Frost [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13-31]
  • Darabi, Abdulsattar Evaluation the effects of deficit irrigation and grafting on yield, yield components and water use efficiency in watermelon [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 121-136]
  • Darabi, Abdulsattar Evaluation the effects of different sources of nitrogen on agro-meteorological indices and sources use efficiency in potato Abstract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Darabi, Abdulsattar Evaluation of flowering characteristics, bulb yield and quality in commercial cultivars of short-day onion (Allium sepa L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Darroudi, Mehdi Effect of hormone type and basal media strength on germination and Proliferation of Sanaz Rose (Rosa chinensis var. Elvis) [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 59-74]
  • Darvishzadeh, R. Evaluation of genetic variation and identification of QTLs controlling agro-morphological traits in F2:3population of oriental tobacco [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 127-147]
  • Darvishzadeh, Reza Association mapping for pomological traits in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) using ISSR markers [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 143-155]
  • Darvishzadeh, Reza The effect of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) foliar application on some biochemical characteristics and expression pattern of PAL and CHS genes in Qızıl Uzum grape (Vitis vinifera L.) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 125-148]
  • Darzi Naftchali, A. Spatial prioritizing of the onion producing in warm and arid regions (Case study: Sistan and Bluchestan Province) [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 191-209]
  • Darzi Ramandi, Hadi Genetic differences and heritability using morphological and phytochemical traits of some Iranian apples [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-147]
  • Dastan, Dara Cloning, sequencing and expression analysis of C4H gene in Ferula pseudalliacea [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 35-48]
  • Dastfalinejad, Nasser The effect of planting date and density on leaf Production and Senescence rate in Safflower [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 93-106]
  • Davarynejad, Gholam Hossein Effects of Indol-3-butyric acid and Agrobacterium rhizogenes on the rooting of hardwood cuttings of EM9 and MM106 apple rootstocks [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 165-184]
  • Dehestani, Ali The effect of nitrogen nutrition and ethephon spray on flowering and some photosynthetic characteristics cucumber Victor [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 129-142]
  • Dehestani-Ardakani, Maryam Evaluation of some physiological and morphological characteristics of three genotypes of the ornamental pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) under salt stress [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 167-186]
  • Dehestani Kalagar, Ali The Impact of Elicitors on Growth and Photosynthetic Traits of Sour Orange Rootstock Under Waterlogging Stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Dehghan, Mohammadali Evaluation of resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondiata f. sp. tritici Eriksson) and comparison of yield components of Ajilops tauschii genotypes in field conditions [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 191-207]
  • Dehghan, Mohammad ali Study on inheritance of resistance to leaf rust in some bread wheat genotypes by diallel cross [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 233-246]
  • Dehghani, Amirahmad Investigation on dynamic of pollen flow and its relation with fruit set in pistachio (pistachia vera) trees [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 57-77]
  • Dehghani, Hamid Graphic Analysis of Trait Relations of Cantaloupe Using the Biplot Method [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 43-62]
  • Dehghani, Hamid Study on relationships between yield and its components in Iranian coriander genotypes [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 67-82]
  • Dehghani tafti, Ahmadreza Evaluation of different levels of pelleted manure and urea and micro elements on growth and physiological indices of medicinal pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var styriaca) [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 49-65]
  • Dehghani tafti, Ahmadreza Investigating the effect of salinity stress and soil microorganisms on the absorption of mineral elements of Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk(. [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 123-140]
  • Deihimfard, Reza Filling the yield gap caused by some agronomic factors in some of the major climatic zones of irrigated barley in Iran using modelling approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Dejampour, Jalil Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of 35 Promising Hybrids and Genotypes of Apricot under Khorasan Razavi province conditions [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 61-88]
  • Delshad, Mojtaba Effects of different levels selenium and nitrogen on some growth and biochemical characteristics of onion (Allium cepa L.) plant [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 119-135]
  • Delshad, Mojtaba Effects of adding far-red light to the photosynthetic active spectrum on growth and morphological characteristics of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under controlled conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 149-164]
  • Derakhshan, A. Comparison of hydrothermal time models to seed germination modeling of Phalaris minor on the basis of Normal, Weibull and Gumbel distributions [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 39-57]
  • Dianati Daylami, Shirin The effect of light spectrum and thidiazuron plant regulator on embryogenesis and photosyntesis system of phalaenopsis orchid [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 197-206]
  • Dianati Daylami, Shirin Introducing inexpensive in vitro solid culture medium for producing high quality Phalaenopsis orchid plantlets [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 101-117]
  • Dihim Fard, R. Effect of nitrogen application on quantitative and qualitative of sugar beet cultivars [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 71-93]
  • Dini, Hamid Comparison of the effect of nitrogen Nano-fertilizer and urea fertilizer on some properties of yew (Taxus baccata L.) [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 109-125]
  • Dolati Baneh, hamed Effects of gibberellic-acid and salicylic-acid on phytochemical characteristics, antioxidant capacity and nutrient elements of Bidane-Sefid grape [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 103-120]
  • Dosthoseini, Milad The effects of glycine betaine on some morphological and physiological characteristics of Salsola imbricata L. under salinity stress. [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 97-113]
  • Doulati Baneh, Hamed Association mapping for pomological traits in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) using ISSR markers [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 143-155]
  • Dovlati, Behnam Effect of nitrogen source on growth parameters, chlorophyll content and some elemental concentration of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in soilless culture conditions [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 185-198]


  • Ebadi, Ali Investigation of Suitable Time for Removal Vine Protection Soil to Prevent Frostbite Damage of Spring Reflection [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 25-40]
  • Ebadi, Ali Effects of Drought Stress Levels on Some Morphological and Physiological Traits to Select The Most Tolerant ones as a Rootstock [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-56]
  • Ebrahimi, Amin Effect of ultraviolet irradiation and foliar application of some plant growth regulators on biomass and morphological characteristics of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-154]
  • Ebrahimi, Hamid Reza The effect of priming on physiological and yield characteristics of different sesame varieties under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-187]
  • Ebrahimi, Mahboobe Effect of different amounts of organic humic acid On the quantity and quality of tomato varieties(Lycopersium esculantium [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 189-198]
  • Ebrahimnia, Somayeh Study of morphological diversity in some olive genotypes of Gorgan region [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 97-113]
  • Ebrahimyan, Maryam Evaluation of resistance to leaf rust at adult stage in some bread wheat cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 89-102]
  • Ehteshamnia, Abdollah Effects of biochar and native and non-native Mycorrhizal Fungi on growth, biomass and some morphological and physiological characteristics of two Parsley cultivars under greenhouse [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-21]
  • Ehtesham Nia, Abdollah Multivariate analyses of phenotypic traits in some specious of Pear (Pyrus spp. ) [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 177-194]
  • Ehtesham Nia, َAbdollah The effect of different levels of salinity stress and cultivar on biochemical and physiological characteristics and nutrient concentration of William Sweet (Dianthus barbatus) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Ehtesham Nia, َAbdollah Evaluation of the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of chitosan and thymol coating on the quality and storage life of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit 'Parus' cultivar [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 21-40]
  • Ehtesham-Nia, Abdollah Effect of salicylic acid foliar application on Morpho- physiological and biochemical traits of Goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) under salinity stress condition [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 165-178]
  • Ehtesham-Nia, Abdollah Stability of yield and other important traits of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) Cultivars using graphical GGE biplot method [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 37-53]
  • Eisvand, Hamid Reza Study of seed storability and seed physiological quality of two ecotypes of sage (Salvia officinalis) using AA test [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 147-151]
  • Ekhlaspour, Mahshid Physiological parameters of sesame plant under the influence of salinity stress and increase of carbon dioxide concentration [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 115-126]
  • Enayatizamir, Naeimeh Evaluation of the Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria and Potassium Nitrate on the Growth Characteristics and Gas Exchange of Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Under Drought Stress. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Erfani Moghadam, Javad Evaluation of Genetic Diversity Among Clones of Different Seedless and Seeded Grapes Cultivars in Arak City by Morphological Characteristics [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 115-134]
  • Erfani Moghaddam, J. An Investigation of genetic diversity of some hawthorn genotypes using morphological characterization of leaf and fruit [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 53-69]
  • Ershadi, Ahmad Investigation of Suitable Time for Removal Vine Protection Soil to Prevent Frostbite Damage of Spring Reflection [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 25-40]
  • Esfandyari, Samad Assessment of Effect of deficit irrigation under surface and subsurface irrigation conditions on vegetative development and yield of Citrus [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 69-82]
  • E. shariatpanahi, Mehran Induction of parthenogenetic haploid embryos and production of haploid plants in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-33]
  • Eskandari, Ali Evaluation and selection of rice mutant lines based on drought tolerance indices [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 15-31]
  • Eslami, Alireza Evaluate the effects of winter stress(freezing and snow) on some morphological and physiological reactions of commercial citrus in Tonekabon area [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 151-157]
  • Eslami, Alireza Effect of harvest time, cold stratification and sulfuric acid on seed germination of three varieties of olive (Olea europaea L.) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 241-263]
  • Esmaeili, Mohammd Investigation on dynamic of pollen flow and its relation with fruit set in pistachio (pistachia vera) trees [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 57-77]
  • Esmaeil-zehi, Mohammad Akram The use of agricultural wastes to produce Iranian isolate of Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. and evaluation its performance and some pharmacological properties [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-109]
  • Esmaeizadeh Bahabadi, Sedigheh effect of salt stress on some phological and biochemical characteristics in Coriandrum sativum L. [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 111-128]
  • Esmaielpour, Behrooz Investigation of the effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on morphological, physiological, and antioxidative enzymes of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 23-45]
  • Esmaielpour, Behrooz The effect of seed pretreatment with sodium hydrogen sulfide and salicylic acid on germination, morphological and biochemical indicators of quinoa seedlings in the greenhouse [(Articles in Press)]
  • Esmaielpour,, Behrooz Effect of arsenic and phosphate Biofertilizer on physiological and Biochemical properties of green mint (Mentha spicata L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 127-139]
  • Esmailpour, Behrouz Use of symbiotic fungi to reduce the phytotoxic effect of chromium in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 57-75]
  • Esna-Ashari, Mahmood The effect of micro- and nanoparticles of silicon dioxide (SiO2) on some qualitative characteristics and nutrient elements of strawberry fruit (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 97-113]
  • Eyni-Nargeseh, Hamed Modeling chickpea yield of rain-fed in dormant seeding using general circulation models in west and north western of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 187-208]


  • Fadavi, Ali The effect of light spectrum and thidiazuron plant regulator on embryogenesis and photosyntesis system of phalaenopsis orchid [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 197-206]
  • Fadavi, Ali Introducing inexpensive in vitro solid culture medium for producing high quality Phalaenopsis orchid plantlets [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 101-117]
  • Fahmideh, Leila Callus induction and organogenesis from various explants of plant Capparis spinosa L. under In vitro conditions [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 75-88]
  • Fahmideh, Leila Assessment of diversity of bread wheat genotypes based on yield and yield-related traits under yellow rust disease stress condition (Puccinia striiformis) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 61-84]
  • Fakheri, Barat Ali Correlation, regression and path analysis for seed yield and related traits in breeding lines derived from KO37× SE65 cross in linseed [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-12]
  • Falakrou, Korosh Study of Chloroplast DNA diversity and Genetic Relationships of some Tea Genotypes [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 264-278]
  • Fallah, Seyfollah The effect urea and biological fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of isabgol (Plantago ovata Frosk.) medicinal plant [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 101-116]
  • Fallah, Seyfollah The response of purslane (Portulaca oleracea) production and quality to different organic and chemical fertilizers [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 105-127]
  • Fallah, Seyfollah Comparison between toxicity effects of ZnO nanoparticles and their bulk on fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum) growth under greenhouse environment [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 23-42]
  • Fallah, Sina The competition effects of fenugreek and black cumin plants on yield and yield components under drought stress [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 35-51]
  • Fallah, Sina The effect of urea fertilizer in comparison with the broiler litter on the growth and produced gel of Aloe vera [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 99-116]
  • Fallah Akbarinejad Dastak, Sedigheh Effect of pollen grain type on some quantity and quality characteristics of fruit in three female cultivars of kiwifruit [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 141-152]
  • Fallahi, Hamidreza Evaluation of some growth traits of quinoa cultivars (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) affected by moisture levels and planting date in two regions of South Khorasan [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 231-261]
  • Fallahi, Somayeh Evaluation of physiological growth indices and radiation use efficiency in different peanut genotypes in Guilan province [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 209-224]
  • Fallah Morteza Nezhad, S. Maryam Effects of chemical fertilization and organic fertilizer on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) yield and nitrate accumulation. [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 49-68]
  • Fürst, Christine Evaluation and quantification of some short time ecosystem services in faba bean agroecosystem [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-20]
  • Fanaei, Hamid Reza Investigation of the genetic diversity of the gene bank green bean collection [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 67-88]
  • Fanaie, Hamid Reza Evaluation of Seed and Oil Production of Sesame Cultivars Affected by Row Spacing and Plant Density [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 163-177]
  • Faraji, Abolfazl Study on the effect of planting date and plant density on grain yield, yield components, forage quality, oil amount of different safflower cultivars in the Gonbad-e Kavus region [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 117-130]
  • Faraji, Babolah Effect of harvest time, nitrogen and plant density on yield and some physiological traits of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 121-136]
  • Faraji, Babolah Evaluation of Different Genotypes of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) regarding Active Compounds and Nutritional Elements under Irrigation Conditions with maximum allowed water depletion [(Articles in Press)]
  • Farajollahi, Zeinab Study of seed storability and seed physiological quality of two ecotypes of sage (Salvia officinalis) using AA test [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 147-151]
  • Farashiani, Mohammad Ebrahim Effect of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor on some physiological and morphological characteristics of Populus alba under drought stress and cytospora canker conditions [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 47-68]
  • Farayedi, Yadollah Evaluation of some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of advanced white chickpea lines for spring dry land cultivation [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 99-113]
  • Farhadi, Bahman Effects of deficit irrigation on yield, yield components and water use efficiency of lentil in Khorramabad [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 337-342]
  • Farhadi, H. Effects of seed pretreatment with salicylic acid on germination of four fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) landraces under salinity stress [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
  • Farhadi, Hassan Evaluation of the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the amount of hydrogen peroxide in obtained using hybrid seedlings rootstock from intraspecific and interspecific crosses (P. vera × P. integerrima) under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 33-59]
  • Farzaneh Belgerdi, Mahmood Reza Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density on yield and nitrogen efficiency indices of sesame using a central composite design [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 125-140]
  • Fatahi, Rouhallah Assessment of Effect of deficit irrigation under surface and subsurface irrigation conditions on vegetative development and yield of Citrus [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 69-82]
  • Fatahi moghadam, Mohammd Reza Effects of Drought Stress Levels on Some Morphological and Physiological Traits to Select The Most Tolerant ones as a Rootstock [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-56]
  • Fatahi Moghadam, Mohammad Reza Study of Molecular phylogenetic and matk protein structure in "Susan -e Chelcheragh" (Lilium ledebourii [Baker] Boiss) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 181-191]
  • Fateminia, Seyedeh faezeh The Impact of Elicitors on Growth and Photosynthetic Traits of Sour Orange Rootstock Under Waterlogging Stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fathi, Nahid Influence of elevated air temperature during grain-filling stage on milling parameters and rice grain wastage under different local climates in Mazandaran province [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-15]
  • Fattahi, Masoud Evaluation of Incompatibility and Traits of some Plant Growth Regulators on the Quality and Quantity of Red Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 57-73]
  • Fattahi Moghaddam, Javad The effect of the type of calcium fertilizer sources on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of "Hayward" kiwi fruit at harvest time [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fayazi, Hosna An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fazeli, Arash Investigation the yield, competitive indices and economical advantage of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea Moench.) and sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) intercropping pattern in different climate conditions of Mazandaran province [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Fazeli Sangani, Mahmood Effect of irrigation water bicarbonate on leaf chlorosis, photosynthetic pigments and iron uptake of kiwifruit seedlings. [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-18]
  • Fazel kouhi, Mitraa Investigate the effects of the Benzyladenin and Hydrogen Peroxide on Vase Life of the Anthurium andraenum [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 153-166]
  • Foghi, B. Evaluation of drought tolerance in endemic ecotypes of cumin using tolerance indices [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 185-204]
  • Forouzandeh, Mohammad Study of agronomical characteristics, flower yield and root inulin percentage of chicory (Chicorium intybus L.) under soil fertilizers and drought stress [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 129-140]
  • Fotouhi Ghazvini, Reza The study of bud break percentage and aberrant fruit shape incidence in some Hayward kiwifruit vineyard in Guilan Province [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 167-181]


