Red Plastic Mulch Effect on Antioxidant Activity and Quality Characteristics in Different of Differents Strawberry Cultivars

Document Type : original paper


Background and objectives; The use of mulch, especially plastic mulch not only causes premature fruit, but also its effective to increase of yield, fruit quality and flavour. Plastic mulch in addition to increasing productivity and fruit quality, reduce water losses through evaporation, prevent the growth of weeds and ultimately reduce the use of herbicides. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of red plastic mulch on qualitative characteristics and antioxidant activity of different varieties of strawberries.
Material and methods; In this study, to evaluate the effect of plastic mulch red on quality characteristics of different varieties of strawberry fruit, an experiment was conduct based on randomized complete block design with three treatments included ( Camarosa, Silva and Gavietta) with three replications during farming season 2015-2016 in Agricultural sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU) research farm, Sari, Iran. Fruits, depending on the speed of the ripening were taken in a period of 4 days and after each harvest, the fruit of each plant is carefully weighed and fruits antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and flavonoids were measured. Strawberry yield data and fruit phytochemical content data were an analyzed using ANOVA of SAS software (SAS 9.2), and the SNK post hoc test was employed to compare treatment means.
Results; The results showed that the red plastic mulch have significant effect on yield and fruit quality in strawberry cultivars. As with the fruit yield of strawberry cultivars Silva 17859.35 g/per plant) was more than the other two varieties. Fruit anthocyanin in Camarosa and Gavietta cultivars, with (80.56 mg /100g) and (77.2 mg /100g) higher than Silva cultivar with(69.26 mg /100g), respectively. but there was no significant difference between the two cultivars. The content of total phenolic and flavonoids fruits of Camarosa with 55.53 mg /g and 60.16 mg/g was higher than the other cultivars, respectively. Also, the results showed that the red plastic mulch had no significant effect on antioxidant activity of different cultivars.
Conclusion; Based on the findings, strawberry fruit yield in Silva was higher than to the tow cultivars. Also, higher anthocyanin content, phenol and flavonoid content of Camarosa strawberry fruit can be genetic potential of Camarosa and quality of reflected light from the red mulch attributed. It is believed that in this study, genetic potential of cultivars and optical quality of the environment surrounding the plant, has an important role in improving the quality of strawberry fruit


Main Subjects

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