Alleviation of water deficit effects in forage pea (Pisum arvense L.) by organic fertilizers application and supplementary irrigation

Document Type : scientific research article


1 Former M.Sc. Student of Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Iran.

2 Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia-Iran.

3 Department of Plant Production and Genetics Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Khorramabad-Iran



Background and objectives: Legumes are plants that are strong in protein and fix nitrogen biologically, which makes them an important source of both quantity and quality sustenance for human populations. Water deficit is one of the most important parameters limiting the growth and production of plants. Many physiological processes in plants, including enzyme activity, membrane stability, photosynthesis, respiration, ion absorption, carbohydrate and nutrient metabolism, and finally growth, are disrupted due to water deficiet. Supplementary irrigation and the use of organic fertilizers are one of the important methods for mitigating the negative effects of water deficiet and preventing harm caused by the indiscriminate application of chemical fertilizers. The purpose of this research was to reduce the consumption of chemical fertilizers and use of organic fertilizers, as well as to understand the effect of supplementary irrigation in rainy conditions on the characteristics of forage pea.

Materials and methods: In this research the effect of organic fertilizers (application of 10 t ha-1 of vermicompost, 20 t ha-1 of cow manure and without organic fertilizer (control)) and supplementary irrigation (once irrigation at the 50% flowering stage, twice irrigations at the 50% flowering and 50% podding stages and no-irrigation (control)) were investigated on morphophysiological characteristics and grain filling components of forage pea. The factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in farming at the agricultural service center of Kora Sani in Salmas city in West Azarbaijan province in 2022.

Results: Water deficit stress compared to once and twice supplementary irrigation increased the leaves proline content by 42.2 and 48.7% respectively, and decreased total chlorophyll content by 40.3 and 50.3%, carotenoid content by 46.7 and 58.9%, the amount of soluble sugars by 32.3 and 36.7%, rate grain filling by 16.6 and 31.3% and grain yield by 28.1 and 57.5%, respectively. On the other hand, the use of cow manure and vermicompost improved proline content by 20.5 and 40.6%, soluble sugars by 43.6 and 49.1%, total chlorophyll content by 28.7 and 37.3%, carotenoid content by 86.2 and 85.2%, rate grain filling by 44.6 and 49.2% and grain yield by 39.8 and 81.8%, respectively, in comparison without fertilizer (control). The positive effect of vermicompost and cow manure on grain yield both under stress conditions (without irrigation) and supplementary irrigation conditions can be attributed to the high rate grain filling and the improvement of other morphological and physiological traits.

Conclusion: Cow manure and vermicompost appear to partially mitigate the negative effects of drought stress by lowering oxidative stress induced damage to photosynthetic pigments and enhancing the production of suitable osmolytes like as proline and soluble sugars, so it is possible to use these fertilizers in conjunction with once or twice supplementary irrigations to improve forage pea yield and yield components under rainfed conditions.


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