  • Galavi, Mohammad Study of agronomical characteristics, flower yield and root inulin percentage of chicory (Chicorium intybus L.) under soil fertilizers and drought stress [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 129-140]
  • Galavi, Mohammad Effect of biological and chemical phosphorus fertilizers application on flower yield, essential oil percentage and osmatic adjustments of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in response to water deficit stress [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 119-132]
  • Galavi, Mohammad Evaluation of flower yield and some quantitative and qualitative traits of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in response to potassium fertilizer under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 159-176]
  • Galeshi, S. Evaluation of improvement of rate and duration of grain filling duration inbreeding processes in wheat cultivars [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 23-37]
  • Galeshi, Serollah The effect of foliar application of nutrients and melatonin on the growth characteristics and changes of elements in the roots of barley plants under conditions of waterlogging with saltwater stress. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ganjali, Saleheh Assessment of diversity of bread wheat genotypes based on yield and yield-related traits under yellow rust disease stress condition (Puccinia striiformis) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 61-84]
  • Ganji moghadam, Ebrahim Comparison of some of the quantitative and qualitative properties of new cherry cultivars in the conditions of Razavi Khorasan province [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 103-119]
  • Garousi, Ghasem Ali Micropropagation of Red Bell Pepper hybrid cultivar (Capsicum annuum L.) through in vitro axillary buds proliferation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Gazanchian, Gholam Ali Evaluation of drought resistance of grass and clover mixtures to introduce cover plants with lower maintenance [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 105-122]
  • Gerdakaneh, Mohammad The effect of growth regulators on micropropagatin of GF677 rootstock under liquid mediumconditions [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 43-57]
  • Ghaderi, Fariba Study of some morphological, physiological traits and antioxidant enzymes activity in Sonchus arvensis L. under salt stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 65-84]
  • Ghaderi, Nasser Changes in yield, vegetative, physiological and biochemical characteristics of strawberry cv. Aromas under effect of electrical conductivity of nutrient solution caused by sodium chloride [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 283-298]
  • Ghaderifar, F. Study of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) monogerm hybrids seed quality changes during fruit development and maturation [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 78-103]
  • Ghaderifar, Farshid Evaluating yield loss of winter wheat in competition with wild rye: a case study of Shahkoh region, Golestan province [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 161-176]
  • Ghaderi-far, Farshid Ecology of seed germination and emergence of common morning-glory (Ipomoea purpurea L.): Invasive weed in Golestan province [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 221-240]
  • Ghaderi-Far, Farshid The germination responses of primed Canola seeds to varying temperatures [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 215-227]
  • Ghaderi-Far, Farshid The role of gibberellic acid, temperature and scarification on in/ex vitro germination of Rosa persica Michx ex Juss. [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 231-245]
  • Ghaderi- Far, F. Effect of foliar application time of salicylic acid on some of the morphology properties and pigments of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) fruit [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 203-217]
  • Ghahremani, Zahra Morphological evaluation of Asparagus azerbaijanensis accessions and effect of drought stress on Iranian asparagus seedlings growth [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 209-224]
  • Ghahremani, Zahra Investigation the effect of two red seaweed species on growth, physiological indices and fruit yield of Ecballium elaterium under the influence of extraction method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 69-88]
  • Ghajar Sepanlou, M. Effect of Zeolite application on the yield and quality of soybean under water and non-water stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 173-187]
  • Ghajar Sepanlu, Mahdi Investigation of morphological, yield and medicinal properties of Perilla (Perilla frutscens) under chemical, biological and organic fertilizers in Mashhad Ardehal and Sensen regions of Kashan [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 99-117]
  • Ghalebi, Saeed The effect of drought stress on morphophysiological characteristics of Verbascum thapsus during plant growth stages [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 227-243]
  • Ghanavati, Farangis Investigation of the genetic diversity of the gene bank green bean collection [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 67-88]
  • Ghanbari, Ali Akbar Investigation of the genetic diversity of the gene bank green bean collection [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 67-88]
  • Ghanbari, Alireza Evaluation of response to drought stress in some of promising Iranian and foreign olive cultivars using using yield-based indices [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 107-127]
  • Ghanbari, Fardin Improvement of salinity tolerance in hot pepper plants by silicon foliar application [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 103-120]
  • Ghanbari Jahromi, marzieh The effect of drought stress on morphophysiological characteristics of Verbascum thapsus during plant growth stages [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 227-243]
  • Ghanbri, Ahamad Effect of biological and chemical phosphorus fertilizers in combination with planting management on morphological and physiological traits, seed yield, and mucilage yield of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 137-157]
  • Ghane, Mohammadreza Investigation of morphological, yield and medicinal properties of Perilla (Perilla frutscens) under chemical, biological and organic fertilizers in Mashhad Ardehal and Sensen regions of Kashan [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 99-117]
  • Ghaseme, Soria An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ghasemi, Kamran Investigating the effect of sulphur and silicon on some morphological and phytochemical properties of garlic [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 263-281]
  • Ghasemi, Kamran The effect of nitrogen nutrition and ethephon spray on flowering and some photosynthetic characteristics cucumber Victor [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 129-142]
  • Ghasemi, Kamran Evaluation of different rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on fruits Antioxidant traits of blackberry cultivars in greenhouse [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 19-35]
  • Ghasemi, Kamran Effect of sucrose and glutamine foliar spray on seed yield and nutritional value in three broad bean cultivars [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 151-169]
  • Ghasemi, Kamran Investigation of Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Strawberry Daughter Plantlets Influenced by nitrogen fertilization of maternal plants [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 165-181]
  • Ghasemi, Malek The effect of foliar application time of urea and some microelements on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of kiwifruit cv. Hayward [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ghasemi, shiva Effect of salicylic acid application on some growth traits of Lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora) under salinity stress [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-176]
  • Ghasemi, Somaieh The effect of rhizosphere bacteria isolated from halophyte plants on some growth characteristics of Triticum aestivum L. (var. Narin). [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 165-182]
  • Ghasemi, Vahid The effect of different levels of salinity stress and cultivar on biochemical and physiological characteristics and nutrient concentration of William Sweet (Dianthus barbatus) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Ghasemi, Yousef Evaluation of Physicochemical Traits of Thorny and Thornless Blackberries at Ripening and During Storage [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 21-39]
  • Ghasemi Arshad, Zeinab Evaluation of the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of chitosan and thymol coating on the quality and storage life of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit 'Parus' cultivar [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 21-40]
  • Ghasemi-Bezdi, Kamal Induction of Morph-Physiological and Biochemical Alternation of Salvia Officinalis L. by Manipulating Light Spectrum [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Ghasemi Omran, Vali-ollah identification and Comparison silymarin inendophytic fungi isolated from seed of Silybum marianum (L) Gaert.) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 23-36]
  • Ghasemnajad, A. Piriformospora indica mutualistic effect on Cynara scolymus (L.) under water and saline stress [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 37-57]
  • Ghasemnajad, Azim Mitigation of root and shoot proline content in response to jasmonic and salicylic acid in Rosa damacena subjected to short drought stress [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 171-190]
  • Ghasemnejad, Azim The study of some native and exotic olive cultivars and genotypes in terms of morphological diversity, oil quality and fatty acid composition [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1-22]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Azim Performance evaluation of Artificial Neural Networks to estimate, summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) essential oil yield based on the easily available soil properties [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 47-58]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Azim Evaluation of environmental parameters effect on the antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 241-262]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Azim Alteration of antioxidant enzymes of forest savory (Satureja mutica) under ‎the influence of drought stress, re-watering and selenium foliar application [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 19-33]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Azim Evaluation of the effect of endophyte and melatonin on the improvement of stevia root growth as affected by salinity under hydroponic conditions [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 21-38]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Azim Comparison of the effect of nitrogen Nano-fertilizer and urea fertilizer on some properties of yew (Taxus baccata L.) [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 109-125]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Mahmood Effect of Winter Irrigation on Flowering and Fruit Set of Olea europaea L. cvs Zard and Manzanilla in Loushan Region [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 145-156]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Mahmood Validation of Some Molecular Markers in Sex Determination in Different Kiwifruit Genotypes from Open Pollination [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 121-130]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Mahmood The study of bud break percentage and aberrant fruit shape incidence in some Hayward kiwifruit vineyard in Guilan Province [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 167-181]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Mahmood Effects of Girdling treatment and Forchlorfenuron spray on quality and storage life of Hayward kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. ‘Hayward‘) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 89-102]
  • Ghasemnezhad, Mahmood Effect of irrigation water bicarbonate on leaf chlorosis, photosynthetic pigments and iron uptake of kiwifruit seedlings. [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-18]
  • Ghasemnezhad,, Mahmood Effect of arsenic and phosphate Biofertilizer on physiological and Biochemical properties of green mint (Mentha spicata L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 127-139]
  • Ghasimi Hagh, Ziba Effect of salicylic acid and melatonin on chlorophyll fluorescence and initial growth of greenhouse tomatoes in salinity stress [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 265-282]
  • Ghassemi-Golezani, Kazem Effect of polyamines on antioxidative responses of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) under drought stress [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 157-171]
  • Ghavidel, Akbar Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, salicylic acid and brassinosteroid on Physiological properties of Black Mustard in cadmium stress condition [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 153-168]
  • Ghenevati Moghadam, Abdullah Study the Bulbing Date and Morphological Characters of Landrace Populations and Onion Commercial Cultivars in Khuzestan region [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Ghenevati Moghadam, Abdullah Study The Effect of Planting Date on Agro-meteorological Indices at Phenological Stages and Yield of Behbahan bred Onion [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 1-17]
  • Gherekhloo, J Comparison of hydrothermal time models to seed germination modeling of Phalaris minor on the basis of Normal, Weibull and Gumbel distributions [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 39-57]
  • Gherekhloo, Javid Evaluating yield loss of winter wheat in competition with wild rye: a case study of Shahkoh region, Golestan province [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 161-176]
  • Gherekhloo, Javid Identifying the factors leading to yield gap in irrigated wheat (case study: Golestan province - Jelin city) [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 171-189]
  • Ghobadi, Mokhtar Changes of yield and yield components of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under the effects of ultraviolet radiation and abscisic acid application in water deficit stress conditions [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 101-117]
  • Ghodsirasi, Houman Effects of different levels of treatments GA3,, Prechlling and Priming on seed germination of Kochia prostrata [L.] schrad in relation to seed harvest date and shrubs’ age. [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 55-75]
  • Ghodsirasi, Houman Investigating changes in gibberellin and abscisic acid in the leaves and twigs of different age groups Kochia prostrata (L) schrad and its effect on germination and seed dormancy characteristics under prechilling treatment [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 23-38]
  • Ghojogh, Hassan Combining ability analysis and genes effect for grain yield and its’ components in bread wheat [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 121-139]
  • Gholamalipour Alamdari, Ebrahim Evaluation of 2,4-D leaching potential via soybeans and cucumbers bioassay at different levels of manure [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 141-160]
  • Gholamalipour Alamdari, Ebrahim Monitoring the effects of bentazon, betanal progress and nicosulfuron herbicides on Kautsky curve changes [(Articles in Press)]
  • Gholamhoseini, Majid Evaluation of of yield, essential oil and productivity indices in different planting combinations in the intercropping of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and lentil (Lens culinaris) [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 83-99]
  • Gholamhoseini, Majid Selection of the best planting method and plant density for two sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars with different growth types in Karaj region [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 191-207]
  • Gholamhoseini, Majid The Effect of Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on the Yield of Non-dehiscent Sesame in Sari and Moghan [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 171-188]
  • Gholami, Ahmad Studying the relationship between seed yield and soybean physiological traits under the influence of brown seaweed extract and accelerated aging [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 79-101]
  • Gholami, Mansour Investigation of photosynthetic properties, gas exchange, leaf elements and compositions of Mastoidis, Manzanilla, Jolat and Mari olive cultivars [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 179-190]
  • Gholami, Rahmatollah Effect of 24- Epibrassinolide foliar application on the “Camarosa” strawberry plant growth and fruit yield under salinity stress condition in soilless culture [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 169-183]
  • GHOLAMI, RAHMATOLLAH Effects of regulated deficit irrigation regime on vegetative and Pomological Characteristics and Yield of oli Olive Amphisis Cultivar. [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 63-72]
  • Gholami Sefidkouhi, Mohammad ali Use spatial- temporal Fusion Algorithm to extract vegetation indices in rice growth stages Abstract [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 79-99]
  • Gholinezhad, Esmaeil Impact of spraying nano-fertilizers and salinity stress on leaf and seed nutrient concentrations and physiological traits in in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 103-116]
  • Gholipoor, Manoochehr Quantitative evaluation of some biochemical traits participation to drought resistance in quinoa [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 65-84]
  • Gholipoor,, Manoochehr Effect of mycorrhiza and phosphorus on phytochemical and antioxidant properties of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) in intercropping system [(Articles in Press)]
  • Gholizadeh, Abdollatif Evaluation of 2,4-D leaching potential via soybeans and cucumbers bioassay at different levels of manure [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 141-160]
  • Ghollasi mood, Sholeh DNA barcoding of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. in Iran using chloroplast genes (rbcL and matK) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 115-130]
  • Gholmohammadi, Majid Evaluation of response to drought stress in some of promising Iranian and foreign olive cultivars using using yield-based indices [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 107-127]
  • Ghorbani, Behzad Assessment of Effect of deficit irrigation under surface and subsurface irrigation conditions on vegetative development and yield of Citrus [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 69-82]
  • Ghorbani, Khalil Evaluation of environmental parameters effect on the antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 241-262]
  • Ghorbani, Khalil Simulation of the effect of planting date on cotton yield and water use efficiency using SSM -Crop model [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-52]
  • Ghorbani, Nayyereh Genetic diversity of native Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) accessions based on morphological traits [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-125]
  • Ghorbani, R. Comparison of environmental impacts for dryland and irrigated barley agroecosystems by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 243-264]
  • Ghorbani, Reza The effect of cropping pattern and manure rates on competitive indices and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 199-213]
  • Ghorbani Ghoshchi, Vahidea Alleviation of water deficit effects in forage pea (Pisum arvense L.) by organic fertilizers application and supplementary irrigation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ghorbanpour, Mansour Alteration of antioxidant enzymes of forest savory (Satureja mutica) under ‎the influence of drought stress, re-watering and selenium foliar application [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 19-33]
  • Ghorbanpour, Mansour Evaluation of the effect of endophyte and melatonin on the improvement of stevia root growth as affected by salinity under hydroponic conditions [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 21-38]
  • Ghorbanzadeh Neghab, Mahmoud The study of genetic diversity, correlation between traits and path analysis in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) ecotypes [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 1-12]
  • Gohari, Gholamreza Effect of sodium nitroprusside on growth, physiological and biochemical characters of Solanum tuberosum cv. Agria under salinity stress on in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 155-167]
  • Golamnezhad, Jalal Evaluation of some physiological and morphological characteristics of three genotypes of the ornamental pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) under salt stress [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 167-186]
  • Golchin, Ahmad Effect of Nickel Application on Growth and Nitrogen Metabolism in Rapeseed Supplied with Different Sources of Nitrogen [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 77-98]
  • Golchin, Hossein Comparison of damages on three olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) at different mechanized harvesting methods [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 65-77]
  • Golein, B. Studing of genetic diversity of some Iranian acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) genotypes via AFLP marker [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 81-96]
  • Golein, Behrouz Investigation on genetic diversity of some unknown genotypes of citrus in Iran according to morphological and molecular characteristics based on ISSR and PCR-RFLP markers [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 73-85]
  • Golestanifar, Farzane Evaluation of some growth traits of quinoa cultivars (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) affected by moisture levels and planting date in two regions of South Khorasan [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 231-261]
  • Golipoori, Abdolghayoum Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, salicylic acid and brassinosteroid on Physiological properties of Black Mustard in cadmium stress condition [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 153-168]
  • Gorbani, Razieh Investigation of Resistance Selected Varieties and Relationship with Increase Grain Yield by Fusarium head blight in Wheat Cultivars from Northern Iran [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 17-32]
  • Grayloo, Azar The effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus velezensis bacteria on tolerance to salinity stress in orange marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 189-211]


  • Habiballah, soughi Simulation of Yield and Water Productivity in New Bread Wheat Cultivars Using DSSAT-Nwheat Model [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 103-124]
  • Habibpour-Kashefi, Ehsan Assessment of Adaptation Strategies for Canola to Future Climate in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Habibzadeh, Farhad Evaluation of of yield, essential oil and productivity indices in different planting combinations in the intercropping of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and lentil (Lens culinaris) [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 83-99]
  • Habibzadeh, Farhad Selection of the best planting method and plant density for two sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars with different growth types in Karaj region [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 191-207]
  • Hadadinejad, Mehdi Evaluation of different rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on fruits Antioxidant traits of blackberry cultivars in greenhouse [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 19-35]
  • Hadadinejad, Mehdi Effect of Different Concentrations of Indole Butyric Acid and Benzyl Adenine on the Regeneration of Raspberry (Rubus idaeus.) in vitro [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 123-140]
  • Hadadinejad, Mehdi Investigation of Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Strawberry Daughter Plantlets Influenced by nitrogen fertilization of maternal plants [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 165-181]
  • Hadadinejad, Mehdi Evaluation of the response of two Strawberry cultivars to biological fertilizers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Haddad, Raheem Micropropagation of Red Bell Pepper hybrid cultivar (Capsicum annuum L.) through in vitro axillary buds proliferation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hadi, Mohamadi Evaluating yield loss of winter wheat in competition with wild rye: a case study of Shahkoh region, Golestan province [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 161-176]
  • Hadizadeh, Hamidreza Identifying the factors leading to yield gap in irrigated wheat (case study: Golestan province - Jelin city) [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 171-189]
  • Hafeznia, M. Effect of foliar application time of salicylic acid on some of the morphology properties and pigments of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) fruit [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 203-217]
  • Hafeznia, Maryam Genetic evaluation of gynoecioucy in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) using Generation Mean Analysis method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-16]
  • Hajarpoor, Amir Agroecological zoning of Zanjan province for estimating yield potential and yield gap in dryland-base chickpea production systems [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 27-49]
  • Hajipour, Zahra Effect of ultraviolet irradiation and foliar application of some plant growth regulators on biomass and morphological characteristics of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-154]
  • Hajivand, Shokrollah Assessment of Reaction of Some Iranian Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Cultivars to Freezing Stress [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 67-84]
  • Hajnajari, Hassan Investigation of improved seed rootstocks efficiency on vegetative growth control in some apple cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 219-234]
  • Hamidi, H. Effects of row and plant spacing, and minituber weight on potato yield [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 137-155]
  • Hamidi, Hassan Effects of different irrigation regims and amounts of potassium on qualitative characteristics of potato in Mashhad conditions [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 65-82]
  • Hamidi, Hassan Evaluation of sugar beet S1 pollinator lines using drought tolerance indices [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-84]
  • Hamidi, Hassan Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in spring and autumn cultivation under conditions of rhizomania infection [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 115-126]
  • Hamidi, Hassan Investigating the genetic diversity of sugar beet half-sib families under natural infection conditions to cyst nematode and rhizomania diseases [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 177-195]
  • Hamidoghli, Y. Studing of genetic diversity of some Iranian acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) genotypes via AFLP marker [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 81-96]
  • Hamidoghli, Yousef Effect of harvest time, nitrogen and plant density on yield and some physiological traits of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 121-136]
  • Hamidoghli, Yousef Validation of Some Molecular Markers in Sex Determination in Different Kiwifruit Genotypes from Open Pollination [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 121-130]
  • Hamidoghli, Yousef Effect of arsenic and phosphate Biofertilizer on physiological and Biochemical properties of green mint (Mentha spicata L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 127-139]
  • Hamzei, Javad Evaluation of Rapeseed Growth and Yield under Nitrogen Fertilizer in Rotation with Corn and Chickpea [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 81-91]
  • Hamzei, Javad Study effect of sowing dates on quantitative and qualitative yield of chickpea cultivars under dryland condition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 65-83]
  • Hamzei, Javad Improvement of resource use efficiency, profitability and productivity of potato by intercropping with green bean [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 101-119]
  • Hasanfard, Alireza The trend of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in lentil genotypes before and after freezing stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-150]
  • Hasani, Elham The effect of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on physiological characteristics and root mass of Paulownia fortunei seedlings under drought stress conditions [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 147-164]
  • Hasanzadeh, Mohammad Investigation on the effects of intensity and quality of LED lights on in-vitro regeneration & growth of yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 1-20]
  • Hashempour, Abuzar Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on some biochemical characteristics of barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Sahra) under salinity stress [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 171-189]
  • Hassani, Abbas Investigation of genetic diversity among Verbascum species in West Azerbaijan province by morphological and phytochemical markers [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 123-142]
  • Hassani, Abbas Effect of nitrogen source on growth parameters, chlorophyll content and some elemental concentration of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in soilless culture conditions [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 185-198]
  • Hassanpour Asil, Moazzam Effect of Ectomycorrhizal fungi symbiosis and mycorrhiza helper bacteria (Bacillus cereus) on nutrient uptake and growth of Black pine (Pinus nigra) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 249-264]
  • Hassanzadeh, Kianoush Effects of different drying methods (natural method and oven) on drying time and some secondary metabolites of Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 137-143]
  • Hassanzadeh Narengeboni, Fatemeh The effect of the type of calcium fertilizer sources on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of "Hayward" kiwi fruit at harvest time [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hassibi, P. Screening of rice genotypes by some morphological and physiological traits under drought stress condition [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 95-117]
  • Hassibi, Payman effect of dust on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and photosynthetic characters of sugarcane(Saccharum officinarum L.) in ahvaz [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-293]
  • Hassibi, Payman Evaluation and selection of drought tolerant rice genotypes using fluorometric methods [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 1-21]
  • Hatami, Elahe Seasonal dynamics of nutrients in leaves of olive trees [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hatami, Narges The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation combined with plant growth-promoting bacteria on the growth and photosynthesis indices of two cultivars of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hatami, Zahra Alleviation of freezing injury to Coronilla (Coronilla varia) Ground Cover by Foliar application of glycine betaine [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 195-212]
  • Hatami Maleki, H. Evaluation of genetic variation and identification of QTLs controlling agro-morphological traits in F2:3population of oriental tobacco [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 127-147]
  • Hatamnia, Ali Asghar Improvement of salinity tolerance in hot pepper plants by silicon foliar application [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 103-120]
  • Hazbavi, Eisa Evaluation of the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of chitosan and thymol coating on the quality and storage life of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit 'Parus' cultivar [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 21-40]
  • Hazrati, S. Effect of Water Deficit Stress on Growth, Yield and Aloin Concentration of Aloe vera L. at different harvesting dates [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 63-80]
  • Hazrati, Saeid Evaluation of of yield, essential oil and productivity indices in different planting combinations in the intercropping of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and lentil (Lens culinaris) [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 83-99]
  • Hazrati, Saeid The Effect of Organic, Biofertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 131-152]
  • Hazrati, Saeid Evaluation of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) intercropping advantage under row-replacement and additive series [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 183-204]
  • Heidari, Faezeh Impact of spraying nano-fertilizers and salinity stress on leaf and seed nutrient concentrations and physiological traits in in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 103-116]
  • Heidari, Gholamreza Effect of mulch types and sowing date on morphological traits and yield of pumpkin Cucurbita pepo var. Styriaca)) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 117-131]
  • Heidari, Mostafa Effects of drought stress and humic acid application on quantative yield and content of macro-elements in medical plant Borage (Borago officinalis L.) [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 167-182]
  • Heidari, Mostafa Effects of biofertilzer with organic and chemical fertilizers on quantities yield and physiological parameters in Indian senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl) [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 71-87]
  • Heidari, Mostafa Studying the relationship between seed yield and soybean physiological traits under the influence of brown seaweed extract and accelerated aging [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 79-101]
  • Heidariyeh, Zarqam The effect of priming on physiological and yield characteristics of different sesame varieties under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-187]
  • Heidarzadeh, N. Study the effects of some Trichoderma spp. on tomato growth parameters using three inoculation methods [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 23-29]
  • Hejazi, Seyed Hesamaldin Multivariate analyses of phenotypic traits in some specious of Pear (Pyrus spp. ) [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 177-194]
  • Hekmat, Mohammadhasan Investigating relationships between yield and yield components in promising cotton genotypes (Gossypiume hirsutum L.) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 41-55]
  • Hekmati, Jamal Effect of arsenic and phosphate Biofertilizer on physiological and Biochemical properties of green mint (Mentha spicata L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 127-139]
  • Hemati, K. Effect of organic fertilizers on the morphophysiological characteristics of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-16]
  • Hemmati, Khodayar The Influence of Opportune Harvesting on the Fruit Quality of Pomegranate cvs. Shekar, Shirin and Sangak [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 101-118]
  • Hemmati, Khodayar Performance evaluation of Artificial Neural Networks to estimate, summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) essential oil yield based on the easily available soil properties [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 47-58]
  • Hemmati, Khodayar Study of morphological diversity in some olive genotypes of Gorgan region [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 97-113]
  • Hemmati, Khodayar Effect of inoculation of Rhizobium leguminosarum in combination with different levels of Peseudomonas fluorescens on some quantity traits of Vicia faba [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 223-241]
  • Hemmati, Khodayar Evaluation of Quantitative and Qualitative Performance and Phytochemical Traits of Cucurbita Pepo Var.Striaca Under Organic Fertilizer Treatments [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 37-53]
  • Hemmati, Khodayar Evaluation of changes in photosynthetic parameters, mucilage content and yield components of Viola ignobilis Rupr. in response to bio-stimulants application and light intensity [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 17-41]
  • Hemmati, Khodayar Studying the Effect of Cultivation Distance and Green Hull Extract of Walnut and Pistachio on Morphological and Biochemical Traits of Chia Plant (Salvia hispanica L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hemmati, Nastaran Studying the Effect of Cultivation Distance and Green Hull Extract of Walnut and Pistachio on Morphological and Biochemical Traits of Chia Plant (Salvia hispanica L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hesam, Mousa Simulation of the effect of planting date on cotton yield and water use efficiency using SSM -Crop model [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-52]
  • Heshmati, Samar Effect of biochar on flower yield and growth and physiological characteristics of Althaea officinalis L. under drought stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Heydari, Ravieh Inheritance and Heterosis some of Traits related to Nutritional Value and Physical Quality of Rice Grain [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 143-163]
  • Hezarjaribi, Ebrahim Identification of key agronomical traits contributing to the selection of superior lines of soybean in Moghan Plain [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 127-145]
  • Hodaei, Mahboobeh Evaluation of some bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of leaf methanolic extract and flower essential oil content from different cultivars of Chrysanthemum morifolium [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 133-143]
  • Hokmabadi, Hossein Evaluation of the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the amount of hydrogen peroxide in obtained using hybrid seedlings rootstock from intraspecific and interspecific crosses (P. vera × P. integerrima) under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 33-59]
  • Hokmabadi, Hossein Investigation on dynamic of pollen flow and its relation with fruit set in pistachio (pistachia vera) trees [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 57-77]
  • Hokmabadi, Hossein Effects of Salinity on Antioxidant Enzymes and some Morphophysiological Traits of Two Interspecies Hybrid Pistachio Rootstocks [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 213-229]
  • Hooshmand, M. Effects of cow manure levels and plant densities on yield and seed yield components, leaf and indigo yields of true indigo [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 117-143]
  • Hosein Abadi, Hassan Investigation of Suitable Time for Removal Vine Protection Soil to Prevent Frostbite Damage of Spring Reflection [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 25-40]
  • Hoshyardel, F. Evaluation of genetic variation and identification of QTLs controlling agro-morphological traits in F2:3population of oriental tobacco [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 127-147]
  • Hosseinalizadeh, Mohsen Investigation of plant biodiversity in an agricultural landscape (Case study: Dasht-e- Naz, Sari) [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-24]
  • Hosseini, Roghie An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hosseini Nasab, Fatemeh Alsadat Effect of salicylic acid application on some growth traits of Lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora) under salinity stress [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-176]
  • Hosseini Niari, saeideh Investigation of the effects of ABA on alleviating drought stress in Lilium ledebourii Bioss under in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 141-154]
  • Hosseinzade, Zahra Correlation, regression and path analysis for seed yield and related traits in breeding lines derived from KO37× SE65 cross in linseed [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-12]
  • Houshmand, Sadollah The Study of Different Irrigation Regimes on the Osmoregulation of Pollen Grain and Chlorophyll and Proline Content in Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 159-182]


