Evaluation of resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondiata f. sp. tritici Eriksson) and comparison of yield components of Ajilops tauschii genotypes in field conditions

Document Type : scientific research article


1 Department of plant breeding and biotechnology, faculty of plant production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology - Faculty of Plant Production - Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

3 Department of plant breeding and biotechnology ,Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

4 Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Golestan,Iran

5 Employee - Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources


Background and purpose: It is essential to identify the sources of seedling and adult plant resistance genes for gene pyramiding, genetic arrangement and creation of wheat cultivars with non-specific resistance or durable resistance. The complete homology of the D genome of Aegilops tauschii with the D genome of wheat, the clear botanical state, wide ecological compatibility, the presence of very high diversity in these traits and the ease of crossing with wheat have made Aegilops tauschii a very important source for gene transfer and wheat breeding. Until now, several genes of resistance to brown rust (leaf rust) were transferred from different species of Aegilops to high-yielding bread wheat cultivars whose resistance to brown rust was broken.
Materials and methods: In this research, 25 genotypes of Aegilops tauschii collected from its natural habitats from the Middle East, Central Asia (obtained from the Grain and Legume Seeds Collection of Ilam University) were used. This research was carried out in the Iraqi Agricultural Research Station in Gorgan, Iran in the cropping season of 2019-2019 in the form of a complete block design in three replications and under two disease stress and control conditions. In order to development and appearance of brown rust disease, the sensitive Bolani variety was cultivated around and between the crop rows. In addition, spore of the native races from Gorgan was sprayed over the studied genotypes under the stress condition. Inoculation with a ratio of one to five spores and Talc powder was applied at the two stages at sunset by dusting device.
Findings: The results showed that there was a significant difference among different genotypes of Aegilops tauschii in terms of susceptibility and resistance to brown rust disease and the measured resistance components. Statistical analyzes showed a significant correlation between the characteristics of infection intensity, infection type, the area under the curve of disease progression, and various characteristics of performance components. The results of cluster analysis by Ward's method based on Euclidean distance and average algorithm for the resistance traits and the performance component traits were placed the genotypes into four different groups including resistant, semi-resistant, semi-sensitive, and sensitive. Also, based on the results of combined analysis, a significant difference was observed for the yield components including kernel weight, number of kernel per plant, length of spike, number of kernel per spike and number of tillers under two conditions.
General conclusion: Aegilops tauschii, having different genes for resistance to various diseases, is considered as a valuable parent and a rich gene source for transferring resistant genes to high-yielding cultivars. The results of this research showed that from the resistant and semi-resistant groups, suitable parents can be selected for crossbreeding with bread wheat in order to transfer the resistance gene to leaf rust.


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