Keywords = Ion leakage
Morphophysiological response of Aeluropus littoralis to Bisphenol A in symbiosis with mycorrhiza

Volume 28, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 147-165


Meysam Nejadsahebi; Azizollah Khandan-Mirkohi; Mohsen Kafi

Investigate the effects of the Benzyladenin and Hydrogen Peroxide on Vase Life of the Anthurium andraenum

Volume 27, Issue 2, August 2020, Pages 153-166


Mitraa Fazel kouhi; Esmaeil Chamani; Younes Pourbeyrami hir; Seiede Karim Tahami; Hassan Maleki Lajayer

Effects of Drought Stress Levels on Some Morphological and Physiological Traits to Select The Most Tolerant ones as a Rootstock

Volume 27, Issue 1, June 2020, Pages 41-56


Pegah Bahrani; Ali Ebadi; Zabihollah Zamani; Mohammd Reza Fatahi moghadam