  • Imani, Ali Effects of foliar spray organic and micro-macro nutrition elements on yield and fruit characteristics in Apple 'Fuji' and Delbar Estival' cultivars [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 33-47]
  • Imani, Ali Effect of salinity stress on growth characteristics of selected almond (Prunus dulcis) genotypes [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 29-46]
  • Imani, Ali Effects of rootstock type on morphological and biochemical markers related to salinity tolerance in almond cultivar Shahrood-12 [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 79-95]
  • Imani, Samira Investigation of Resistance Selected Varieties and Relationship with Increase Grain Yield by Fusarium head blight in Wheat Cultivars from Northern Iran [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 17-32]
  • Iranipour, Ramin The Nutritional Evaluation of Almond (mamaee SP.) Gardens using Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) Method in Saman Area of Chaharmahal Va Bakhtiari Provinc [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 115-130]
  • Izadi, Nouraddin The effect of drought stress on morphological and biochemical characteristics of some lily species [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-65]
  • Izadi, Zahra The effect of urea fertilizer in comparison with the broiler litter on the growth and produced gel of Aloe vera [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 99-116]
  • Izadi Jeloudar, Nouraddin Effect of salicylic acid on some morphological properties, growth and yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under shading conditions [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 191-204]
  • Izadi Jeloudar, Nouraddin The induction of polyploidy by using of colchicine and its identification through cytological traits in Lilium dandie [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-44]
  • Izadkhan, M. Effect of Pre-treatment and Seed Size on Yield and Characteristics of Two Onion (Allium ce-pa L.) Cultivar [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]


  • Jabari, Mitra Genetic differences and heritability using morphological and phytochemical traits of some Iranian apples [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-147]
  • Jabbarzadeh, Zohre Evaluation of the effect of endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica symbiosis on improving of growth characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea cv. Tomahawk) under drough stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 141-164]
  • Jafarby, Jabar Yield Analysis of New Bread Wheat Cultivars Based on Agro-Climatic Indices under Different Sowing Dates in Gonbad [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 185-211]
  • Jafari, Abdol Reza The effect of priming on physiological and yield characteristics of different sesame varieties under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-187]
  • Jafari, Ali Ashraf Assessment of Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity and Relative Nuclear DNA Content in Festuca arundinacea [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 87-101]
  • Jafari, Leila The effect of tray cell volume and humic acid on morphological and physiological characteristics of tomato transplant (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-245]
  • Jafari, Leila Statistical models for non-destructive prediction of common onion (Allium cepa L.) leaf area [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 127-147]
  • Jafari Haghighi, barmak The effect of priming on physiological and yield characteristics of different sesame varieties under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-187]
  • Jafari nazarabadi, Tayebeh Stability analysis of advanced bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.( lines using AMMI method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 127-141]
  • Jafari Sayadi, Fatemeh Use spatial- temporal Fusion Algorithm to extract vegetation indices in rice growth stages Abstract [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 79-99]
  • Jafari Sayadi, Mohammad Hassan Effect of growth regulators on micropropagation and bulblet formatiom in local clones of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Hamedan by meristem culture. [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 59-69]
  • Jafarnodeh, Safora Identifying the factors leading to yield gap in irrigated wheat (case study: Golestan province - Jelin city) [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 171-189]
  • Jafarpoor, Elham Effects of biofertilzer with organic and chemical fertilizers on quantities yield and physiological parameters in Indian senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl) [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 71-87]
  • Jafary, Hosein Physiological and morphological responses of two barley varieties and their progenies to toxic effects of Lead [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 205-227]
  • Jahan, M. Effect of planting date and plant density on yield, yield components and active components of bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis L.) [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 17-35]
  • Jahan, Mohsen Factor analysis of water use efficiency and some quantitative characteristics and yield in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) affected by application of nitrogen and ecological inputs in conditions of drought stress [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 19-39]
  • Jahanbani, Fatemeh Evaluation of flower yield and some quantitative and qualitative traits of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in response to potassium fertilizer under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 159-176]
  • Jahangirzadeh Khiavi, S. Studing of genetic diversity of some Iranian acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) genotypes via AFLP marker [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 81-96]
  • Jahani, Mehdi Effect of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor on some physiological and morphological characteristics of Populus alba under drought stress and cytospora canker conditions [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 47-68]
  • Jalali Honarmand, Saeid The effect of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on physiological characteristics and root mass of Paulownia fortunei seedlings under drought stress conditions [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 147-164]
  • Jalali Honarmand, Saeid Effect of clover cover crop on weed management, growth, and yield of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Jalali-Honarmand, Saeid Changes of yield and yield components of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under the effects of ultraviolet radiation and abscisic acid application in water deficit stress conditions [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 101-117]
  • Jalalvand, Ali Evaluation the effects of cycocel and salicylic acid on some physiological characteristic and essential oil under normal and drought conditions in medical plant Dragonhed (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 111-128]
  • Jalili, Bahi The effect of the type of calcium fertilizer sources on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of "Hayward" kiwi fruit at harvest time [(Articles in Press)]
  • Jalilian, J. Effect of Pre-treatment and Seed Size on Yield and Characteristics of Two Onion (Allium ce-pa L.) Cultivar [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • Jalilian, Jalal Impact of spraying nano-fertilizers and salinity stress on leaf and seed nutrient concentrations and physiological traits in in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 103-116]
  • Jalilian, Jalal Alleviation of water deficit effects in forage pea (Pisum arvense L.) by organic fertilizers application and supplementary irrigation [(Articles in Press)]
  • JALILZADEH, SHABNAM Assessment of diversity in Gami Almasi apple rootstock (Malus × domestica cv. Gami Almasi) progenies by morphological attributes [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 165-179]
  • Jamali, Nahid Improvement of salinity tolerance in hot pepper plants by silicon foliar application [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 103-120]
  • Jamali, S.H. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Jamali Anjelani, Sonia Validation of Some Molecular Markers in Sex Determination in Different Kiwifruit Genotypes from Open Pollination [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 121-130]
  • Janatizadeh, Abasali The effect of postharvest treatments of melatonin and γ-aminobutyric acid on improving antioxidant activity and reducing browning of fresh cut button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) during cold storage [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 45-61]
  • Jannatizadeh, Abbasali Enhancement of postharvest chilling tolerance in anthurium cut flowers by salicylic acid treatment via enhancing GABA shunt activity [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 229-243]
  • Javadifard, Fatemeh Studying the Effect of Cultivation Distance and Green Hull Extract of Walnut and Pistachio on Morphological and Biochemical Traits of Chia Plant (Salvia hispanica L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Javadi Mojadad, Davood Evaluation of transplanting effect on growth and yield in some broccoli (Brassica Oleracea L.) cultivars as second crop after rice havesting under Guilan climatic condition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 213-227]
  • Javadi Mojadad, Davood Investigation of flower phenology , xenia, and metaxenia in some of commercial hazelnut cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 155-171]
  • Javanmard, Abdolah Effect of chemical and biological fertilizers on phytohormone changes and absorption of nutrients in different irrigation periods in sorghum [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 85-99]
  • Joolaei, Ramtin Investigating the effect of changes in the yield of winter rainfed crops on comparative advantage and social profit. [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-55]


  • Kafi, M. Study of nutritional role of silicon nano-particles on physiological characteristics of minituber potato production [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 173-189]
  • Kafi, Mohsen Study of Molecular phylogenetic and matk protein structure in "Susan -e Chelcheragh" (Lilium ledebourii [Baker] Boiss) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 181-191]
  • Kafi, Mohsen Morphophysiological response of Aeluropus littoralis to Bisphenol A in symbiosis with mycorrhiza [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 147-165]
  • Kahneh, Ehsan Usage of morphological and ISSR markers for investigation of Tea genotypes [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 131-147]
  • Kakueinezhad, Mozhdeh Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in spring and autumn cultivation under conditions of rhizomania infection [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 115-126]
  • Kalateh, Mahdi Study on inheritance of resistance to leaf rust in some bread wheat genotypes by diallel cross [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 233-246]
  • Kamari, Hossein An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kambouzia, Jafar Evaluation of climate change effects and adaptation strategies on grain yield and water use efficiency of irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum): A cae study in Khorasan Razavi province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 71-87]
  • Kamkar, B. Land suitability assessment for cumin production in North, Razavi and South Khorasan provinces using Geographical Information System and modeling approach [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-21]
  • Kamkar, B. Analysis of yield status and it its relation with leaf area in wheat fields based on interpolation methods (A case study in army fields, Golestan province) [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 47-69]
  • Kamkar, B. Quantifying of germination rate response to temperature of three sunflower varieties using nonlinear regression models [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 119-136]
  • Kamkar, B. Study of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) monogerm hybrids seed quality changes during fruit development and maturation [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 78-103]
  • Kamkar, Bahnam The feasibility of some invasive weeds presence in Golestan province [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 141-153]
  • Kamkar, Behnam Agroecological zoning of Zanjan province for estimating yield potential and yield gap in dryland-base chickpea production systems [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 27-49]
  • Kamkar, Behnam Effect of inoculation of Rhizobium leguminosarum in combination with different levels of Peseudomonas fluorescens on some quantity traits of Vicia faba [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 223-241]
  • Kamkar, Behnam Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential by barley crop in saline soils (Case study: Gomishan county, Golestan province) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 147-163]
  • Kamkar, Behnam Estimation of carbon sequestration potential in soybean farms using remote sensing plant indices (Case study of Gorgan county, Golestan province) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-37]
  • Kamkar, Behnam Investigation of plant biodiversity in an agricultural landscape (Case study: Dasht-e- Naz, Sari) [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-24]
  • Karamat, saleh An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Karami, Ali The effect of magnesium aminochelate and seaweed (Sargassum angustifolium) on improving growth and quality characteristics of cucumber in magnesium-deficient nutrient solution [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 149-170]
  • Karami, Soraya Effect of thermo-priming on germination, agronomic characteristics and seed oil of safflower (Crthamus tinctorius) cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 107-122]
  • Karandish, F. Spatial prioritizing of the onion producing in warm and arid regions (Case study: Sistan and Bluchestan Province) [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 191-209]
  • Karbalai Agha Molki, Mohammad Taghi The effect of zinc and phosphorus foliar application on morphological characters, grain yield and yield components, and grain quality of rice (Hashemi (local) and Guilaneh (improved) cultivar) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-57]
  • Karimi, Ehsan Alteration of antioxidant enzymes of forest savory (Satureja mutica) under ‎the influence of drought stress, re-watering and selenium foliar application [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 19-33]
  • Karimi, Homa The effect of different nutritional systems on yield and yield components of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in competition and non- competition with weeds [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-77]
  • Karimi, Rouholah Effect of gum ghatti and SoluPotasse on phenological and physiological indices related to spring cold tolerance of grapevine [(Articles in Press)]
  • Karimidastgerdi, Zahra The Study of Different Irrigation Regimes on the Osmoregulation of Pollen Grain and Chlorophyll and Proline Content in Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Karimi Zinkanloo, S. Effect of organic fertilizers on the morphophysiological characteristics of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-16]
  • Karimzadeh, Ghasem Assessment of Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity and Relative Nuclear DNA Content in Festuca arundinacea [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 87-101]
  • Kavand, A. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Kavehnia, Abbas Isolation and morphological and molecular identification of important endophyte fungi of Pistacia mutica in Hormozgan province and their effect on increasing salt stress tolerance of California Wonder 3 pepper seedlings [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 41-64]
  • Kaviani, Behzad Effect of harvest time, cold stratification and sulfuric acid on seed germination of three varieties of olive (Olea europaea L.) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 241-263]
  • Kaviani, Behzad Effect of combined foliar application of calcium and potassium on the shelf life and quality of Thomson Navel orange [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 63-82]
  • Kaviani, Behzd Effect of pollen grain type on some quantity and quality characteristics of fruit in three female cultivars of kiwifruit [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 141-152]
  • Kavyani, Fariba The effect of urea fertilizer in comparison with the broiler litter on the growth and produced gel of Aloe vera [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 99-116]
  • Kazemi, Fatemeh Evaluation of drought resistance of grass and clover mixtures to introduce cover plants with lower maintenance [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 105-122]
  • Kazemi, Hossein The feasibility of some invasive weeds presence in Golestan province [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 141-153]
  • Kazemi, Hossein Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential by barley crop in saline soils (Case study: Gomishan county, Golestan province) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 147-163]
  • Kazemi, Hossein Estimation of carbon sequestration potential in soybean farms using remote sensing plant indices (Case study of Gorgan county, Golestan province) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-37]
  • Kazemi, Hossein Investigation of plant biodiversity in an agricultural landscape (Case study: Dasht-e- Naz, Sari) [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-24]
  • Kazemi, Hossein Evaluation and quantification of some short time ecosystem services in faba bean agroecosystem [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-20]
  • Kazemitabar, Kamal Investigating the effect of different humidity conditions on some morphological traits of the root and shoot in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 193-210]
  • Kazerani, Borzo Evaluation and selection of rice mutant lines based on drought tolerance indices [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 15-31]
  • Kehrizi, Daniel The role of crop management on amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) farms [(Articles in Press)]
  • KESHAVARZI, shabnaz Studying of chloroplast diversity in some apple genotypes from North-West of Iran in comparison of some Alborz genotypes, commercial cultivars and rootstocks [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1-15]
  • Khadempir, Mohammad Allometric relationships between leaf area and vegetative characteristics in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-22]
  • Khairkhah, M. Effect of organic fertilizers on the morphophysiological characteristics of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-16]
  • Khajedad Keshtkat, Mohammad Evaluation of Seed and Oil Production of Sesame Cultivars Affected by Row Spacing and Plant Density [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 163-177]
  • Khaje Hoseini, M. Interaction effects between weeds and seed priming on growth Indices on different seed lots of seedy watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 31-51]
  • Khajoinejad, Gh.R. Yield and yield components reaction of soybean cultivars to inoculation by Bradyrhizobium Japonicum bacteria and nitrogen [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 73-87]
  • Khalafi, Mahnaz Optimization of direct and callus mediated regeneration of Jatropha curcus through in vitro organogenesis [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 117-134]
  • Khaleghi, Alireza Inoculation of Gleditsia caspica seeds with arbuscular mycorrhiza to increase drought tolerance of saplings [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 101-114]
  • Khaleghi, Esmaeil The effect of Chemical and Hand Cluster Thinning on Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Date Palm Fruits cv. Estameran [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 137-152]
  • Khaleghi, Esmaeil Evaluation of the Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria and Potassium Nitrate on the Growth Characteristics and Gas Exchange of Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Under Drought Stress. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khaleghi, Esmaeil Evaluation of pomological and phenological traits of superior walnut genotypes in Farsan, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khalesro, Shiva Effect of mulch types and sowing date on morphological traits and yield of pumpkin Cucurbita pepo var. Styriaca)) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 117-131]
  • Khaligi, Ahmad Investigating the effect of Glycine betaine and humi-forthi on morpho-physiological and biochemical properties Pelargonium graveolens under water stress [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 37-56]
  • Khalili, N. Quantifying of germination rate response to temperature of three sunflower varieties using nonlinear regression models [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 119-136]
  • Khandani, Shokoofeh The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation combined with plant growth-promoting bacteria on the growth and photosynthesis indices of two cultivars of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khandani, Yaser The effect of foliar spraying of salicylic acid and silica on improving the quality of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera) mazafati digit [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 77-97]
  • Khandan-Mirkohi, Azizollah Morphophysiological response of Aeluropus littoralis to Bisphenol A in symbiosis with mycorrhiza [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 147-165]
  • Khanmohammadi, Hajar The effect of foliar spraying with selenium on some morphological and physiological indicators of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) under cadmium stress in hydroponic culture [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khatami, Mhsomeh Effect of biological and chemical phosphorus fertilizers application on flower yield, essential oil percentage and osmatic adjustments of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in response to water deficit stress [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 119-132]
  • Khavari, Mesam Effect of biological and chemical phosphorus fertilizers in combination with planting management on morphological and physiological traits, seed yield, and mucilage yield of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 137-157]
  • Khavarinezhad, Ramezanali Effect of Salicylic Acid on some Morphological and Biochemical Traits of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under salt stress [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 163-182]
  • Khayam Nekouei, Mojtaba Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Khayati Babaie, Sara Effect of combined foliar application of calcium and potassium on the shelf life and quality of Thomson Navel orange [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 63-82]
  • Kheiry, Azizollah A Survey of genetic diversity of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. some populations using morphological and phytochemical characteristics [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 209-226]
  • Kheiry, Azizollah Study of some abiotic elicitors effects on morphological and phytochemical traits of Karelā [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 183-202]
  • Kheyrifar, Maryam Evaluation the effects of salinity stress and vermicompost on morphophysiological traits of Euphorbia tirucalli L. [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 183-203]
  • Khlilzadeh, Razieh Alleviation of water deficit effects in forage pea (Pisum arvense L.) by organic fertilizers application and supplementary irrigation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khodadadi Balanaghibi, Mohammadreza Estimating blue and green water footprints in rice production in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khodarahmi, Manoochehr Yield Analysis of New Bread Wheat Cultivars Based on Agro-Climatic Indices under Different Sowing Dates in Gonbad [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 185-211]
  • Khodayari, Hamed Stability of yield and other important traits of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) Cultivars using graphical GGE biplot method [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 37-53]
  • Kholghi Eshkalak, Ali The study of bud break percentage and aberrant fruit shape incidence in some Hayward kiwifruit vineyard in Guilan Province [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 167-181]
  • Khoramdel, S. Effects of cow manure levels and plant densities on yield and seed yield components, leaf and indigo yields of true indigo [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 117-143]
  • Khoramdel, Soror Effects of different plant densities and nitrogen fertilizer levels on yield and qualitative characteristics of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 83-100]
  • Khorasaninejad, Sarah Evaluation of changes in photosynthetic parameters, mucilage content and yield components of Viola ignobilis Rupr. in response to bio-stimulants application and light intensity [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 17-41]
  • Khorramdel, S. Comparison of environmental impacts for dryland and irrigated barley agroecosystems by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 243-264]
  • Khorramdel, Surur The effect of cropping pattern and manure rates on competitive indices and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 199-213]
  • Khorshidi, Mehdi Quantitative evaluation of some biochemical traits participation to drought resistance in quinoa [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 65-84]
  • Khoshgoftarmanesh, Amir Hosein Effect of Nickel Application on Growth and Nitrogen Metabolism in Rapeseed Supplied with Different Sources of Nitrogen [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 77-98]
  • Khoshhal Sarmast, Mostafa Transient expression-based CRISPR/Cas9 system for manipulation of tall fescue SGR gene [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 35-43]
  • Khoshhal Sarmast, Mostafa Effects of 6-Benzyladenine on total nonstructural carbohydrates and water-soluble carbohydrates of tall fescue leaves subjected to drought stress [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 215-231]
  • Khoshhal Sarmast, Mostafa Genome-wide analysis, annotation and expression profile analysis of VDAC gene family in Rosa chinensis [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 111-132]
  • Khoshhal Sarmast, Mostafa The role of gibberellic acid, temperature and scarification on in/ex vitro germination of Rosa persica Michx ex Juss. [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 231-245]
  • Khoshhal Sarmast, Mostafa Evaluation of the combined use of auxin and nutrients for root stimulation in stem cuttings of Ligustrum lucidum [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Khoshhal Sarmast, Mostafa Mitigation of root and shoot proline content in response to jasmonic and salicylic acid in Rosa damacena subjected to short drought stress [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 171-190]
  • Khoshkam, S. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Khoshkhui, M. Production of Delphinidin Anthocyanin in the Flower Petals of Gerbera by Agroinfiltration of Flower Color Gene Constructs [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 145-164]
  • Khoshravesh, Mojtaba Use spatial- temporal Fusion Algorithm to extract vegetation indices in rice growth stages Abstract [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 79-99]
  • Kia, Shaban Reaction to septoria leaf blotch in a number of elite genotypes of bread wheat [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 329-335]
  • Kiaeshkevarian, Masoumeh The effect of foliar application time of urea and some microelements on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of kiwifruit cv. Hayward [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kiani, Davood The Effect of Organic, Biofertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 131-152]
  • Kiani, Mohadeseh Changes of seed quality and germination of some black cumin ecotypes (Nigella sativa L.) during development and maturity [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 227-240]
  • Koocheki, Alireza Statistical models for non-destructive prediction of common onion (Allium cepa L.) leaf area [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 127-147]
  • Koohsari, Afsaneh Effect of Explant Types and Growth Regulators on Callus induction and Secondary Metabolites of Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 59-72]
  • Koozehgar kaleji, Mostafa Investigation of plant biodiversity in an agricultural landscape (Case study: Dasht-e- Naz, Sari) [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-24]
  • Kordenaeej, Alaeddin Evaluation of grain yield stability and allelic diversity of glutenin subunits with low molecular weight in advanced lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kordenaeej, Allaedin Stability analysis of advanced bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.( lines using AMMI method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 127-141]
  • Koushesh Saba, Mahmoud Vase Life of Gerbera Cut Flower cv. Pink Power affected by Different Treatments of Plant Essential Oils and Silver Nanoparticles [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 43-59]


