Document Type : scientific research article
Research and Technology Institute of Plant Production, Afzalipour Research Institute,, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran
College of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
Background and objectives: Considering the important role of medicinal plants including safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) in Iran and Kerman province, application of some microorganisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and growth-promoting bacteria can be important in order to improve the growth indices of safflower. Medicinal plants have useful properties due to their secondary metabolites, and also these plants play an important role in preserving ecosystems, economic development, food security and genetic reserves in Iran. Due to various reasons, the cultivation of medicinal plants is not so simple and sometimes not possible. Among these reasons, we can mention low growth speed, special environmental requirements, low germination rate, seed dormancy period, and sensitivity to some pests and diseases. Since in natural ecosystems, 90% of plant roots co-exist with mycorrhizal fungi and the result of this symbiosis is the activity of the fungus in the direction of absorbing and transferring nutrients to the host plant and receiving carbon compounds resulting from the photosynthesis of the host plant by the symbiotic fungus, therefore such plants , due to the absorption of more nutrients and water, they have better growth and performance and show greater tolerance against various biotic (such as pathogenic factors) and non-biotic (such as lack or poisoning of food, drought, salinity and heavy elements) stresses.
Materials and methods: For this purpose, an experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of Research and Technology Institute of Plant Production, Shahid Bahoner University of Kerman, Kerman in a factorial based on a completely randomized design in three replications on two safflower cultivars (Goldasht and 6N). In this study, two species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi including Funneliformis mosseae and Rhizophagus intraradices, and two bacterial species, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida were used, and the effect of these treatments on the growth, functional and physiological indices of safflower was investigated.
Results: The results showed that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and growth-promoting bacteria increased the growth and photosynthetic indices in both safflower cultivars. In general, Goldasht cultivar revealed more response to microbial inoculation compared to 6N cultivar. Out of all treatments, treatment of mycorrhizal fungi and combined application of mycorrhizal fungi with both bacteria in two cultivars affected more traits. The combined application of mycorrhizal fungi with both bacteria increased the seed yield in safflower by 40%.
Conclusion: The mutual effects between plant genotype and microbial inoculation on morphological and photosynthetic traits showed that both factors can be involved in improving plant growth and performance. As a result, the application of beneficial microorganisms especially the combination of mycorrhizal fungi and growth-promoting bacteria are effective and therefore recommended for improving the quality of agricultural products.
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