Document Type : original paper
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Crop Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
Background and Objective: Seed priming is a common solution to increase the percentage, rate and uniformity of seed germination and sprouting under adverse environmental conditions, which can increase resistance to environmental stress in plants. Recently, the use of biological, organic fertilizers and micro nutreint for priming of seeds to improve the quality and quantity of crops has become popular. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the reaction of yield and yield component of different black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) ecotypes to priming of seeds with humic acid and biozinc.
Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted in a factorial form based on randomized complete blocks design in three replications in the research farm of Golestan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Training Center during 2022-2023 growing season. The treatments included no priming (control), seed priming with humic acid and biozinc and three black cumin ecotypes (Indian, Syrian and Iranian). Taking notes of the phenological stages of the plants twice a week and entering each phenological stage was considered based on the observation of 80% of the plants reaching that stage. Also, after the maturity of the plants, the traits of the number of capsules per plant, the number of seeds per capsule, the weight of seeds per capsule, the total dry weight of a single plant, the weight of 1000 seeds, the number and percentage of hollow and filled capsules per plant, the number follicles per capsule, seed yield and harvest index were measured.
Results: The results indicated that with the passage of time, different ecotypes of black cumin were different in terms of different phenological stages; So that over time, the Indian ecotypes took the least time necessary to pass through the phenological stages. Based on the results, the highest number of hollow capsules was found in the Syrian ecotype without priming and the lowest one was obtained for the priming Indian ecotypes; while the highest number of filled capsules was observed in the priming Indian and Iranian ecotypes. Also, the highest total seed weight per plant and total plant weight were observed in the Indian ecotypes primed with biozinc and humic acid. In addition, the priming of seeds with humic and biozinc acid caused an increase of 2.12 and 1.71% in the weight of one thousand seeds compared to no priming. It is worth mentioning that the maximum and minimum economic yield obtained (163.53 and 71.43 g.m-2, respectively) were also seen in the Indian ecotypes primed with biozinc and the Iranian ecotype without priming, respectively. The highest estimated harvest index related to the Indian ecotype primed with humic acid with an average of 43.77% and the lowest one with an average of 8.53% was observed in the Iranian ecotype without priming.
Conclusion: If the goal is to achieve the highest grain yield, the Indian ecotypes with priming of biozinc and humic acid can be a suitable option to achieve higher yields.
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