  • Ladan Moghaddam, Alireza Effect of Temperature, Humidity, and Bulb’s Rest Period Duration on Vegetative and Reproductive Growth in Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 47-56]
  • Latifi, Hoda Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density on yield and nitrogen efficiency indices of sesame using a central composite design [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 125-140]
  • Layegh Haghighi, Masoumeh Enhancement of phenoilc compounds of olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf with soil application of chemical and organic fertilizers [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 179-198]
  • Liu, jinyi Genome-wide analysis, annotation and expression profile analysis of VDAC gene family in Rosa chinensis [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 111-132]
  • Lotfollahi, L. Salinity effect on proline, photosynthetic pigments and leaf relative water content in chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 89-103]


  • Madadi-Paein-Roudposhti, Aghil Investigation of nano-iron and nano-zinc application on some qualitative and quantitative traits of Lallemantia royleana Benth [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 197-216]
  • Madani, Hadi The Effect of Colchicine Treatment and In vitro Polyploidy Induction on Quantity and Quality of the Phenolic Compounds of Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don [(Articles in Press)]
  • Madani, Soghra The effect of five rootstocks on physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of 'Yashar' fruits -a new mandarin- during ripening stages [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 109-123]
  • Maddah Hoseini, Shahab Physiological parameters of sesame plant under the influence of salinity stress and increase of carbon dioxide concentration [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 115-126]
  • Mahdavi, B. Effect of seed priming on germination, morphological and physiological characteristics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under alkalinity stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 25-46]
  • Mahdavi, Batool Effect of Different Intercropping Patterns of Common millet and Cowpea on Yield and Yield Components [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 205-230]
  • Mahdikhani Moghaddam, E. Study the effects of some Trichoderma spp. on tomato growth parameters using three inoculation methods [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 23-29]
  • Mahmod Janlu, Mehr Ali Evaluation the effects of salinity stress and vermicompost on morphophysiological traits of Euphorbia tirucalli L. [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 183-203]
  • Mahmoodi, Sohrab Investigating the effect of salinity stress and soil microorganisms on the absorption of mineral elements of Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk(. [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 123-140]
  • Mahmoodi, Sohrab Evaluation of some growth traits of quinoa cultivars (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) affected by moisture levels and planting date in two regions of South Khorasan [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 231-261]
  • Mahmoudi, Fatemeh The effect of seed pretreatment with sodium hydrogen sulfide and salicylic acid on germination, morphological and biochemical indicators of quinoa seedlings in the greenhouse [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mahmoudi, Mojtaba Evaluation of phytochemical properties, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidants of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), peas (pisum sativum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in monoculture and intercropping [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 49-68]
  • MahmoudSoltani, Shahram The effect of zinc and phosphorus foliar application on morphological characters, grain yield and yield components, and grain quality of rice (Hashemi (local) and Guilaneh (improved) cultivar) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-57]
  • Mahmoudzadeh, Hassan The effect of grapevine training systems on grape yield quality and Quantity of Vitis vinifera cv. Red Sultana (A five years record) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 57-69]
  • Mahmudi, Elham Reaction to septoria leaf blotch in a number of elite genotypes of bread wheat [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 329-335]
  • Majdian, Gholamreza Identification of HMW glutenin subunits in cultivars and promising lines of bread wheat using STS markers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Majnooni Heris, Zahra Use of symbiotic fungi to reduce the phytotoxic effect of chromium in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 57-75]
  • Makarian, Hassan Determination of weed spatial distribution based on damage threshold in two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields in Shahrood region [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 51-73]
  • Malek, Mohsen The germination responses of primed Canola seeds to varying temperatures [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 215-227]
  • Maleki, Ramin Investigation of genetic diversity among Verbascum species in West Azerbaijan province by morphological and phytochemical markers [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 123-142]
  • Maleki Asayesh, Zeinab Moderate salinity stress and its effect on water conservation capacity of in vitro plants of Persian walnut during desiccation [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 85-99]
  • Maleki Lajayer, Hassan Investigation of the effects of ABA on alleviating drought stress in Lilium ledebourii Bioss under in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 141-154]
  • Maleki Lajayer, Hassan Investigate the effects of the Benzyladenin and Hydrogen Peroxide on Vase Life of the Anthurium andraenum [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 153-166]
  • Maleki Lajayer, Hassan The effect of drought stress on morphological and biochemical characteristics of some lily species [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-65]
  • Maleki Lajayer, Hassan Investigation on the effects of intensity and quality of LED lights on in-vitro regeneration & growth of yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 1-20]
  • Maleki Lajayer, Hassan The effect of melatonin foliar application on morphological and physiological parameters of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under cadmium stress. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mansouri, Irandokht Agronomical strategy of plant density and nitrogen on winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield in interference with Lepyrpdiclis (Lepyrodiclis holosteoides Fenzl.) population [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 19-42]
  • Mansouri, Saadollah The Effect of Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on the Yield of Non-dehiscent Sesame in Sari and Moghan [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 171-188]
  • Martinez-Gomez, Pedro Association mapping for pomological traits in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) using ISSR markers [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 143-155]
  • Marvi, H. Effect of planting date and plant density on yield, yield components and active components of bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis L.) [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 17-35]
  • Mashaiekhi, Kambiz Investigation the response of some photosynthetic attributes of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) to different active coal concentrations with several solvents [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 23-49]
  • Mashayekhi, K. Effect of foliar application time of salicylic acid on some of the morphology properties and pigments of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) fruit [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 203-217]
  • Mashayekhi, kambiz Optimization of direct and callus mediated regeneration of Jatropha curcus through in vitro organogenesis [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 117-134]
  • Mashyekhi, K. Study of the effect of potassium permanganate on the biochemical characteristics of onion (Allium cepa) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 135-149]
  • Masoudi, Bahram Identification of key agronomical traits contributing to the selection of superior lines of soybean in Moghan Plain [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 127-145]
  • Masoudi, Bahram Evaluation of relationships between some developmental and biochemical traits of soybean under salt stress by canonical correlation analysis and ideal genotype selection index at seedling stage [(Articles in Press)]
  • Masoumi, Mohammad Evaluation of environmental parameters effect on the antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 241-262]
  • Masoumi Asal, A. Optimization of Callus Induction and Somatic Embryogenesis in Two Genotypes of Medicinal Chavil Plant (Ferulago angulata L.) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 41-62]
  • Matloobi, Mansour Success in budding of garden roses under cold climates – Effect of time and cultivar [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 1-16]
  • Mazaheritehrani, Mohsen Evaluation of biological activities of essential oil and extracts of gum Vasha (Dormea ammoniacum D.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 211-225]
  • Mazandarani, Najibalah Investigation of Resistance Selected Varieties and Relationship with Increase Grain Yield by Fusarium head blight in Wheat Cultivars from Northern Iran [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 17-32]
  • MazariManghabi, Hossein Effects of adding far-red light to the photosynthetic active spectrum on growth and morphological characteristics of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under controlled conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 149-164]
  • Meghdadi, N. Land suitability assessment for cumin production in North, Razavi and South Khorasan provinces using Geographical Information System and modeling approach [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-21]
  • Meghdadi, Nassim Agroecological zoning of Zanjan province for estimating yield potential and yield gap in dryland-base chickpea production systems [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 27-49]
  • Mehdipour, Elham Identification of a number of superior and adaptive rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) lines in terms of different agronomic and phenological traits in Rasht [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 83-99]
  • Mehrabanjoubani, Pooyan Effect of silicon and nano silicon application on wheat (C3) and sorghum (C4) under salinity stress [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 173-190]
  • Mehrabanjoubani, Pooyan The Impact of Elicitors on Growth and Photosynthetic Traits of Sour Orange Rootstock Under Waterlogging Stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mehrabi, M. Evaluate the effects of winter stress(freezing and snow) on some morphological and physiological reactions of commercial citrus in Tonekabon area [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 151-157]
  • Melikyan, A. Evaluation of tuber yield and growth indices of potato genotypes in mountain and plain conditions in Golestan Province [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 231-238]
  • Meskarbashi, M. Screening of rice genotypes by some morphological and physiological traits under drought stress condition [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 95-117]
  • Meskarbashi, Moosa Evaluation and selection of drought tolerant rice genotypes using fluorometric methods [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 1-21]
  • Minaei, Azad Effects of drought stress and humic acid application on quantative yield and content of macro-elements in medical plant Borage (Borago officinalis L.) [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 167-182]
  • Mirabi, Elahe Effects of Salinity on Antioxidant Enzymes and some Morphophysiological Traits of Two Interspecies Hybrid Pistachio Rootstocks [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 213-229]
  • Mirahmadi Babaheydari, Somayeh Evaluation of pomological and phenological traits of superior walnut genotypes in Farsan, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mirbabaiyan, Seyede Arezoo The effect of phenylalanine and salicylic acid facilitators on the production of secondary metabolites in the capillary roots of Silybum marianum L. under in vitro conditions [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 17-34]
  • Mirdoraghi, Maryam The study of row mixed cropping in Durum wheat (Triticum durum) genotypes underwater deficiency Conditions [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 179-196]
  • Miri, Hamid Reza The effect of priming on physiological and yield characteristics of different sesame varieties under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-187]
  • Mirkarimi, Hamid Reza Evaluation of resistance six potato genotypes to early blight disease caused by the pathogenic fungus Alternaria tenuissima and Alternaria allternata under in vitro and greenhouse conditions [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 117-132]
  • Mirkarimi, Shahrzad Investigating the effect of changes in the yield of winter rainfed crops on comparative advantage and social profit. [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-55]
  • Mirmiran, Seyedeh Mahboube The trend of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in lentil genotypes before and after freezing stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-150]
  • Mirmostafaee, Somayeh The effects of different drying methods on drying speed, essential oil and microbial load in Peppermint [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 133-144]
  • Mirnemati, Hadi Investigation biochemical characteristics and yield of savory (Satureja hortensis L.) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- greacum L.) in intercropping conditions with simultainous weed competition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 1-23]
  • Mirzaei, Atefeh Study of the effect of cadmium and polyvinyl chloride on the accumulation of microelements and some physiological traits of Koshia seedlings [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mirzaei, Mohammad Mehdi The response of yield and yield components of different ecotypes of black cumin to seed priming with humic acid and biozinc [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mirzaei mashhood, Mahdieh Evaluation of the effect of endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica symbiosis on improving of growth characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea cv. Tomahawk) under drough stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 141-164]
  • Mirzajani Fathkoohi, Reza Effect of harvest time, cold stratification and sulfuric acid on seed germination of three varieties of olive (Olea europaea L.) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 241-263]
  • Mirzapour, Mohammad Hadi Effect of Nickel Application on Growth and Nitrogen Metabolism in Rapeseed Supplied with Different Sources of Nitrogen [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 77-98]
  • Moalem, F. Effects of cow manure levels and plant densities on yield and seed yield components, leaf and indigo yields of true indigo [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 117-143]
  • Moallaye Mazraei, Soraya Evaluation of the Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria and Potassium Nitrate on the Growth Characteristics and Gas Exchange of Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Under Drought Stress. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Moallemi, Noorollah The effect of Chemical and Hand Cluster Thinning on Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Date Palm Fruits cv. Estameran [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 137-152]
  • Moallemi, Noorollah Seasonal dynamics of nutrients in leaves of olive trees [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mobaraki, Ladan Effects of calcium silicate and calcium chelate on bent neck and vase life of roses (Rosa hybrida) cv. ‘Dolce Vita’ [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mobasheri, Shima Evaluation of yield and constituent compounds of fresh and dried Lavandula angustifolia L. essential oil in different harvesting times [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 153-170]
  • Modares Sanevi, S.A.M. Effect of Water Deficit Stress on Growth, Yield and Aloin Concentration of Aloe vera L. at different harvesting dates [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 63-80]
  • Moezzi, Abdolamir The Nutritional Evaluation of Almond (mamaee SP.) Gardens using Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) Method in Saman Area of Chaharmahal Va Bakhtiari Provinc [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 115-130]
  • Moghadam, Naeim Investigation of the effect of combined application of pre-planted and post-emergence herbicides on yield and yield components of wheat [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-140]
  • Mohadjerani, Maryam Evaluation of biological activities of essential oil and extracts of gum Vasha (Dormea ammoniacum D.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 211-225]
  • Mohajer vatan, Fatemeh Study on inheritance of resistance to leaf rust in some bread wheat genotypes by diallel cross [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 233-246]
  • Mohamadi, Maryam The effect of growth regulators on micropropagatin of GF677 rootstock under liquid mediumconditions [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 43-57]
  • Mohamadi, Samane An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohamadzadeh, Zahra An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohammadi, Amir Ali Evaluation of different rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on fruits Antioxidant traits of blackberry cultivars in greenhouse [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 19-35]
  • Mohammadi, E Effects of soil suction and salinity of water on yield and yield components of cotton [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 295-311]
  • Mohammadi, E. Analysis of yield status and it its relation with leaf area in wheat fields based on interpolation methods (A case study in army fields, Golestan province) [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 47-69]
  • Mohammadi, Shima Effect of Winter Irrigation on Flowering and Fruit Set of Olea europaea L. cvs Zard and Manzanilla in Loushan Region [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 145-156]
  • Mohammadi, Zhila Effect of sodium nitroprusside on growth, physiological and biochemical characters of Solanum tuberosum cv. Agria under salinity stress on in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 155-167]
  • Mohammadi Azni, Mehdi Investigating the effect of sulphur and silicon on some morphological and phytochemical properties of garlic [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 263-281]
  • Mohammadi Mirik, Ali Akbar Correlation, regression and path analysis for seed yield and related traits in breeding lines derived from KO37× SE65 cross in linseed [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-12]
  • Mohammadinejad, Gh. Yield and yield components reaction of soybean cultivars to inoculation by Bradyrhizobium Japonicum bacteria and nitrogen [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 73-87]
  • Mohammadi-Nejad, Gh. Evaluation of grain yield stability of recombinant inbred lines in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on AMMI method [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 189-202]
  • Mohammad kHani, Yaser Effects of foliar spray organic and micro-macro nutrition elements on yield and fruit characteristics in Apple 'Fuji' and Delbar Estival' cultivars [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 33-47]
  • MohammadKhani, Abdoalrahman Evaluating the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of some strawberry genotypes using PLS-PM approach [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 243-262]
  • Mohammad Nejad Ganji,, Seyyedeh Majideh Evaluation of the combined use of auxin and nutrients for root stimulation in stem cuttings of Ligustrum lucidum [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Mohammadpour Barough, Aylar Introducing inexpensive in vitro solid culture medium for producing high quality Phalaenopsis orchid plantlets [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 101-117]
  • Mohammad Salehi, Masoud Effect of Winter Irrigation on Flowering and Fruit Set of Olea europaea L. cvs Zard and Manzanilla in Loushan Region [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 145-156]
  • Mohammady, Shahram The Study of Different Irrigation Regimes on the Osmoregulation of Pollen Grain and Chlorophyll and Proline Content in Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Mohkami, Zeynab Study of some abiotic elicitors effects on morphological and phytochemical traits of Karelā [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 183-202]
  • Mohkami, Zeynab Cultivation of garden thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris L.) in vitro and investigating the effects of ventilation, silica and sucrose concentration on its growth and development [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 23-46]
  • Mohkami, Zeynab Investigating the morphophysiological and phytochemical response of cinnamon basil to some growth stimulants [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohseni, A.R. Yield and yield components reaction of soybean cultivars to inoculation by Bradyrhizobium Japonicum bacteria and nitrogen [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 73-87]
  • Mohsenzadeh, sasan Some physiological characteristics of the medicinal plant Lavandula angustifolia in response to drought stress, compost and vermicompost [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 149-162]
  • Mohsenzadeh Golfazani, Mohammad Assessment of genetic diversity in Citrus sinensis by ISSR marker and retrotransposon [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 119-136]
  • Mohsenzdeh, Fatemeh The feeding rose flower (Rosa hybrid L. cv. Grian Bdprex) with Ammonium Fertilizers by Cultan method compared with nitrate fed plants [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-39]
  • Mokarrary kor, Nour Mohammad Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential by barley crop in saline soils (Case study: Gomishan county, Golestan province) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 147-163]
  • Mokhtaryan, Ali Evaluation of Genetic Variation of Some Grape Cultivars Based on Morphological Traits [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 172-192]
  • Mokhtasi, A. Effect of Water Deficit Stress on Growth, Yield and Aloin Concentration of Aloe vera L. at different harvesting dates [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 63-80]
  • Mokhtassi-Bidgoli, Ali Response of some characteristics of two local rice cultivars to integrated management of irrigation and drainage [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 31-44]
  • Momenpour, A. Effect of salinity stress on growth characteristics,chlorophyll fluorescence and concentrations of nutrition elements in fourteen pistachio (Pistacia vera) cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 91-121]
  • Momenpour, Ali Effects of foliar spray organic and micro-macro nutrition elements on yield and fruit characteristics in Apple 'Fuji' and Delbar Estival' cultivars [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 33-47]
  • Momenpour, Ali Effect of salinity stress on growth characteristics of selected almond (Prunus dulcis) genotypes [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 29-46]
  • Momenpour, Ali Evaluation of some physiological and morphological characteristics of three genotypes of the ornamental pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) under salt stress [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 167-186]
  • Momen Pour, Ali Effects of rootstock type on morphological and biochemical markers related to salinity tolerance in almond cultivar Shahrood-12 [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 79-95]
  • Mondany, Farzad The role of crop management on amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) farms [(Articles in Press)]
  • Monem, Reza Effect of Salicylic acid and Jasmonic acid on growth traits and root and shoot ionic interaction of Lavender (Lavendula officinalis L.) in salt stress conditions [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 159-166]
  • Monsefi, Ali Agro-Ecological evaluation of influence of Sesame crop residue management method and integrated chemical and biological fertilizer on Wheat grain yield [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 59-78]
  • Monsefi, Ali Investigation of the effect of combined application of pre-planted and post-emergence herbicides on yield and yield components of wheat [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-140]
  • Moosazadeh, Reza Evaluation of Genetic Variation of Some Grape Cultivars Based on Morphological Traits [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 172-192]
  • Moradi, A. The effect of growth promoting bacteria (GPB) and mycorrhizal fungi on seedling emergence, early eestablishment and growth of alfalfa (Medicago sative) under salinity stress condition. [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 105-125]
  • Moradi, A. Optimization of Callus Induction and Somatic Embryogenesis in Two Genotypes of Medicinal Chavil Plant (Ferulago angulata L.) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 41-62]
  • Moradi, Afshin Cultivation of garden thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris L.) in vitro and investigating the effects of ventilation, silica and sucrose concentration on its growth and development [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 23-46]
  • Moradi, Hossein The effect of nitrogen nutrition and ethephon spray on flowering and some photosynthetic characteristics cucumber Victor [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 129-142]
  • Moradi, Hossein Effect of methanol and ethanol foliar application on some growth characteristics and some of secondary metabolites thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 213-229]
  • Moradi, Hossein Flowering and fruit yield of ‘Aromas’ strawberry as affected by zinc and boron in hydroponic cultivation [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 43-63]
  • Moradi, Hossein Effect of Different Concentrations of Indole Butyric Acid and Benzyl Adenine on the Regeneration of Raspberry (Rubus idaeus.) in vitro [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 123-140]
  • Moradi, Mehdi Induction of Morph-Physiological and Biochemical Alternation of Salvia Officinalis L. by Manipulating Light Spectrum [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Moradi, Navazolah Genetic Diversity of Salvia santolinifolia Boiss Ecotypes Growing in Hormozgan Province Using Morphological Traits [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 279-296]
  • Moradi Ashour, Behrouz Evaluation of some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of advanced white chickpea lines for spring dry land cultivation [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 99-113]
  • Moradinezhad, Farid Effect of pre-harvest covering fruit on some physicochemical properties and quality of pomegranate fruit cv. Shishe Kab [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 139-152]
  • Moradinezhad, Farid Effect of drought and salinity stress on flower quality, biochemical changes and ions concentration of Narcissus tazetta cv. ‘Shahla’ [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-221]
  • Mortazavi, Seyed Najmeddin The effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus velezensis bacteria on tolerance to salinity stress in orange marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 189-211]
  • Mortazavian, S.M.M. Evaluation of drought tolerance in endemic ecotypes of cumin using tolerance indices [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 185-204]
  • Moshari Nasirkandi, Aatefeh Optimization of Tissue Culture Conditions for Micropropagation in Semi-dwarf M7 Apple Rootstock [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 119-137]
  • Moshtaghi, Nasrin Effects of Indol-3-butyric acid and Agrobacterium rhizogenes on the rooting of hardwood cuttings of EM9 and MM106 apple rootstocks [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 165-184]
  • Mosleh Arany, Asghar The effect of rhizosphere bacteria isolated from halophyte plants on some growth characteristics of Triticum aestivum L. (var. Narin). [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 165-182]
  • Mostafavirad, Marefat Effect of chemical, organic and biological fertilizers on growth and physiological characteristics of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Guilan province [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 55-68]
  • Mostafavirad, Marefat Yield Stability Assessment of Winter Oilseed Rape Lines in Cold Regions of Iran Using AMMI Model [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 85-96]
  • Mostafavi Rad, Marefat Evaluation of transplanting effect on growth and yield in some broccoli (Brassica Oleracea L.) cultivars as second crop after rice havesting under Guilan climatic condition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 213-227]
  • Motafakkerazad, Rouhollah Effect of polyamines on antioxidative responses of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) under drought stress [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 157-171]
  • Motaghian, Alaleh Investigation the yield, competitive indices and economical advantage of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea Moench.) and sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) intercropping pattern in different climate conditions of Mazandaran province [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Motahari nia, Mona Quantitative investigation of the effect of surfactants and chaotropes on ascorbate peroxidase activity in strawberry and blackberry [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 205-229]
  • Motallebi Azar, Alireza Effect of sodium nitroprusside on growth, physiological and biochemical characters of Solanum tuberosum cv. Agria under salinity stress on in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 155-167]
  • Motallebi Azar, Alireza Success in budding of garden roses under cold climates – Effect of time and cultivar [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 1-16]
  • Moudi, Maryam DNA barcoding of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. in Iran using chloroplast genes (rbcL and matK) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 115-130]
  • Mousanejad, Sedigheh Effect of Ectomycorrhizal fungi symbiosis and mycorrhiza helper bacteria (Bacillus cereus) on nutrient uptake and growth of Black pine (Pinus nigra) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 249-264]
  • Mousavi, Seyed Akbar Investigation different amounts of irrigation water on some vegetative and reproductive parameters of grafted and ungrafted iranian melon [Cucumis melo (L.)] Souski-e-Sabz accessions under drip irrigation system [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 101-123]
  • Mousavi, Seyed Asghar Evaluation of pomological and phenological traits of superior walnut genotypes in Farsan, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mousavi, Seyyedeh Maryam Effect of methanol and ethanol foliar application on some growth characteristics and some of secondary metabolites thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 213-229]
  • Mousavi kouhi, Seyed Mousa DNA barcoding of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. in Iran using chloroplast genes (rbcL and matK) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 115-130]
  • Moushani, Saeid Comparison of carbon sequestration potential of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) in two conventional and conservation cropping systems (Case study: Gorgan city) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 235-253]
  • Movahhedi Dehnavi, Mohsen Effect of different levels of nitrogen, bio-fertilizers and Nano-nitrogen on some qualitative and quantitative traits in soybean (Glycine max L.) in Darab (Fars) region [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 203-222]
  • Mozafari, Hossein The effect of foliar spraying of salicylic acid and silica on improving the quality of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera) mazafati digit [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 77-97]
  • Mozafari, M. An Investigation of genetic diversity of some hawthorn genotypes using morphological characterization of leaf and fruit [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 53-69]
  • Mumivand, Hasan Stability of yield and other important traits of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) Cultivars using graphical GGE biplot method [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 37-53]
  • Mumivand, Hasan Effects of biochar and native and non-native Mycorrhizal Fungi on growth, biomass and some morphological and physiological characteristics of two Parsley cultivars under greenhouse [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-21]
  • Mumivand, Hasan Effect of ultraviolet irradiation and foliar application of some plant growth regulators on biomass and morphological characteristics of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-154]
  • Mumivand, Hasan The effect of different levels of salinity stress and cultivar on biochemical and physiological characteristics and nutrient concentration of William Sweet (Dianthus barbatus) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Mumivand, Hasan Evaluation of the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of chitosan and thymol coating on the quality and storage life of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit 'Parus' cultivar [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 21-40]
  • Mumivand, Hasan Stomatal characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence, and physiological and phytochemical responses of three Cornflower cultivars (Centaurea cyanus) to ultraviolet A and B [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-22]


