Effects of Amino Acids on Morpho-Physiological and Essential Oil Attributes of Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. in Drought Stress

Document Type : scientific research article


Corresponding Author, Research Center of Nutrition and Organic Products (R.C.N.O.P), Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran.


Background and objectives: Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. commonly known as Badrandjboie-Dennaie and Zarrin-Giah called in Farsi, belongs to the family Lamiaceae, is one of the endangered endemic species in Iran. The main compounds of the essential oil from D.kotachyi are Monoterpene hydrocarbons category (alpha-pinene, gamma-terpinene, neral, geranial, nerol, geraniol, limonene, carvacrol and thymol), Oxygenated monoterpenes category (alpha-campholene aldehyde), Sesquiterpenes (caryophyllene) and geranyl acetate from Acetates of carboxylic acids category. The environmental factors cause changes in the growth, quantity, and quality of active substances (such as alkaloids, glycosides, steroids and volatile oils) in the medicinal and aromatic plants. Among environmental stresses, water deficit stress plays an important role in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in medicinal and aromatic plants in arid and semi-arid regions like Iran. Drought stress has detrimental effects on plants growth and yield and can upset the balance between the antioxidant defense system and free radicals by stimulating a series of biochemical reactions, where free radicals cause cell damage. Amino acids have important role to tolerance of drought stress. Therefore, this study was done to evaluate the foliar application of amino-acids on the morpho-physiological and phytochemical characters of D.kotachyi to determine and introduce the best amino-acid under water stress.
Materials and methods: This investigation was done from spring (May) 2022 to fall (September) 2023 in Shahrekord, Iran. The present study was conducted in split plot layout in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Three irrigation regimes (3, 6, 9 day interval) in main plots and foliar application of amino (methionine, lysine, phenylalanine and proline) and control level (without any spraying) in sub plots were done. In each year, treatments were applied in stage of and the sampling was performed in flowering stage. Foliar application was done in three stages (since V4-V8 stage) once every 10 days (before harvest) in the early morning. The essential oils were extracted by hydro-distillation and analyzed using GC/MS.
Results: According to obtained results, applied amino acids significantly influenced the morpho-physiological and phytochemical characters of Dracocephalum kotschyi. In two years, the highest chlorophyll content (2.33-2.59 mg.g-1FW), total phenol content (2.31-2.45 mg.g-1FW), essential oil contents (1.01-1.12 %) were obtained in methionine (2.5 g.l-1) and phenylalanine (100 µM) treatments by irrigation regimes 3 day interval. According to the biennial results of the chemical analysis of the essential oils from by GC/MS, the most important chemical compounds that determine the quality of D.kotachyi essential oil included Monoterpene hydrocarbons category such as alpha-pinene (23.51-24.54 %), neral (12.92-14.51 %), geranial (14.54-16.23 %), limonene (8.92-9.21 %), and Geranyl acetate (8.92-9.21 %) from acetates of carboxylic acids category. Alpha-pinene belonging to monoterpene hydrocarbons was the predominant constituent of essential oil of Dracocephalum kotschyi.
Conclusion: Morpho-physiological and essential oil of Dracocephalum kotschyi had significant differences by amino acids and irrigation regimes. Foliar application of methionine and phenylalanine significantly increased the monoterpene hydrocarbons compounds in essential oils of D.kotachyi so that the content of these compounds in treated plants by amino acids approximately 45% was more than the control plants. Finally, the application of methionine at 2.5 g.l-1 can be a good strategy to improve morpho-physiological characters and essential oil quantity and quality of D.kotachyi in same climates.


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