Effect of seed priming on seed germination indexes of six ornamental seasonal plants

Document Type : original paper



Background and objectives : Rapid germination of margin plants, including : Zinnia, calandula, carnation, daisy, gazania and rudbeckia accelerates the creation of landscape (green lands). Priming is one of the increasing and accelerating treatments of seed germination. During priming, the seeds absorb water so that the early stages of seed germination is done, but does not appear the radicle. Priming causes to uniformity of germination and shorten the time from planting to emergence and seed protection against biotic and abiotic factors in the critical stage of seedling establishment (growth and development). Chemical compounds penetrate into the embryo and stimulate metabolic activity often effective in inducing germination. Since the rapid preparation of seasonal plants is important in successful landscape creation, Therefore, objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of seed priming on germination of some seasonal and margin planting ornamental seeds.
Materials and methods : Two-factor factorial experiment in a completely randomized design ( CRD ) with three replications had been carried out to evaluate the effect of seed priming on seed germination indices of 6 seasonal plants including : calandula (Calandula officinalis L.), carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), zinnia (Zinnia elegans L.), daisy (Bellis perennis L.), gazania (Gazania splendens L.) and rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta L.). Treatments consisted of control, 50 mgl-1 gibberellin, NaCl 1% and distilled water. Evaluated traits were germination percent, seed germination value, germination rate, daily mean germination and daily peak germination. Germination curve of trial plants was drawn under different treatments.
Results: The results showed that carnations, zinnia and daisy have the highest percentage of germination and the lowest germination was related to Gazania. Among the priming treatments, Priming with water have the highest germination and maximum germination percentage (PV). In interaction effects, "daisy × without priming" had the highest impact on the germination percentage (ger %), mean daily germination (MDG), germination value (GV), number of germination per day and the maximum percentage of seed germination (Ger %). "Daisy × priming with NaCl 1%" (hallo-priming) had the highest impact on germination percentage and seeds mean germination.
Conclusion : Based on results, response of various species seeds to priming treatments was not the same, but priming generally causes to improve of seed germination. In this research, hydro-priming (priming with water) resulted in maximum germination, since hydro-priming is simple, cheap and without chemicals, we can suggest this manner to propagators.
Keywords : Seed priming, Seeds germination, ornamental plants


Main Subjects

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