  • Nabati, Jafar The trend of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in lentil genotypes before and after freezing stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-150]
  • Nabavi, Sharifesadat The effect of biochar on the improvement of some morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) grown in chromium-contaminated soil [(Articles in Press)]
  • Naderi, Roohangiz Study of Molecular phylogenetic and matk protein structure in "Susan -e Chelcheragh" (Lilium ledebourii [Baker] Boiss) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 181-191]
  • Naderi Boldaji, Hosein The effect of light spectrum and thidiazuron plant regulator on embryogenesis and photosyntesis system of phalaenopsis orchid [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 197-206]
  • Naghsiband Hassani, Rahim The effect of postharvest treatments of melatonin and γ-aminobutyric acid on improving antioxidant activity and reducing browning of fresh cut button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) during cold storage [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 45-61]
  • Naiebzadeh, Marjan Investigating the effect of Glycine betaine and humi-forthi on morpho-physiological and biochemical properties Pelargonium graveolens under water stress [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 37-56]
  • Najafizarini, Hamid Investigating the effect of different humidity conditions on some morphological traits of the root and shoot in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 193-210]
  • Najafi Zarrini, Hamid Inheritance and Heterosis some of Traits related to Nutritional Value and Physical Quality of Rice Grain [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 143-163]
  • Nakhoda, B. Evaluation of grain yield stability of recombinant inbred lines in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on AMMI method [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 189-202]
  • Namaki, Atefeh Morphological evaluation of Asparagus azerbaijanensis accessions and effect of drought stress on Iranian asparagus seedlings growth [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 209-224]
  • Naroueirad, Mohammad Reza Evaluation of Seed and Oil Production of Sesame Cultivars Affected by Row Spacing and Plant Density [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 163-177]
  • Naruei zad, Saeid The effect of foliar spraying of salicylic acid and silica on improving the quality of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera) mazafati digit [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 77-97]
  • Naseri, Lotfali Effects of gibberellic-acid and salicylic-acid on phytochemical characteristics, antioxidant capacity and nutrient elements of Bidane-Sefid grape [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 103-120]
  • Naseri, Lotfali The effect of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) foliar application on some biochemical characteristics and expression pattern of PAL and CHS genes in Qızıl Uzum grape (Vitis vinifera L.) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 125-148]
  • Naseri Abkooh, Negar Factor analysis of water use efficiency and some quantitative characteristics and yield in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) affected by application of nitrogen and ecological inputs in conditions of drought stress [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 19-39]
  • Naseri Moghadam, Ali Effect of drought and salinity stress on flower quality, biochemical changes and ions concentration of Narcissus tazetta cv. ‘Shahla’ [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-221]
  • Nasiri, M. Screening of rice genotypes by some morphological and physiological traits under drought stress condition [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 95-117]
  • Nasiri, Morteza Evaluation and selection of drought tolerant rice genotypes using fluorometric methods [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 1-21]
  • Nasiri, Morteza Influence of elevated air temperature during grain-filling stage on milling parameters and rice grain wastage under different local climates in Mazandaran province [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-15]
  • Nasiri Dehsorkhi, Abbas Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of substrate components in the production process of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Nasiri Mahalati, Mahdi Effect of drought stress on yield and yield components and radiation use efficiency of three types of red, white and pinto beans [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Nasrolahnejad, Saied Reaction to septoria leaf blotch in a number of elite genotypes of bread wheat [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 329-335]
  • Nasrolah Pourmoghadam, Shirin Study of the Growth and Nutritional Changes in Four Prunus sp. Rootstocks under Drought Stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 141-157]
  • NasrollahnezhadGhomi, AliAsghar Evaluation of resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondiata f. sp. tritici Eriksson) and comparison of yield components of Ajilops tauschii genotypes in field conditions [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 191-207]
  • Nasrollahnezhad Ghomi, Ali Asghar Evaluation of resistance to leaf rust at adult stage in some bread wheat cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 89-102]
  • Nasrollahnezhad Ghomi, Ali Asghar Study on inheritance of resistance to leaf rust in some bread wheat genotypes by diallel cross [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 233-246]
  • Nasrollahnezhad Ghomi, Ali Asghar Evaluation of grain yield stability and allelic diversity of glutenin subunits with low molecular weight in advanced lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nasrollanejad, S. Serological detection and host rang of Tobacco Streak Ilarvirus in Golestan province [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 59-71]
  • Nassiri Mahallati, mahdi Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density on yield and nitrogen efficiency indices of sesame using a central composite design [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 125-140]
  • Nassiri Mahallati, Mehdi Statistical models for non-destructive prediction of common onion (Allium cepa L.) leaf area [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 127-147]
  • Navabpour, Saied Evaluation of wheat genotype tolerance to late-session heat stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 25-43]
  • Nazarbeigi, Mohammad Investigating the genetic diversity of native Iranian Gladiolus with ISSR and IRAP molecular markers [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 89-110]
  • Nazari, F. Production of Delphinidin Anthocyanin in the Flower Petals of Gerbera by Agroinfiltration of Flower Color Gene Constructs [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 145-164]
  • Nazari, Farzad Vase Life of Gerbera Cut Flower cv. Pink Power affected by Different Treatments of Plant Essential Oils and Silver Nanoparticles [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 43-59]
  • Nazari, Mehdi Yield Analysis of New Bread Wheat Cultivars Based on Agro-Climatic Indices under Different Sowing Dates in Gonbad [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 185-211]
  • Nazari, Sh. Effect of nitrogen application on quantitative and qualitative of sugar beet cultivars [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 71-93]
  • Nazari, Shahram Agronomical strategy of plant density and nitrogen on winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield in interference with Lepyrpdiclis (Lepyrodiclis holosteoides Fenzl.) population [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 19-42]
  • Nazari, Taha The effect of foliar application of nutrients and melatonin on the growth characteristics and changes of elements in the roots of barley plants under conditions of waterlogging with saltwater stress. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nehbandani, Alireza An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nejad Ebrahimi, Samad Study of total phenolic, total flavonoid content and antioxidant potential in various organs of genus Papaver and Glaucium collected from Iran [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 195-214]
  • Nejad Ebrahimi, Samad Evaluation of biological activities of essential oil and extracts of gum Vasha (Dormea ammoniacum D.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 211-225]
  • Nejad Ebrahimi, Samad The effect of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) foliar application on some biochemical characteristics and expression pattern of PAL and CHS genes in Qızıl Uzum grape (Vitis vinifera L.) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 125-148]
  • Nejadsahebi, Meysam Morphophysiological response of Aeluropus littoralis to Bisphenol A in symbiosis with mycorrhiza [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 147-165]
  • Nejatiyan, Mohammad Ali Investigation of Suitable Time for Removal Vine Protection Soil to Prevent Frostbite Damage of Spring Reflection [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 25-40]
  • Nemati, Zahra The trend of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in lentil genotypes before and after freezing stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-150]
  • Nezami, Ahmad Investigation of the possibility of increasing efficiency of Pinoxaden and Clodinafop by different application methods of these herbicides [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 243-260]
  • Nezami, Ahmad Freezing tolerance of grass species under controlled conditions [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 89-106]
  • Nezami, Ahmad The trend of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in lentil genotypes before and after freezing stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 121-150]
  • Niakan, Maryam Evaluation the effects of salinity stress and vermicompost on morphophysiological traits of Euphorbia tirucalli L. [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 183-203]
  • Niari Khamsi, Nahid Evaluation of changes in photosynthetic parameters, mucilage content and yield components of Viola ignobilis Rupr. in response to bio-stimulants application and light intensity [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 17-41]
  • Niazi Ardakani, Maryam Uptake and nitrogen remobilization of barley under deficit irrigation in presence of plant residue and Azospirillum bacteria [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 45-64]
  • Niazi Khogeh, Mostafa Effect of salicylic acid and melatonin on chlorophyll fluorescence and initial growth of greenhouse tomatoes in salinity stress [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 265-282]
  • Nikbakht, Ali Investigation of the effect of different light sources on some physiological and morphological characteristics of samurai rose [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 185-202]
  • Nikbakht, Ali Biochemical characteristics, yield and quality of ‘Jumilia’ rose grown under different light sources in the greenhouse condition [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Nikbakht, Jafar Investigation the effect of two red seaweed species on growth, physiological indices and fruit yield of Ecballium elaterium under the influence of extraction method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 69-88]
  • Nikdel, Kosar The Influence of Opportune Harvesting on the Fruit Quality of Pomegranate cvs. Shekar, Shirin and Sangak [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 101-118]
  • Nikjouyan, Mohammad Javad Evaluation of of yield, essential oil and productivity indices in different planting combinations in the intercropping of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and lentil (Lens culinaris) [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 83-99]
  • Noori, Omid Filling the yield gap caused by some agronomic factors in some of the major climatic zones of irrigated barley in Iran using modelling approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Norouzi, Maryam The effect of light spectrum and thidiazuron plant regulator on embryogenesis and photosyntesis system of phalaenopsis orchid [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 197-206]
  • Norouzi, Mohammad Amin Investigating the relationship between grain yield and yield components in spring rapeseed cultivars using multivariate analysis [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 85-100]
  • Norouzi, Parviz Effects of calcium silicate and calcium chelate on bent neck and vase life of roses (Rosa hybrida) cv. ‘Dolce Vita’ [(Articles in Press)]
  • Norouzi Pakzad, Elnaz The Effect of Colchicine Treatment and In vitro Polyploidy Induction on Quantity and Quality of the Phenolic Compounds of Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nosratti, iraj Effect of clover cover crop on weed management, growth, and yield of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nouraein, Mojtaba Evaluation of some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of advanced white chickpea lines for spring dry land cultivation [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 99-113]
  • Nurbakhsh, Habibolah Study of the Growth and Nutritional Changes in Four Prunus sp. Rootstocks under Drought Stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 141-157]


  • Olfati, Jamalali Effect of planting density on properties of peppermint. [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 137-141]
  • Olfati, Jamal-Ali Effects of chemical fertilization and organic fertilizer on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) yield and nitrate accumulation. [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 49-68]
  • Olfati, Jamal-Ali Effect of harvest time, nitrogen and plant density on yield and some physiological traits of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 121-136]
  • Olfati, Jamal-Ali Effect of Ectomycorrhizal fungi symbiosis and mycorrhiza helper bacteria (Bacillus cereus) on nutrient uptake and growth of Black pine (Pinus nigra) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 249-264]
  • Olfati, Jamal-Ali Genetic evaluation of gynoecioucy in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) using Generation Mean Analysis method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-16]
  • Olfati, Jamal-Ali Evaluation of Different Genotypes of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) regarding Active Compounds and Nutritional Elements under Irrigation Conditions with maximum allowed water depletion [(Articles in Press)]
  • Omidi, H. Salinity effect on proline, photosynthetic pigments and leaf relative water content in chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 89-103]
  • Omidi, mansoor Evaluation of yield stability of promising winter rapeseed lines in cold and semi-cold climate of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 67-84]
  • Omidvari, Shahram Evaluation the effects of deficit irrigation and grafting on yield, yield components and water use efficiency in watermelon [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 121-136]
  • Ostovar, Pouya Effect of rice husk biochar on growth and micronutrients concentration of holy basil (Ocimum sanctum L.) under water stress [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 101-114]
  • Owliaie, Hamid reza The Effect of Irrigation with Urban Sewage and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels on Yield Quantity and Quality forage of Sweet Corn [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 23-44]


  • Pahlevani, Mohammadhadi Description of inheritance for lint quantity and quality in cotton by factor analysis [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 111-130]
  • Pahlevani, Mohammadhadi Crossability and resistance to Pythium ultimum in three different species of the genus safflower (Carthamus) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 173-192]
  • Pahlevani, Mohammadhadi Identification of HMW glutenin subunits in cultivars and promising lines of bread wheat using STS markers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Pakdin parizi, Ali Investigating the effect of different humidity conditions on some morphological traits of the root and shoot in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 193-210]
  • Palavani, M. H Pathogenicity variation of Pythium ultimum on safflower under lab, greenhouse and field conditions [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 157-172]
  • Palooj, E. Pathogenicity variation of Pythium ultimum on safflower under lab, greenhouse and field conditions [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 157-172]
  • Parchami-Araghi, Farzin The Effect of Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on the Yield of Non-dehiscent Sesame in Sari and Moghan [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 171-188]
  • Pargar, Maryam Success in budding of garden roses under cold climates – Effect of time and cultivar [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 1-16]
  • Parmah, Donya The role of crop management on amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) farms [(Articles in Press)]
  • Parvin, Parisa Effects of drought stress on some morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of Persian walnut seedling (Juglans regia L.) [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 1-25]
  • Pasalari, Hossein Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on morpho-physiological characteristics of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under salinity stress [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 85-102]
  • Pasban, B. Effect of Pre-treatment and Seed Size on Yield and Characteristics of Two Onion (Allium ce-pa L.) Cultivar [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • Pasban Eslam, Bahman Study of Some Physiological Indices, Seed Yield and Its Components of Oilseed Rape Varieties Under Drought Stress [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 149-162]
  • Pasban Eslam, Bahman Yield Stability Assessment of Winter Oilseed Rape Lines in Cold Regions of Iran Using AMMI Model [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 85-96]
  • Paveh, Nasim Effect of gum ghatti and SoluPotasse on phenological and physiological indices related to spring cold tolerance of grapevine [(Articles in Press)]
  • Payghamzadeh, Kamal Investigating the relationship between grain yield and yield components in spring rapeseed cultivars using multivariate analysis [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 85-100]
  • Pazoki, Alireza Effect of Salicylic acid and Jasmonic acid on growth traits and root and shoot ionic interaction of Lavender (Lavendula officinalis L.) in salt stress conditions [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 159-166]
  • Peyvast, Gholam-Ali Effects of chemical fertilization and organic fertilizer on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) yield and nitrate accumulation. [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 49-68]
  • Pirdasht, Hemmatollah Use spatial- temporal Fusion Algorithm to extract vegetation indices in rice growth stages Abstract [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 79-99]
  • Pirdashti, H. The effect of crop rotation with corn on nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) seed bank and seedling spatial distribution [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 211-226]
  • Pirdashti, H. Screening of rice genotypes by some morphological and physiological traits under drought stress condition [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 95-117]
  • Pirdashti, Hematollah Investigation the yield, competitive indices and economical advantage of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea Moench.) and sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) intercropping pattern in different climate conditions of Mazandaran province [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Pirdashti, Hemmatollah Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on some biochemical characteristics of barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Sahra) under salinity stress [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 171-189]
  • Pirdashti, Hemmatollah Evaluation and selection of drought tolerant rice genotypes using fluorometric methods [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 1-21]
  • Pirdashti, Hemmatollah Influence of elevated air temperature during grain-filling stage on milling parameters and rice grain wastage under different local climates in Mazandaran province [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-15]
  • Pirdashti, Hemmatollah Evaluation of phytochemical properties, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidants of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), peas (pisum sativum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in monoculture and intercropping [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 49-68]
  • Pirdashti, Hemmatollah The effect of biochar on the improvement of some morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) grown in chromium-contaminated soil [(Articles in Press)]
  • Pirnia, Mahdi Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of substrate components in the production process of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Pirnia, Mahdi The use of agricultural wastes to produce Iranian isolate of Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. and evaluation its performance and some pharmacological properties [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-109]
  • Poodineh, Mahboubeh Production of Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. on agricultural wastes and evaluation of total polysaccharide and yield [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 139-162]
  • Poorbeyrami-Hir, Younes Investigation of the effects of ABA on alleviating drought stress in Lilium ledebourii Bioss under in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 141-154]
  • Por hossini, Zahra Agro-Ecological evaluation of influence of Sesame crop residue management method and integrated chemical and biological fertilizer on Wheat grain yield [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 59-78]
  • Potki, P. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Pourbagher kordi, S.Mahdi Spatial yield prediction of winter rapeseed based on non-parametric methods (Application in spatial agricultural planning) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 199-217]
  • Pourbeyrami hir, Younes Investigate the effects of the Benzyladenin and Hydrogen Peroxide on Vase Life of the Anthurium andraenum [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 153-166]
  • Pourbeyrami hir, Younes Effects of different ratios of nitrogen on regeneration and secondary metabolite production of Lilium ledebourii [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 201-219]
  • Pourbeyrami hir, Younes The effect of drought stress on morphological and biochemical characteristics of some lily species [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-65]
  • Pourbeyrami hir, Younes Investigation on the effects of intensity and quality of LED lights on in-vitro regeneration & growth of yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 1-20]
  • Pouresmael Foshazadeh, Masoumeh Investigation of the genetic diversity of the gene bank green bean collection [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 67-88]
  • Puryafar, Payam Inoculation of Gleditsia caspica seeds with arbuscular mycorrhiza to increase drought tolerance of saplings [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 101-114]


