Increased podophyllotoxin production and phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity in cell culture of Linum album by methyl jasmonate

Document Type : original paper


Tarbiat modares university


Linum album L. is containing pharmaceutical composition Podophyllotoxin(PTOX) which is currently being used as a precursor to semi-synthetic anticancer drugs etoposide, teniposide and etopophos. Cell culture is as an important source for the production of PTOX. Several strategies, including treatment with elicitors have shown for enhanced production of secondary metabolites in cell culture system as well as elicitor cconcentration, the time of application and type of medium culture. These factors affect signal transduction pathways, leading to changes in gene expression and the production of metabolites as defense responses against stress. In a time course study, the effect of 100µM methyl jasmonate on accumulation of podophyllotoxin were studied after 1, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h in cell culture system. According to the results, cell growth was not changed by treatments. Podophyllotoxin production was enhanced and received to 0.32 mg/g dry weight after 48 h. To understand the functional of methyl jasmonate on biosynthesis of PTOX was determined phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity. This activity promoted 6 h after the addition of methyl jasmonate to the cell suspension culture. The enhancement of PTOX correspond the PAL activity increment.
