Main Subjects = plant pest
Monitoring the effects of bentazon, betanal progress and nicosulfuron herbicides on Kautsky curve changes

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 03 September 2024


زینب Avarseji; Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari; Abbas Biabani

Evaluation of 2,4-D leaching potential via soybeans and cucumbers bioassay at different levels of manure

Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2023, Pages 141-160


Taher Ajami; zeinab Avarseji; Ebrahim Gholamalipour Alamdari; Abdollatif Gholizadeh

The feasibility of some invasive weeds presence in Golestan province

Volume 25, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 141-153


Hossein Kazemi; Bahnam Kamkar

Investigation of the possibility of increasing efficiency of Pinoxaden and Clodinafop by different application methods of these herbicides

Volume 22, Issue 3, January 2016, Pages 243-260

zeinab Avarseji; Mohammad Hasan Rashed Mohassel; Ahmad Nezami; Asiyeh Siyahmarguei

Reaction to septoria leaf blotch in a number of elite genotypes of bread wheat

Volume 22, Issue 3, January 2016, Pages 329-335

Elham Mahmudi; Akram Aghamolai; Shaban Kia; Saied Nasrolahnejad

A forecasting model for potato late blight in Gorgan

Volume 21, Issue 4, March 2015, Pages 99-116

Mohammad Aghajani