  • Rabbani Nasab, Hojjatollah Effect of black summer truffle fungus (Tuber aestivum) on the activity of antioxidant enzymes of oak (Quercus castaneifolia) and paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) under water stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rabiee, Mohammad Identification of a number of superior and adaptive rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) lines in terms of different agronomic and phenological traits in Rasht [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 83-99]
  • Rabiei, Babak Genetic evaluation of gynoecioucy in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) using Generation Mean Analysis method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-16]
  • Rabiei, Gholamreza Study of the Growth and Nutritional Changes in Four Prunus sp. Rootstocks under Drought Stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 141-157]
  • Rabiei, GholamReza Assessment of Effect of deficit irrigation under surface and subsurface irrigation conditions on vegetative development and yield of Citrus [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 69-82]
  • Rabiei, Mohammad The Study of Different Irrigation Regimes on the Osmoregulation of Pollen Grain and Chlorophyll and Proline Content in Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Rabiei, Vali Investigation of flower phenology , xenia, and metaxenia in some of commercial hazelnut cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 155-171]
  • Rabiei, Vali The effect of low temperature on fruit yield, quality and antioxidant properties of physalis under foliar spray of amino acids and selenium [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 43-65]
  • Rad, Mohammadhadi The effect of rhizosphere bacteria isolated from halophyte plants on some growth characteristics of Triticum aestivum L. (var. Narin). [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 165-182]
  • Radman, Ali Reza Effect of salicylic acid on physiological N efficiency and water use efficiency of barley in cut irrigation condition [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 187-200]
  • Raeisi Monfared, Asma Genetic Diversity of Salvia santolinifolia Boiss Ecotypes Growing in Hormozgan Province Using Morphological Traits [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 279-296]
  • Rafie, Mohammad reza Evaluation the effects of different sources of nitrogen on agro-meteorological indices and sources use efficiency in potato Abstract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rafiee, Mina Effect of Different Intercropping Patterns of Common millet and Cowpea on Yield and Yield Components [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 205-230]
  • Rafiee, Vahide Evaluation of Antifungal Effect of Thyme and Peppermint Essential Oils and Their Major Monoterpenes in Controlling Verticillium Fungus on Pistachios [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 183-199]
  • Raghami, Mahmoud The effect of salinity stress on growth and photosynthetic parameters of hybrid and Iranian spinach cultivars [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Rahban, Samaneh An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Raheb, Samaneh Investigation on genetic diversity of some unknown genotypes of citrus in Iran according to morphological and molecular characteristics based on ISSR and PCR-RFLP markers [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 73-85]
  • Rahemi, A. Evaluation of improvement of rate and duration of grain filling duration inbreeding processes in wheat cultivars [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 23-37]
  • Rahemi, Mohammad reza Evaluation of biochemical and physiological traits in the leaves of Malase Saveh pomegranate mutants and its relationship with spring cold tolerance [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 85-101]
  • Rahimi, A. Effect of seed priming on germination, morphological and physiological characteristics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under alkalinity stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 25-46]
  • Rahimi, Abdolrahman Effect of vermicompost and some of macro nutrients on plant growth, nutrient uptake and quantity and quality of Savory (Satureja hortensis L.) essential oil [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 133-149]
  • Rahimi, Asghar Physiological parameters of sesame plant under the influence of salinity stress and increase of carbon dioxide concentration [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 115-126]
  • Rahimi, Asghar The effect of planting date and density on leaf Production and Senescence rate in Safflower [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 93-106]
  • Rahimi, Maryam Cloning and sequencing of p- insulin gene isolated from Momordica charantia and in silico analysis of three dimension of protein structure [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 279-288]
  • Rahimi, Maryam Cultivation of garden thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris L.) in vitro and investigating the effects of ventilation, silica and sucrose concentration on its growth and development [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 23-46]
  • Rahimi, Mohammad Reza Filling the yield gap caused by some agronomic factors in some of the major climatic zones of irrigated barley in Iran using modelling approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rahimian Boogar, AbdulRahman Production of Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. on agricultural wastes and evaluation of total polysaccharide and yield [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 139-162]
  • Rahimi Tanha, S. Piriformospora indica mutualistic effect on Cynara scolymus (L.) under water and saline stress [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 37-57]
  • Rahimmalek, Mehdi Evaluation of some bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of leaf methanolic extract and flower essential oil content from different cultivars of Chrysanthemum morifolium [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 133-143]
  • Rahimmalek, Mehdi Effect of thermo-priming on germination, agronomic characteristics and seed oil of safflower (Crthamus tinctorius) cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 107-122]
  • Rahmati, Mitra Estimation of the most important morphological traits affecting apricot seedlings vigor using path analysis [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 111-126]
  • Rahnama, Afrasyab The effect of foliar application of cytokinin and salicylic acid on yield and physiological characteristics of sunflower under drought stress conditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Raiesi, Tahereh The effect of foliar application time of urea and some microelements on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of kiwifruit cv. Hayward [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rajabi, Abbas Assessment of genetic diversity in Citrus sinensis by ISSR marker and retrotransposon [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 119-136]
  • Rajabi, Mohammad Hossein Evaluation of energy use in wheat production in Gorgan [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 143-171]
  • Rajabi Khamseh, Sanaz Effect of bacterial inoculation on grain and soil nutrient elements of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) under different irrigation levels [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 191-207]
  • Rameshjan, Younes Statistical models for non-destructive prediction of common onion (Allium cepa L.) leaf area [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 127-147]
  • Ramezan, Dariush Investigating the optimization of different substrate on some quantitative and qualitative atributies of golden oyster mushroom (Pleurotus citrinopileatus) [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 173-193]
  • Ramezan, Dariush Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of substrate components in the production process of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Ramezan, Dariush The use of agricultural wastes to produce Iranian isolate of Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. and evaluation its performance and some pharmacological properties [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-109]
  • Ramezan, Dariush Production of Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. on agricultural wastes and evaluation of total polysaccharide and yield [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 139-162]
  • Ramezan, Dariush Cultivation of garden thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris L.) in vitro and investigating the effects of ventilation, silica and sucrose concentration on its growth and development [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 23-46]
  • Ramezani, Mitra Investigating the effect of different humidity conditions on some morphological traits of the root and shoot in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 193-210]
  • Ramezanpour, Seyedeh Sanaz Evaluation and selection of rice mutant lines based on drought tolerance indices [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 15-31]
  • Ramezanpour, Seyed Sanaz Study of morphological characteristics of different Berberis. spp genotypes in northeast of Iran [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 75-91]
  • Ramezanpour, Seyed Sanaz Investigation of Resistance Selected Varieties and Relationship with Increase Grain Yield by Fusarium head blight in Wheat Cultivars from Northern Iran [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 17-32]
  • Ramezanpour, Seyyedeh Sanaz Genetic diversity of native Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) accessions based on morphological traits [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-125]
  • Ramezanpour, Seyyedeh Sanaz Identification of anthocyanin compounds in 10 Grape Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L) By HPLC-DAD Method [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 225-242]
  • Ramezanpour, Seyyede Sanaz Evaluation of resistance to leaf rust at adult stage in some bread wheat cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 89-102]
  • Ramezanpour, S. S. Genetic analysis of resistant to Septoria tritici Blotch using Diallel crosses [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 239-244]
  • Ramezanpour, S.Sanaz Genetic analysis of powdery mildew resistance in some barely lines [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 49-70]
  • Ramezanpour, S.Sanaz Study on inheritance of resistance to Septoria tritici Blotch in wheat by Generation mean analysis [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 1-18]
  • Ramezanpour, S.Sanaz Induction of parthenogenetic haploid embryos and production of haploid plants in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-33]
  • Ramezanpour, S.Sanaz Evaluation of sugar beet S1 pollinator lines using drought tolerance indices [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-84]
  • Ramroodi, Mahmood Evaluation of flower yield and some quantitative and qualitative traits of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in response to potassium fertilizer under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 159-176]
  • Ramroudi, Mahmood Study of agronomical characteristics, flower yield and root inulin percentage of chicory (Chicorium intybus L.) under soil fertilizers and drought stress [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 129-140]
  • Ramroudi, Mahmood Effect of Tillage Systems, Crop Residue Management, and Planting Pattern on Some Physiological Traits, Seed Yield, and Oil Content of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ramroudi, Mahmood Investigating the morphophysiological and phytochemical response of cinnamon basil to some growth stimulants [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ramroudi, Mahmoud Effect of biological and chemical phosphorus fertilizers in combination with planting management on morphological and physiological traits, seed yield, and mucilage yield of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) under drought stress [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 137-157]
  • Ranjbar Niaki, Mohamad Ebrahim Morphological evaluation of Asparagus azerbaijanensis accessions and effect of drought stress on Iranian asparagus seedlings growth [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 209-224]
  • Rasaei, Behnoush Changes of yield and yield components of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under the effects of ultraviolet radiation and abscisic acid application in water deficit stress conditions [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 101-117]
  • Rashed Mohassel, Mohammad Hasan Investigation of the possibility of increasing efficiency of Pinoxaden and Clodinafop by different application methods of these herbicides [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 243-260]
  • Rashidi, Zahra Effect of drought stress on yield and yield components and radiation use efficiency of three types of red, white and pinto beans [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Rasoli, Valiollah The effect of grapevine training systems on grape yield quality and Quantity of Vitis vinifera cv. Red Sultana (A five years record) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 57-69]
  • Rasoli, Valiollah Evaluation of response to drought stress in some of promising Iranian and foreign olive cultivars using using yield-based indices [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 107-127]
  • Rasooli, M. Effect of salinity stress on growth characteristics,chlorophyll fluorescence and concentrations of nutrition elements in fourteen pistachio (Pistacia vera) cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 91-121]
  • Rasouli, Farzad Interaction of Fe and Si On Some of Biochemical Characteristics of Chickepea (Pisum Sativum Cv. Wando) In Greenhouse Conditions [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 103-119]
  • Rasouli, Mousa Investigation of Suitable Time for Removal Vine Protection Soil to Prevent Frostbite Damage of Spring Reflection [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 25-40]
  • Rasouli, Mousa The effect of spraying of putrescine on some growth, biochemical, and physiological characteristics of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) under drought stress [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 89-108]
  • Rastegar, Mehdi Stomatal characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence, and physiological and phytochemical responses of three Cornflower cultivars (Centaurea cyanus) to ultraviolet A and B [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Ravash, Rudabeh Study of the Growth and Nutritional Changes in Four Prunus sp. Rootstocks under Drought Stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 141-157]
  • Razavi, Farhang Investigation of flower phenology , xenia, and metaxenia in some of commercial hazelnut cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 155-171]
  • Razavi, S. E. Pathogenicity variation of Pythium ultimum on safflower under lab, greenhouse and field conditions [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 157-172]
  • Razavi, Seyed Esmaeel Effects of cotton seed biopriming by Pseudomonas fluorescens on emergence, seedling growth and elicits induced resistance to damping-off disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 151-163]
  • Razavi, Seyed Esmaeel Role of Pseudomonas fluorescens in mitigating salinity stress in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) through physio-biochemical responses [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 25-41]
  • Razavi Amin, Mina Investigating the morphophysiological and phytochemical response of cinnamon basil to some growth stimulants [(Articles in Press)]
  • Razi, Mitra Association mapping for pomological traits in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) using ISSR markers [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 143-155]
  • Razmi, Nasrin Identification of key agronomical traits contributing to the selection of superior lines of soybean in Moghan Plain [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 127-145]
  • Razzaghi, Mohammad Hossein Comparison of damages on three olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) at different mechanized harvesting methods [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 65-77]
  • Rezabeighi, Sodabeh Effect of silicone spraying on assimilate remobilization and yield of two bread and durum wheat under late season water stress [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 55-71]
  • Reza Bihamta, Mohammad Assessment of diversity of bread wheat genotypes based on yield and yield-related traits under yellow rust disease stress condition (Puccinia striiformis) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 61-84]
  • Rezaei, Hamed Effects of rootstock type on morphological and biochemical markers related to salinity tolerance in almond cultivar Shahrood-12 [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 79-95]
  • Rezaei, Javad Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in spring and autumn cultivation under conditions of rhizomania infection [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 115-126]
  • Rezaei, Mehdi Effect of salicylic acid and melatonin on chlorophyll fluorescence and initial growth of greenhouse tomatoes in salinity stress [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 265-282]
  • Rezaei, Mohamad Ali Evaluation the effects of salinity stress and vermicompost on morphophysiological traits of Euphorbia tirucalli L. [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 183-203]
  • Rezaei, Najmeh Effect of salicylic acid application on some growth traits of Lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora) under salinity stress [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-176]
  • Rezaei, Sedighe Investigation of the effect of different light sources on some physiological and morphological characteristics of samurai rose [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 185-202]
  • Rezaei, Sedighe Biochemical characteristics, yield and quality of ‘Jumilia’ rose grown under different light sources in the greenhouse condition [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Rezaei ghaleh, Zahra Effects of 6-Benzyladenine on total nonstructural carbohydrates and water-soluble carbohydrates of tall fescue leaves subjected to drought stress [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 215-231]
  • Rezaei Nasab, Fereshteh Effect of Salicylic acid and Jasmonic acid on growth traits and root and shoot ionic interaction of Lavender (Lavendula officinalis L.) in salt stress conditions [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 159-166]
  • Rezaeinejad, Abdolhossein Effect of salicylic acid foliar application on Morpho- physiological and biochemical traits of Goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) under salinity stress condition [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 165-178]
  • Rezaeinejad, Abdolhossein The effect of different levels of salinity stress and cultivar on biochemical and physiological characteristics and nutrient concentration of William Sweet (Dianthus barbatus) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Rezaeinejad, Abdolhossein Stomatal characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence, and physiological and phytochemical responses of three Cornflower cultivars (Centaurea cyanus) to ultraviolet A and B [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Rezaie, Atefeh Investigation of Weed Control on Assimilate Remobilization, Yield and Yield Components in Mix Cropping of Wheat Cultivars [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-18]
  • Rezaienia, Navid Study of agronomical characteristics, flower yield and root inulin percentage of chicory (Chicorium intybus L.) under soil fertilizers and drought stress [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 129-140]
  • Rezaii, Mehdi The effect of postharvest treatments of melatonin and γ-aminobutyric acid on improving antioxidant activity and reducing browning of fresh cut button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) during cold storage [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 45-61]
  • Rezaizad, Abbas Yield Stability Assessment of Winter Oilseed Rape Lines in Cold Regions of Iran Using AMMI Model [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 85-96]
  • Rezapour fard, Javad Effects of calcium silicate and calcium chelate on bent neck and vase life of roses (Rosa hybrida) cv. ‘Dolce Vita’ [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rezapour Fard, Javad Evaluation of the effect of endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica symbiosis on improving of growth characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea cv. Tomahawk) under drough stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 141-164]
  • Rezayee nejhad, Abdolhossein Study on the season of cutting, substrate and coconut juice on the rooting of Maymars juniper cuttings [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 15-28]
  • Rezazadeh Kavari, Mojdeh The effect of Chemical and Hand Cluster Thinning on Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Date Palm Fruits cv. Estameran [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 137-152]
  • Rezvani, P. Effects of cow manure levels and plant densities on yield and seed yield components, leaf and indigo yields of true indigo [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 117-143]
  • Rezvani Moghaddam, P. Effect of planting date and plant density on yield, yield components and active components of bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis L.) [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 17-35]
  • Rezvani Moghaddam, Parviz Onion (Allium cepa L.) seed yield improvement by intercropping with ajwain (Carum copticum Heirn) and chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 41-60]
  • Roein, Zeynab Alleviation of freezing injury to Coronilla (Coronilla varia) Ground Cover by Foliar application of glycine betaine [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 195-212]
  • Roein, Zeynab Effect of deficit irrigation on visual quality, physiological responses, and water use efficiency of Ranunculus asiaticus L. [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 165-186]
  • Roein, Zeynab Investigating the genetic diversity of native Iranian Gladiolus with ISSR and IRAP molecular markers [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 89-110]
  • Rohani, abbas Determination of weed spatial distribution based on damage threshold in two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields in Shahrood region [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 51-73]
  • Roosta, Hamid Reza The feeding rose flower (Rosa hybrid L. cv. Grian Bdprex) with Ammonium Fertilizers by Cultan method compared with nitrate fed plants [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-39]
  • Rostam forodi, Bahram Evaluation of flowering characteristics, bulb yield and quality in commercial cultivars of short-day onion (Allium sepa L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rouhani, H. Study the effects of some Trichoderma spp. on tomato growth parameters using three inoculation methods [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 23-29]


  • Saadatian, B. Study of nutritional role of silicon nano-particles on physiological characteristics of minituber potato production [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 173-189]
  • Saboori, H. Evaluation of grain yield stability of recombinant inbred lines in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on AMMI method [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 189-202]
  • Sabouri, A. Studing of genetic diversity of some Iranian acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) genotypes via AFLP marker [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 81-96]
  • Sabouri, Atefeh The study of bud break percentage and aberrant fruit shape incidence in some Hayward kiwifruit vineyard in Guilan Province [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 167-181]
  • Sabouri, Atefeh Identification of a number of superior and adaptive rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) lines in terms of different agronomic and phenological traits in Rasht [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 83-99]
  • Sabouri, Atefeh Effect of deficit irrigation on visual quality, physiological responses, and water use efficiency of Ranunculus asiaticus L. [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 165-186]
  • Sabouri, Atefeh Investigating the genetic diversity of native Iranian Gladiolus with ISSR and IRAP molecular markers [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 89-110]
  • Sabouri, Hossein Evaluation and selection of rice mutant lines based on drought tolerance indices [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 15-31]
  • Sabzalian, Mohammad.R Effect of thermo-priming on germination, agronomic characteristics and seed oil of safflower (Crthamus tinctorius) cultivars [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 107-122]
  • Sabzalian, Mohammad Reza Investigation of the effect of different light sources on some physiological and morphological characteristics of samurai rose [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 185-202]
  • Sabzalian, Mohammad Reza Biochemical characteristics, yield and quality of ‘Jumilia’ rose grown under different light sources in the greenhouse condition [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Sabzi Nojadeh, Mohsen Investigating the effect of combining different weed control methods on vegetative growth and harvest index of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 69-88]
  • Sadat-Hosseini, Mohammad The effect of spraying of putrescine on some growth, biochemical, and physiological characteristics of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) under drought stress [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 89-108]
  • Sadatmand, Sara Effect of Salicylic Acid on some Morphological and Biochemical Traits of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under salt stress [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 163-182]
  • Sadat Noori, S.A. Evaluation of drought tolerance in endemic ecotypes of cumin using tolerance indices [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 185-204]
  • Sadeghi, Hossein Evaluation of different rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on fruits Antioxidant traits of blackberry cultivars in greenhouse [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 19-35]
  • Sadeghi, Hossein Effect of methanol and ethanol foliar application on some growth characteristics and some of secondary metabolites thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 213-229]
  • Sadeghi, Hossein Flowering and fruit yield of ‘Aromas’ strawberry as affected by zinc and boron in hydroponic cultivation [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 43-63]
  • Sadeghi, Morteza Evaluation of joint application of auxin and some chemical compounds to induce root in olive cuttings [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 41-54]
  • Sadeghian, Fatemeh Identification of anthocyanin compounds in 10 Grape Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L) By HPLC-DAD Method [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 225-242]
  • Sadeghi-Bakhtvari, Amir Reza The Effect of Organic, Biofertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 131-152]
  • Sadeghi Mahonak, Alireza Evaluation of environmental parameters effect on the antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 241-262]
  • Sadeghipour, Hamid Reza The germination responses of primed Canola seeds to varying temperatures [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 215-227]
  • Sadeghipour, Hamid Reza Effect of silicon and nano silicon application on wheat (C3) and sorghum (C4) under salinity stress [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 173-190]
  • Sadeghipour, Hamid Reza Effect of sucrose and glutamine foliar spray on seed yield and nutritional value in three broad bean cultivars [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 151-169]
  • Sadeghzadeh, Fardin The effect of biochar on the improvement of some morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) grown in chromium-contaminated soil [(Articles in Press)]
  • Saedi, Fariba Investigation the effect of two red seaweed species on growth, physiological indices and fruit yield of Ecballium elaterium under the influence of extraction method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 69-88]
  • Saeedi, Mohsen Evaluation of Some Morphological Traits and Amount of Vinblastine, Vincristine and Ajmalicine Alkaloids in Different Organs of Prewinkle Cultivars (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. DON) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 53-66]
  • Saeedi Pooya, Elham Evaluation of drought resistance of grass and clover mixtures to introduce cover plants with lower maintenance [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 105-122]
  • Saeidian, Shahryar Quantitative investigation of the effect of surfactants and chaotropes on ascorbate peroxidase activity in strawberry and blackberry [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 205-229]
  • Safaei Chaei kar, Sanam Usage of morphological and ISSR markers for investigation of Tea genotypes [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 131-147]
  • Safari, B. Evaluation of drought tolerance in endemic ecotypes of cumin using tolerance indices [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 185-204]
  • Safarnejad, Mohammad reza Assessment of Yeild and Soybean Cultivars Response to Nepoviruses, and Possible Effect of Nepoviruses on Soybean Podding Disorder [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 165-183]
  • Safarzadeh Shirazi, Sedigheh Effect of rice husk biochar on growth and micronutrients concentration of holy basil (Ocimum sanctum L.) under water stress [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 101-114]
  • Safarzade Vishekaei, Mohammad Naghi Evaluation of physiological growth indices and radiation use efficiency in different peanut genotypes in Guilan province [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 209-224]
  • Saghali, Taher Effects of rootstock type on morphological and biochemical markers related to salinity tolerance in almond cultivar Shahrood-12 [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 79-95]
  • Sahraroo, Amir Effect of harvest time, nitrogen and plant density on yield and some physiological traits of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 121-136]
  • Sahraroo, Amir Micropropagation of Red Bell Pepper hybrid cultivar (Capsicum annuum L.) through in vitro axillary buds proliferation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sahraroo, Amir Evaluation of Different Genotypes of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) regarding Active Compounds and Nutritional Elements under Irrigation Conditions with maximum allowed water depletion [(Articles in Press)]
  • Saiadi Azar, Zahra Effect of chemical and biological fertilizers on phytohormone changes and absorption of nutrients in different irrigation periods in sorghum [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 85-99]
  • Sajadi, Farasat Simulation of Yield and Water Productivity in New Bread Wheat Cultivars Using DSSAT-Nwheat Model [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 103-124]
  • Sajadi, Sayed Javad Investigating the relationship between grain yield and yield components in spring rapeseed cultivars using multivariate analysis [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 85-100]
  • Salami, Alireza Study of Molecular phylogenetic and matk protein structure in "Susan -e Chelcheragh" (Lilium ledebourii [Baker] Boiss) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 181-191]
  • Salami, Alireza Effect of Different Concentrations of Indole Butyric Acid and Benzyl Adenine on the Regeneration of Raspberry (Rubus idaeus.) in vitro [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 123-140]
  • Salami, Seyyed Alireza Identification of anthocyanin compounds in 10 Grape Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L) By HPLC-DAD Method [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 225-242]
  • Salari, Ameneh The effect of tray cell volume and humic acid on morphological and physiological characteristics of tomato transplant (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-245]
  • Salari, S. Spatial prioritizing of the onion producing in warm and arid regions (Case study: Sistan and Bluchestan Province) [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 191-209]
  • Salari Miri, Fatmeh Effect of Tillage Systems, Crop Residue Management, and Planting Pattern on Some Physiological Traits, Seed Yield, and Oil Content of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Salehabadi, Milad Factor analysis of water use efficiency and some quantitative characteristics and yield in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) affected by application of nitrogen and ecological inputs in conditions of drought stress [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 19-39]
  • Salehi, Fahimeh The effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus velezensis bacteria on tolerance to salinity stress in orange marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 189-211]
  • Salehi-Lisar, Seyed Yahya Effect of polyamines on antioxidative responses of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) under drought stress [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 157-171]
  • Samizadeh, Habiballa Validation of Some Molecular Markers in Sex Determination in Different Kiwifruit Genotypes from Open Pollination [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 121-130]
  • Samizadeh, Habibollah Genetic evaluation of gynoecioucy in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) using Generation Mean Analysis method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-16]
  • Samizadeh Lahiji, Habibollah Assessment of genetic diversity in Citrus sinensis by ISSR marker and retrotransposon [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 119-136]
  • Sammak, Bahman Effects of chemical fertilization and organic fertilizer on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) yield and nitrate accumulation. [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 49-68]
  • Samsampour, Davood Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on morpho-physiological characteristics of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under salinity stress [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 85-102]
  • Samsampour, Davood Isolation and morphological and molecular identification of important endophyte fungi of Pistacia mutica in Hormozgan province and their effect on increasing salt stress tolerance of California Wonder 3 pepper seedlings [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 41-64]
  • Sanei, Mohammad Evaluation of environmental parameters effect on the antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 241-262]
  • Sanikhani, Mohsen A Survey of genetic diversity of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. some populations using morphological and phytochemical characteristics [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 209-226]
  • Sanikhani, Mohsen Study of some abiotic elicitors effects on morphological and phytochemical traits of Karelā [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 183-202]
  • Sanikhani, Mohsen The effect of phenylalanine and salicylic acid facilitators on the production of secondary metabolites in the capillary roots of Silybum marianum L. under in vitro conditions [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 17-34]
  • Sanikhani, Mohsen In vitro characterization of the salt tolerance conferred by some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to liquorice [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 183-203]
  • Sarabi, Vahid Evaluation of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) intercropping advantage under row-replacement and additive series [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 183-204]
  • Saremi, Maryam Effects of deficit irrigation on yield, yield components and water use efficiency of lentil in Khorramabad [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 337-342]
  • Sarhadi, Hamid Reza Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of substrate components in the production process of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Sarparast, R Evaluation of tuber yield and growth indices of potato genotypes in mountain and plain conditions in Golestan Province [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 231-238]
  • Sarparast, Ramazan Evaluation of phytochemical properties, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidants of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), peas (pisum sativum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in monoculture and intercropping [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 49-68]
  • Savchenko, Tatyana Mitigation of root and shoot proline content in response to jasmonic and salicylic acid in Rosa damacena subjected to short drought stress [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 171-190]
  • Sayyahi, Naji effect of dust on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and photosynthetic characters of sugarcane(Saccharum officinarum L.) in ahvaz [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-293]
  • Sedaghathoor, Shahram Effect of seed priming on seed germination indexes of six ornamental seasonal plants [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 99-105]
  • Sedaghati, Ebrahim Effects of biochar and native and non-native Mycorrhizal Fungi on growth, biomass and some morphological and physiological characteristics of two Parsley cultivars under greenhouse [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-21]
  • Sedghi, Mohammad Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, salicylic acid and brassinosteroid on Physiological properties of Black Mustard in cadmium stress condition [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 153-168]
  • Sedighi Kamel, Javad Improvement of resource use efficiency, profitability and productivity of potato by intercropping with green bean [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 101-119]
  • Sefidkon, Fatemeh Effect of nitrogen source on growth parameters, chlorophyll content and some elemental concentration of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in soilless culture conditions [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 185-198]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil The Study of Pollen-incompatibility Relationships in Olive Cultivar Koroneiki and the Effect of Flower Emasculation on the Results [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 149-163]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil The Influence of Opportune Harvesting on the Fruit Quality of Pomegranate cvs. Shekar, Shirin and Sangak [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 101-118]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil The study of some native and exotic olive cultivars and genotypes in terms of morphological diversity, oil quality and fatty acid composition [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1-22]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil Evaluation of joint application of auxin and some chemical compounds to induce root in olive cuttings [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 41-54]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil Study of morphological diversity in some olive genotypes of Gorgan region [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 97-113]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil Differential display of heat stress tolerance of olive cultivars ‘Zard’ and ‘Direh’ based on physiological and biochemical indexes as well as PPO and PAL genes expression pattern [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 65-79]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil Identification of anthocyanin compounds in 10 Grape Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L) By HPLC-DAD Method [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 225-242]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil Effects of Salinity on Antioxidant Enzymes and some Morphophysiological Traits of Two Interspecies Hybrid Pistachio Rootstocks [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 213-229]
  • Seifi, Esmaeil The Impact of Elicitors on Growth and Photosynthetic Traits of Sour Orange Rootstock Under Waterlogging Stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sepasi, Narges Effect of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor on some physiological and morphological characteristics of Populus alba under drought stress and cytospora canker conditions [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 47-68]
  • Sepehri, Ali Study of the effect of cadmium and polyvinyl chloride on the accumulation of microelements and some physiological traits of Koshia seedlings [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sepehri, Ali Improving yield, yield components and some qualitative traits of soybeans with priming and foliar application of micronutrients under weed stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sepehry, Adel Effects of different levels of treatments GA3,, Prechlling and Priming on seed germination of Kochia prostrata [L.] schrad in relation to seed harvest date and shrubs’ age. [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 55-75]
  • Sepehry, Adel Investigating changes in gibberellin and abscisic acid in the leaves and twigs of different age groups Kochia prostrata (L) schrad and its effect on germination and seed dormancy characteristics under prechilling treatment [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 23-38]
  • Setayesh Mehr, Zahra effect of salt stress on some phological and biochemical characteristics in Coriandrum sativum L. [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 111-128]
  • Seyedghasemi, Seyedeh Elham The effect of five rootstocks on physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of 'Yashar' fruits -a new mandarin- during ripening stages [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 109-123]
  • Seyedi, Mohsen Evaluation of Rapeseed Growth and Yield under Nitrogen Fertilizer in Rotation with Corn and Chickpea [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 81-91]
  • Seyedi, Seyed Mohsen Study effect of sowing dates on quantitative and qualitative yield of chickpea cultivars under dryland condition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 65-83]
  • Seyedi Marghaki, Azam Effect of olive mill pomace compost on yield, oil percentage and the leaf elements content in two olive cvs ’Zard’ and ’Roughany’ [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 125-137]
  • Shabala, Sergey The effect of foliar application of nutrients and melatonin on the growth characteristics and changes of elements in the roots of barley plants under conditions of waterlogging with saltwater stress. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shabani, Edris The effect of magnesium aminochelate and seaweed (Sargassum angustifolium) on improving growth and quality characteristics of cucumber in magnesium-deficient nutrient solution [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 149-170]
  • Shafagh-Kolvanagh, Jalil Investigating the effect of combining different weed control methods on vegetative growth and harvest index of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 69-88]
  • Shahbazi, Majid Cloning and sequencing of p- insulin gene isolated from Momordica charantia and in silico analysis of three dimension of protein structure [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 279-288]
  • Shahi, Ali Use of symbiotic fungi to reduce the phytotoxic effect of chromium in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 57-75]
  • Shahi, Ali Investigation on the effects of intensity and quality of LED lights on in-vitro regeneration & growth of yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 1-20]
  • Shahidi, Ali Evaluation of some growth traits of quinoa cultivars (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) affected by moisture levels and planting date in two regions of South Khorasan [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 231-261]
  • Shahidi, Pegah Cloning, sequencing and expression analysis of C4H gene in Ferula pseudalliacea [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 35-48]
  • Shahi Qaraler, Ali The effect of foliar spraying with selenium on some morphological and physiological indicators of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) under cadmium stress in hydroponic culture [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shahmohammadi, Majid Evaluating the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of some strawberry genotypes using PLS-PM approach [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 243-262]
  • ShahNazari, Somaieh The effect of foliar application time of urea and some microelements on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of kiwifruit cv. Hayward [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shah nejat boshehri, Ali Akbar Evaluation of yield stability of promising winter rapeseed lines in cold and semi-cold climate of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 67-84]
  • Shahraeen, Noah Assessment of Yeild and Soybean Cultivars Response to Nepoviruses, and Possible Effect of Nepoviruses on Soybean Podding Disorder [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 165-183]
  • Shamari, Yaghob Effect of mulch types and sowing date on morphological traits and yield of pumpkin Cucurbita pepo var. Styriaca)) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 117-131]
  • Shameli, S. Serological detection and host rang of Tobacco Streak Ilarvirus in Golestan province [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 59-71]
  • Shameli, Samira Assessment of Yeild and Soybean Cultivars Response to Nepoviruses, and Possible Effect of Nepoviruses on Soybean Podding Disorder [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 165-183]
  • Shamsaddin saied, Mohadeseh Evaluation of flower yield and some quantitative and qualitative traits of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in response to potassium fertilizer under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 159-176]
  • Shamskia, F. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Shariati, Farnaz The Effect of Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on the Yield of Non-dehiscent Sesame in Sari and Moghan [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 171-188]
  • Sharifan, Hossein Simulation of Yield and Water Productivity in New Bread Wheat Cultivars Using DSSAT-Nwheat Model [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 103-124]
  • Sharifani, Mehdi The Influence of Opportune Harvesting on the Fruit Quality of Pomegranate cvs. Shekar, Shirin and Sangak [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 101-118]
  • Sharifani, Mehdi Investigation on dynamic of pollen flow and its relation with fruit set in pistachio (pistachia vera) trees [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 57-77]
  • Sharifani, Mohamad Mehdi Genetic differences and heritability using morphological and phytochemical traits of some Iranian apples [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-147]
  • Sharifani, Mohamad Mehdi Evaluation of the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the amount of hydrogen peroxide in obtained using hybrid seedlings rootstock from intraspecific and interspecific crosses (P. vera × P. integerrima) under drought stress [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 33-59]
  • Sharifi, Mozafar Increased podophyllotoxin production and phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity in cell culture of Linum album by methyl jasmonate [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 163-176]
  • Sharifi, Payman Efficacy of some new herbicides for barnyardgrass controlling (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv) in different rice genotypes [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 169-184]
  • Sharifi, Peyman Evaluation of physiological growth indices and radiation use efficiency in different peanut genotypes in Guilan province [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 209-224]
  • Sharifi Kaliani, Firouzeh Study of the effects of dusts on the morphological and physiological traits of some crops [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 205-220]
  • Shayganefar, Alireza Stomatal characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence, and physiological and phytochemical responses of three Cornflower cultivars (Centaurea cyanus) to ultraviolet A and B [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Shayganfar, Alireza Effect of ultraviolet irradiation and foliar application of some plant growth regulators on biomass and morphological characteristics of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-154]
  • Sheikh, Fatemeh Effect of inoculation of Rhizobium leguminosarum in combination with different levels of Peseudomonas fluorescens on some quantity traits of Vicia faba [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 223-241]
  • Sheikh, Fatemeh Evaluation and quantification of some short time ecosystem services in faba bean agroecosystem [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-20]
  • Sheikh, Fatemeh Effect of sucrose and glutamine foliar spray on seed yield and nutritional value in three broad bean cultivars [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 151-169]
  • Sheikh Assadi, Morteza Study of Molecular phylogenetic and matk protein structure in "Susan -e Chelcheragh" (Lilium ledebourii [Baker] Boiss) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 181-191]
  • Sheikhi, Hossein The effect of spraying of putrescine on some growth, biochemical, and physiological characteristics of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) under drought stress [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 89-108]
  • Sheikhi, Mozhdeh Callus induction and organogenesis from various explants of plant Capparis spinosa L. under In vitro conditions [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 75-88]
  • Sheikhzadeh, Parisa The effect of seed pretreatment with sodium hydrogen sulfide and salicylic acid on germination, morphological and biochemical indicators of quinoa seedlings in the greenhouse [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shekari, Aydin The effect of postharvest treatments of melatonin and γ-aminobutyric acid on improving antioxidant activity and reducing browning of fresh cut button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) during cold storage [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 45-61]
  • Shekari, Fariborz Effect of chemical and biological fertilizers on phytohormone changes and absorption of nutrients in different irrigation periods in sorghum [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 85-99]
  • Shibani, Fahima Evaluation of resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondiata f. sp. tritici Eriksson) and comparison of yield components of Ajilops tauschii genotypes in field conditions [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 191-207]
  • Shiran, Behrouz Study of the Growth and Nutritional Changes in Four Prunus sp. Rootstocks under Drought Stress [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 141-157]
  • Shiri, Mohammad Ali Alleviation of freezing injury to Coronilla (Coronilla varia) Ground Cover by Foliar application of glycine betaine [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 195-212]
  • Shojaei, Mahdi Investigation of photosynthetic properties, gas exchange, leaf elements and compositions of Mastoidis, Manzanilla, Jolat and Mari olive cultivars [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 179-190]
  • Shokouhian, ali akbar Use of symbiotic fungi to reduce the phytotoxic effect of chromium in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 57-75]
  • Shokouhian, Aliakbar The induction of polyploidy by using of colchicine and its identification through cytological traits in Lilium dandie [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-44]
  • Shokouhian, Aliakbar Genetic diversity of native Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) accessions based on morphological traits [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-125]
  • Shokrpour, Majid Quantification of changes in morphophysiological and biochemical criteria of Satureja rechingeri Jamzad under salinity stress using nonlinear models [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 39-59]
  • Shomali, Aida Effect of different forms of nitrogen, on pH value of culture medium of somatic embryogenesis of tomato (.Solanum lycopersicon L) [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 75-88]
  • SHomeili, Mahmood effect of dust on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and photosynthetic characters of sugarcane(Saccharum officinarum L.) in ahvaz [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-293]
  • Shoor, Mahmoud Evaluation of drought resistance of grass and clover mixtures to introduce cover plants with lower maintenance [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 105-122]
  • Siadat, Sayed ataolah Effect of sowing dates and plant densities on flower yield and some important agronomical characteristics of European borage [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 73-86]
  • Siahmansour, Sara Effect of salicylic acid foliar application on Morpho- physiological and biochemical traits of Goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) under salinity stress condition [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 165-178]
  • Siahmarguee, Asieh Study on the effect of planting date and plant density on grain yield, yield components, forage quality, oil amount of different safflower cultivars in the Gonbad-e Kavus region [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 117-130]
  • Siahmarguee, Asieh Ecology of seed germination and emergence of common morning-glory (Ipomoea purpurea L.): Invasive weed in Golestan province [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 221-240]
  • Siahmarguee, Asieh Evaluating yield loss of winter wheat in competition with wild rye: a case study of Shahkoh region, Golestan province [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 161-176]
  • SIAHMARGUEE, A. Studying the response of seed germination of neglected plant Arugula (Eruca sativa L.) to some environmental factors [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 77-91]
  • Sirousmehr, Alireza Investigating the morphophysiological and phytochemical response of cinnamon basil to some growth stimulants [(Articles in Press)]
  • Siyahmarguei, Asiyeh Investigation of the possibility of increasing efficiency of Pinoxaden and Clodinafop by different application methods of these herbicides [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 243-260]
  • Sobhani, Ali Reza Effects of different irrigation regims and amounts of potassium on qualitative characteristics of potato in Mashhad conditions [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 65-82]
  • Sodaeeizadeh, Hamid The effects of glycine betaine on some morphological and physiological characteristics of Salsola imbricata L. under salinity stress. [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 97-113]
  • Sofalian, Omid Evaluation of response to drought stress in some of promising Iranian and foreign olive cultivars using using yield-based indices [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 107-127]
  • Soleimani, Ali Differential display of heat stress tolerance of olive cultivars ‘Zard’ and ‘Direh’ based on physiological and biochemical indexes as well as PPO and PAL genes expression pattern [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 65-79]
  • Soleimani, Amanollah The effect of spraying of putrescine on some growth, biochemical, and physiological characteristics of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) under drought stress [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 89-108]
  • Soleimani Aghdam, Moteza The effect of postharvest treatments of melatonin and γ-aminobutyric acid on improving antioxidant activity and reducing browning of fresh cut button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) during cold storage [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 45-61]
  • Soleymani Aghdam, Morteza Evaluation of the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of chitosan and thymol coating on the quality and storage life of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit 'Parus' cultivar [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 21-40]
  • Solouki, Mahmoud The use of agricultural wastes to produce Iranian isolate of Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. and evaluation its performance and some pharmacological properties [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-109]
  • Soltani, A. Evaluation of improvement of rate and duration of grain filling duration inbreeding processes in wheat cultivars [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 23-37]
  • Soltani, Afshin Allometric relationships between leaf area and vegetative characteristics in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-22]
  • Soltani, Afshin Agroecological zoning of Zanjan province for estimating yield potential and yield gap in dryland-base chickpea production systems [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 27-49]
  • Soltani, Afshin The effect of planting date and density on leaf Production and Senescence rate in Safflower [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 93-106]
  • Soltani, Afshin Estimation of carbon sequestration potential in soybean farms using remote sensing plant indices (Case study of Gorgan county, Golestan province) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-37]
  • Soltani, Afshin Investigating the effect of changes in the yield of winter rainfed crops on comparative advantage and social profit. [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-55]
  • Soltani, Afshin An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Soltani, Afshin Identifying the factors leading to yield gap in irrigated wheat (case study: Golestan province - Jelin city) [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 171-189]
  • Soltani, Afshin Estimation of post-harvest losses/wastes for agricultural products in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Soltani, Afshin Biomass estimation of wheat fields using remote sensing plant indices in Bandar-e-Turkmen county [(Articles in Press)]
  • Soltani, Afshin Estimating blue and green water footprints in rice production in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Soltani, Afshin Assessment of Adaptation Strategies for Canola to Future Climate in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Soltani, Ali Screening of Bread Wheat Genotypes for Identifying Tolerance Genetic Resources to Salinity [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 1-23]
  • Soltani, Elias Evaluation of energy use in wheat production in Gorgan [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 143-171]
  • Soltani, Elias Changes of seed quality and germination of some black cumin ecotypes (Nigella sativa L.) during development and maturity [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 227-240]
  • Soltani, Elyas An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Soltani, Jamshid Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in spring and autumn cultivation under conditions of rhizomania infection [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 115-126]
  • Soltani, Soheil The study of some native and exotic olive cultivars and genotypes in terms of morphological diversity, oil quality and fatty acid composition [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1-22]
  • Soltani, vali Effect of diluted saline water on some vegetative and physiological triats of pomegranate rooted cutting cv. Malas-e Yazdi [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 1-11]
  • Soltanian, M. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on some agronomic characteristics on linseed (Linum ussitatissimum L.) under drought stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 1-21]
  • Soltani Idaliki, Jamshid Investigating the genetic diversity of sugar beet half-sib families under natural infection conditions to cyst nematode and rhizomania diseases [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 177-195]
  • Soltani-toolarood, Ali ashraf Investigation of the effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on morphological, physiological, and antioxidative enzymes of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 23-45]
  • Soltanloo, H. Genetic analysis of resistant to Septoria tritici Blotch using Diallel crosses [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 239-244]
  • Soltanloo, Hassan Evaluation of sugar beet S1 pollinator lines using drought tolerance indices [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-84]
  • Soltanloo, Hassan Investigation of Resistance Selected Varieties and Relationship with Increase Grain Yield by Fusarium head blight in Wheat Cultivars from Northern Iran [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 17-32]
  • Sonboli, Ali Study of total phenolic, total flavonoid content and antioxidant potential in various organs of genus Papaver and Glaucium collected from Iran [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 195-214]
  • Sorbi, E. Optimization of Callus Induction and Somatic Embryogenesis in Two Genotypes of Medicinal Chavil Plant (Ferulago angulata L.) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 41-62]
  • Soughi, Habiballah Yield Analysis of New Bread Wheat Cultivars Based on Agro-Climatic Indices under Different Sowing Dates in Gonbad [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 185-211]


  • Tabatabaei, Seyed Jalal Effect of gibberellin cacid hormone and mother corm weight on vegetative and reproductive growth of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 153-165]
  • Tabrizi, Leila Quantification of changes in morphophysiological and biochemical criteria of Satureja rechingeri Jamzad under salinity stress using nonlinear models [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 39-59]
  • Tadayyon, A. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on some agronomic characteristics on linseed (Linum ussitatissimum L.) under drought stress [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 1-21]
  • Taghinasab, M Evaluation of protein and total phenolics changes in susceptible and resistant varieties of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves infected by PVY [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 129-153]
  • Taghipour, Shirin Stability of yield and other important traits of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) Cultivars using graphical GGE biplot method [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 37-53]
  • Taghizadeh, Amir Abbas The effect of covariate of alternate bearing in adaptation studies in olive (Olea europaea L.) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 229-247]
  • Taghizadeh, Mina Inoculation of Gleditsia caspica seeds with arbuscular mycorrhiza to increase drought tolerance of saplings [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 101-114]
  • Taghizadeh, Mmohamad Sadegh The study of row mixed cropping in Durum wheat (Triticum durum) genotypes underwater deficiency Conditions [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 179-196]
  • Tahami, Seiede Karim Investigate the effects of the Benzyladenin and Hydrogen Peroxide on Vase Life of the Anthurium andraenum [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 153-166]
  • Taheri, Abdolhosein Effect of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor on some physiological and morphological characteristics of Populus alba under drought stress and cytospora canker conditions [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 47-68]
  • Taheri, Mahdi Evaluation of response to drought stress in some of promising Iranian and foreign olive cultivars using using yield-based indices [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 107-127]
  • Taheri, Mahdi Differential display of heat stress tolerance of olive cultivars ‘Zard’ and ‘Direh’ based on physiological and biochemical indexes as well as PPO and PAL genes expression pattern [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 65-79]
  • Taheri, Mohammad Ecology of seed germination and emergence of common morning-glory (Ipomoea purpurea L.): Invasive weed in Golestan province [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 221-240]
  • Taheri, Shiva The response of yield and yield components of different ecotypes of black cumin to seed priming with humic acid and biozinc [(Articles in Press)]
  • Taheri Ardestani, Simin Investigation of the genetic diversity of the gene bank green bean collection [Volume 31, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 67-88]
  • Tahernejad, Z. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Tahmasebi, Iraj Investigation the Effect of Reduced Doses of Glyphosate and Sulfosulfuron on Broomrape (Phelipanche aegyptiaca Pers.) Control in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 263-277]
  • Tahmasebi, Z. Effect of Water Deficit Stress on Growth, Yield and Aloin Concentration of Aloe vera L. at different harvesting dates [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 63-80]
  • Taj Abadipour, Ahmad Physiological parameters of sesame plant under the influence of salinity stress and increase of carbon dioxide concentration [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 115-126]
  • Tajbakhash, M. Effect of Pre-treatment and Seed Size on Yield and Characteristics of Two Onion (Allium ce-pa L.) Cultivar [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-96]
  • Tajbakhsh, Mahmoud Evaluation of biological activities of essential oil and extracts of gum Vasha (Dormea ammoniacum D.) [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 211-225]
  • Tajick-Ghanbari, Mohammad Ali identification and Comparison silymarin inendophytic fungi isolated from seed of Silybum marianum (L) Gaert.) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 23-36]
  • Tajik jalali, Ehsanolah Energy use in wheat production in Kordkoy region as influenced by seed-bed preparation and sowing methods [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 71-90]
  • Tajvar, Y. Evaluate the effects of winter stress(freezing and snow) on some morphological and physiological reactions of commercial citrus in Tonekabon area [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 151-157]
  • Talebi, Somaye Study of morphological characteristics of different Berberis. spp genotypes in northeast of Iran [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 75-91]
  • Tarinejad, Alireza Effect of sodium nitroprusside on growth, physiological and biochemical characters of Solanum tuberosum cv. Agria under salinity stress on in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 155-167]
  • Tavakoli, Mahmoud Production of Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. on agricultural wastes and evaluation of total polysaccharide and yield [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 139-162]
  • Tavakolizadeh Esfahani, Mahdi Study of some abiotic elicitors effects on morphological and phytochemical traits of Karelā [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 183-202]
  • Tehrani, Mohammad Mahdi Effect of Nickel Application on Growth and Nitrogen Metabolism in Rapeseed Supplied with Different Sources of Nitrogen [Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 77-98]
  • Tehranifar, Ali Evaluation of drought resistance of grass and clover mixtures to introduce cover plants with lower maintenance [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 105-122]
  • Tohidfar, Masoud Effect of black summer truffle fungus (Tuber aestivum) on the activity of antioxidant enzymes of oak (Quercus castaneifolia) and paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) under water stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Tohidi, B. Evaluation of grain yield stability of recombinant inbred lines in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on AMMI method [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 189-202]
  • Toorani, Mahmood Allometric relationships between leaf area and vegetative characteristics in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-22]
  • Torabi, Benjamin The germination responses of primed Canola seeds to varying temperatures [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 215-227]
  • Torabi, Benjamin The effect of planting date and density on leaf Production and Senescence rate in Safflower [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 93-106]
  • Torabi, Benjamin Ecology of seed germination and emergence of common morning-glory (Ipomoea purpurea L.): Invasive weed in Golestan province [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 221-240]
  • Torabi, Benjamin Parameterization and evaluation of SSM-iCrop2 model to simulate the growth and yield of rice in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 21-47]
  • Torabi, Benjamin Investigation on dynamic of pollen flow and its relation with fruit set in pistachio (pistachia vera) trees [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 57-77]
  • Torabi, Benjamin An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Torabi, Benjamin Assessment of Adaptation Strategies for Canola to Future Climate in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Torabi, H. Salinity effect on proline, photosynthetic pigments and leaf relative water content in chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) in hydroponic condition [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 89-103]
  • Torabi, Maryam Evaluation of wheat genotype tolerance to late-session heat stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 25-43]
  • Torabi Gayklou, Mousa Investigation of the effects of ABA on alleviating drought stress in Lilium ledebourii Bioss under in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 141-154]
  • Torabi Gayklou, Mousa Investigation of the effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on morphological, physiological, and antioxidative enzymes of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic stress [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 23-45]
  • Toupchi Khosrowshahi, Zhila Effect of polyamines on antioxidative responses of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) under drought stress [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 157-171]


  • Vafaee, Yavar Cloning, sequencing and expression analysis of C4H gene in Ferula pseudalliacea [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 35-48]
  • Vahdati, Kourosh Effect of medium, explants and BA on somatic embryogenesis induction in tow Iranian native orchids [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 119-132]
  • Vahdati, Kourosh Moderate salinity stress and its effect on water conservation capacity of in vitro plants of Persian walnut during desiccation [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 85-99]
  • Vahidpour, Hossein Agronomical strategy of plant density and nitrogen on winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield in interference with Lepyrpdiclis (Lepyrodiclis holosteoides Fenzl.) population [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 19-42]
  • Vakili, Sh. Genetic analysis of resistant to Septoria tritici Blotch using Diallel crosses [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 239-244]
  • Vanda, Mitra Investigating relationships between yield and yield components in promising cotton genotypes (Gossypiume hirsutum L.) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 41-55]
  • Varasteh, F. Study of the effect of potassium permanganate on the biochemical characteristics of onion (Allium cepa) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 135-149]
  • Varasteh, Feryal Evaluation of Physicochemical Traits of Thorny and Thornless Blackberries at Ripening and During Storage [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 21-39]
  • Varasteh, Feryal Evaluation of the response of two Strawberry cultivars to biological fertilizers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Vazieea, Shahrzad The role of gibberellic acid, temperature and scarification on in/ex vitro germination of Rosa persica Michx ex Juss. [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 231-245]
  • Vojodi, Parviz Investigating the effect of combining different weed control methods on vegetative growth and harvest index of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 69-88]


  • Waez-Mousavi, Seyed Mohammad Effect of black summer truffle fungus (Tuber aestivum) on the activity of antioxidant enzymes of oak (Quercus castaneifolia) and paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) under water stress [(Articles in Press)]
  • Wang, Changquang The role of gibberellic acid, temperature and scarification on in/ex vitro germination of Rosa persica Michx ex Juss. [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 231-245]


  • Yaghoubi, Bijan Efficacy of some new herbicides for barnyardgrass controlling (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv) in different rice genotypes [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 169-184]
  • Yaghoubian, Yasser Quantify the response of growth and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) medicinal plant to cadmium concentration in the soil [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 165-185]
  • Yaghoubian, Yasser Effect of light intensity in response to cold stress on morphological and physiological traits of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) medicinal plant [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 1-20]
  • Yaghoubian, Yasser The effect of biochar on the improvement of some morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) grown in chromium-contaminated soil [(Articles in Press)]
  • Yaghubi, M. The effect of crop rotation with corn on nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) seed bank and seedling spatial distribution [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 211-226]
  • Yamchi, A. Sequencing and phylogenic study of aox2 gene in Anthemideae subfamily [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 217-229]
  • Yamchi, Ahad Cloning and sequencing of p- insulin gene isolated from Momordica charantia and in silico analysis of three dimension of protein structure [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 279-288]
  • Yamchi, Ahad Genetic differences and heritability using morphological and phytochemical traits of some Iranian apples [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-147]
  • Yamchi, Ahad Evaluation of Some Morphological Traits and Amount of Vinblastine, Vincristine and Ajmalicine Alkaloids in Different Organs of Prewinkle Cultivars (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. DON) [Volume 28, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 53-66]
  • Yarahmadi, Saeid Evaluation of wheat genotype tolerance to late-session heat stress [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 25-43]
  • Yavari, Alireza Genetic Diversity of Salvia santolinifolia Boiss Ecotypes Growing in Hormozgan Province Using Morphological Traits [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 279-296]
  • Yavari, Alireza The effect of tray cell volume and humic acid on morphological and physiological characteristics of tomato transplant (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-245]
  • Yavari, Alireza Evaluation of yield and constituent compounds of fresh and dried Lavandula angustifolia L. essential oil in different harvesting times [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 153-170]
  • Yazdandoost Hamadani, Moammad Yield Stability Assessment of Winter Oilseed Rape Lines in Cold Regions of Iran Using AMMI Model [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 85-96]
  • Yazdanian, Mohsen Evaluation of protein and total phenolics changes in susceptible and resistant varieties of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves infected by PVY [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 129-153]
  • Yazdani-Biouki, Rostam The effects of glycine betaine on some morphological and physiological characteristics of Salsola imbricata L. under salinity stress. [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 97-113]
  • Yegane, Farank Evaluation of Physicochemical Traits of Thorny and Thornless Blackberries at Ripening and During Storage [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 21-39]
  • Yonesabadi, Tahereh Evaluation of joint application of auxin and some chemical compounds to induce root in olive cuttings [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 41-54]
  • Yosefi, Akram Effect of Different Concentrations of Indole Butyric Acid and Benzyl Adenine on the Regeneration of Raspberry (Rubus idaeus.) in vitro [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 123-140]
  • Yosefi, Mansoreh Evaluation of Incompatibility and Traits of some Plant Growth Regulators on the Quality and Quantity of Red Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 57-73]
  • Younesi, O. The effect of growth promoting bacteria (GPB) and mycorrhizal fungi on seedling emergence, early eestablishment and growth of alfalfa (Medicago sative) under salinity stress condition. [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 105-125]
  • Yousefi, Akhtar Changes in yield, vegetative, physiological and biochemical characteristics of strawberry cv. Aromas under effect of electrical conductivity of nutrient solution caused by sodium chloride [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 283-298]
  • Yousefi, Rahman The effect of micro- and nanoparticles of silicon dioxide (SiO2) on some qualitative characteristics and nutrient elements of strawberry fruit (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 97-113]
  • Yousefshahi, Behnaz Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of substrate components in the production process of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Yousefshahi, Behnaz The use of agricultural wastes to produce Iranian isolate of Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. and evaluation its performance and some pharmacological properties [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-109]
  • Yousefshahi, Behnaz Production of Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. on agricultural wastes and evaluation of total polysaccharide and yield [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 139-162]
  • Yousefshahi, Behnaz Cultivation of garden thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris L.) in vitro and investigating the effects of ventilation, silica and sucrose concentration on its growth and development [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 23-46]


  • Zaare-Nahandi, Fariborz Effect of sodium nitroprusside on growth, physiological and biochemical characters of Solanum tuberosum cv. Agria under salinity stress on in vitro condition [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 155-167]
  • Zabihi, Hasan Spatial yield prediction of winter rapeseed based on non-parametric methods (Application in spatial agricultural planning) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 199-217]
  • Zaefarian, Faezeh Assessment of growth indices of soybean, vegetative sweet basil and borage in intercropping different ratios [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 1-26]
  • Zaefarian, Faezeh Effect of fertilizer sources on physiological and biochemical traits of rosemary (Rosmarinusofficinalis L.) in competition with weeds [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 67-84]
  • Zaefarian, Faezeh The effect of different nutritional systems on yield and yield components of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in competition and non- competition with weeds [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-77]
  • Zaefarian, Faezeh Agronomical strategy of plant density and nitrogen on winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield in interference with Lepyrpdiclis (Lepyrodiclis holosteoides Fenzl.) population [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 19-42]
  • Zaefarian, Faezeh Investigation biochemical characteristics and yield of savory (Satureja hortensis L.) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- greacum L.) in intercropping conditions with simultainous weed competition [Volume 28, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 1-23]
  • Zaefarian, Faezeh Evaluation of phytochemical properties, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidants of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), peas (pisum sativum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in monoculture and intercropping [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 49-68]
  • Zaefarian, Faezeh The response of yield and yield components of different ecotypes of black cumin to seed priming with humic acid and biozinc [(Articles in Press)]
  • ZafarSohrabpour, Yasin Study of the effects of dusts on the morphological and physiological traits of some crops [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 205-220]
  • Zahed, Mahbobe An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zahedi, Bahman Evaluation of the effect of drouth stress on growth, esential oil and some physiological traits of four Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) cultivars [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 201-213]
  • Zahravi, Mehdi Screening of Bread Wheat Genotypes for Identifying Tolerance Genetic Resources to Salinity [Volume 26, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 1-23]
  • Zainli-Nejad, Khalil Evaluation of resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondiata f. sp. tritici Eriksson) and comparison of yield components of Ajilops tauschii genotypes in field conditions [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 191-207]
  • Zakeritabar Amiri, Seyed Mehdi Effect of sucrose and glutamine foliar spray on seed yield and nutritional value in three broad bean cultivars [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 151-169]
  • Zakizadeh, Hedayat Evalution the symbiosis of three mycorrhizae fungi species on biochemical characteristics of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and Agropyron (Agropyron elongatum) turfgrasses under drought stress conditions [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • Zamani, seyedeh masoumeh Effect of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor on some physiological and morphological characteristics of Populus alba under drought stress and cytospora canker conditions [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 47-68]
  • Zamani, Zabihollah Effects of Drought Stress Levels on Some Morphological and Physiological Traits to Select The Most Tolerant ones as a Rootstock [Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-56]
  • Zamanipour, Mahboubeh Comparison of some of the quantitative and qualitative properties of new cherry cultivars in the conditions of Razavi Khorasan province [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 103-119]
  • Zamanipour, Mahbube Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of 35 Promising Hybrids and Genotypes of Apricot under Khorasan Razavi province conditions [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 61-88]
  • Zand, Eskandar An algorithmic approach for determining the optimal sowing dates for crops in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zand, Eskandar Estimation of post-harvest losses/wastes for agricultural products in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zangani, Esmaeil Exogenous Sodium nitroprusside application on the antioxidant enzymes activity and active substance yield in milk thistle under drought stress [Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 93-110]
  • Zarabi, Mohammad Mehdi Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of substrate components in the production process of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) [Volume 28, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 131-146]
  • Zarabi, Mohammad Mehdi The use of agricultural wastes to produce Iranian isolate of Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. and evaluation its performance and some pharmacological properties [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-109]
  • Zarandi, M. Interaction effects between weeds and seed priming on growth Indices on different seed lots of seedy watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 31-51]
  • Zare, Amin Effects of organic, biological and chemical fertilizers on quantitative traits of seedless barberry [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 87-100]
  • Zare, Nasser The effect of seed pretreatment with sodium hydrogen sulfide and salicylic acid on germination, morphological and biochemical indicators of quinoa seedlings in the greenhouse [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zarei, Hossein Study on the season of cutting, substrate and coconut juice on the rooting of Maymars juniper cuttings [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 15-28]
  • Zarei, Hossein Investigation of the effect of different light sources on some physiological and morphological characteristics of samurai rose [Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 185-202]
  • Zarei, Hossein Biochemical characteristics, yield and quality of ‘Jumilia’ rose grown under different light sources in the greenhouse condition [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-19]
  • Zarei, Hossein Evaluation of the combined use of auxin and nutrients for root stimulation in stem cuttings of Ligustrum lucidum [Volume 31, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Zarei, Mahsa Optimization of micropropagation for commercial medicinal plant of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) through in vitro culture of shoot tip explant [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 27-40]
  • Zarooshan, Mahboobeh Effect of silicon and nano silicon application on wheat (C3) and sorghum (C4) under salinity stress [Volume 29, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 173-190]
  • Zavareh, Mohsen Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on some biochemical characteristics of barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Sahra) under salinity stress [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 171-189]
  • Zaynali Nezhad, Khalil Evaluation and selection of rice mutant lines based on drought tolerance indices [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 15-31]
  • Zeinalabedini, Mehrshad Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Zeinali, Abaas The Effect of Organic, Biofertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) [Volume 27, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 131-152]
  • Zeinali, Ebrahim Allometric relationships between leaf area and vegetative characteristics in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-22]
  • Zeinali, Ebrahim Evaluation of energy use in wheat production in Gorgan [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 143-171]
  • Zeinali, Ebrahim Investigating the effect of changes in the yield of winter rainfed crops on comparative advantage and social profit. [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-55]
  • Zeinali, Ebrahim Estimating blue and green water footprints in rice production in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zeinali Mobarakeh, Zahra Evaluation of climate change effects and adaptation strategies on grain yield and water use efficiency of irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum): A cae study in Khorasan Razavi province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 71-87]
  • Zeinalnejad, Khalil Identification of HMW glutenin subunits in cultivars and promising lines of bread wheat using STS markers [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zeinaloo, A. Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Olive Cultivars [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-21]
  • Zeinalzadeh-Tabrizi, Hossein The Effect of Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on the Yield of Non-dehiscent Sesame in Sari and Moghan [Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 171-188]
  • Zeinanloo, Ali Asghar The effect of covariate of alternate bearing in adaptation studies in olive (Olea europaea L.) [Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 229-247]
  • Zeinanloo, Ali Asghar Differential display of heat stress tolerance of olive cultivars ‘Zard’ and ‘Direh’ based on physiological and biochemical indexes as well as PPO and PAL genes expression pattern [Volume 28, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 65-79]
  • Zenalinezhad, Khalil Stability analysis of advanced bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.( lines using AMMI method [Volume 29, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 127-141]
  • Zenalinezhad, Khalil Evaluation of grain yield stability and allelic diversity of glutenin subunits with low molecular weight in advanced lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zhou, Guisheng Changes of yield and yield components of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under the effects of ultraviolet radiation and abscisic acid application in water deficit stress conditions [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 101-117]
  • Ziaolhagh, Hamid reza Evaluation of Antifungal Effect of Thyme and Peppermint Essential Oils and Their Major Monoterpenes in Controlling Verticillium Fungus on Pistachios [Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 183-199]
  • Zibaei, Zahra Effect of rice husk biochar on growth and micronutrients concentration of holy basil (Ocimum sanctum L.) under water stress [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 101-114]
  • Zivdar, Shohreh Seasonal dynamics of nutrients in leaves of olive trees [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zivdar, Shohreh Evaluation of pomological and phenological traits of superior walnut genotypes in Farsan, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zolfagharnejad, H. Quantifying of germination rate response to temperature of three sunflower varieties using nonlinear regression models [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 119-136]